Category of protection: 4
International importance:
It is included in the list of the protected plants in 1964 and in the Red List of Belarus of the 1st and 2nd editions (1981, 1993). The protected plant of Latvia.
Perennial grassy plant 40-60 cm high with an upright stalk and a long branched horizontal rhizome. The lower stem leaves neparnoperistorassechenny with 2-3 couples of gear leaflets, the most top integral. An inflorescence - a top brush; flowers lilac-pink or light-violet, seldom white, with a diameter of 1,5-2,0 cm. In bosoms of leaves there are violet-brown, blackish or dark green lukovichka. Fruits – narrow struchochka up to 3 cm long.
Not moral relic look widespread in the broad-leaved woods of the Atlantic, Central and Eastern Europe, the Mediterranean, Asia Minor, the Caucasus, Iran. The East European part of an area includes Baltic, Ukraine, the southern half of Russia (to the Pskov and Moscow Region in the north) . In Belarus is on northeast border of an area, meets in all areas. Single locations are known in the Vitebsk, Gorodoksky, Lepelsky and Lioznensky districts of the Vitebsk Region and in Dyatlovsky, Ivyevsky, Oshmyansky, Svislochsky and Shchuchinsky districts of the Grodno region. In other areas meets more often. In the Brest Region it is found in Berezovsky, Brest, Gantsevichsky, Ivanovskoye, Ivatsevichsky, Kobrin, Luninetsky, Lyakhovichsk, Maloritsk, Pinsk, Pruzhansky and Stolinsky districts; in the Gomel Region – in Zhitkovichsky, Kalinkovichsky, Mazyr, October, Svetlogorsk, the Recyca and Hoyniksky districts; in the Minsk Region – in Borisovsky, Volozhinsky, Lyubansky, Pukhovichsky, Slutsk, Starodorozhsky, Stolbtsovsky and Uzdensky districts; in the Mogilev Region – in Belynichsky, Babruysk, Kirov, Klichevsky, Kostyukovichsky, Osipovichsky and Cherikovsky districts. Earlier it was noted in vicinities of Hills (Gorecki the district of the Mogilev Region) in Bialowieza Forest, vicinities of Grodno, Mazyr, of Porechye (Pinsky district) and of Molodovo (The Ivanovo district) of the Brest Region, Parichy (The Svetlogorsk district of the Gomel Region), Buda-Koshelevo, of Zhornovki (Osipovichsky district of the Mogilev Region). Coniferous (Hoyniksky district of the Gomel Region ti) and in the Mogilev province.
The crude shady broad-leaved and mixed woods on soils rich with a humus.
Blossoms at the end of May - June. It is pollinated by insects (entomofit). Blossoms regularly, but, as a rule, fruits fall down underdeveloped. Breeds vegetativno by means of easily breaking off and falling down vyvodkovy lukovichek and rhizomes.
Number and tendency of its change:
In the majority of locations meets single individuals or not numerous groups absent-mindedly on the areas of 0,5-1,0 hectares. The largest populations are revealed in the Recyca district of the Gomel region.
Major factors of threat:
Quickly disappears from fitotsenoz as a result of the anthropogenous interventions changing the modes of lighting and moistening in look habitats: drying and meliorative works, including in adjacent territories, cabins of the wood of the main use; badly transfers trampling, pasturage and run of cattle.
Protection measures:
Grows in territories of national parks "Bialowieza Forest" and "Pripyat", reserves - Berezinsky biospheric and Polesia radiation and ecological, wildlife areas - "Baranovichsky", "Bugsky", "Buslovka", "Vygonoshchanskoye", "the Divin-Veliky wood", "Zavishye", "Lukovo", "Luninsky", "Obrovo", "Popelevo", "Rukhchansky", "Tyrvovichi", "Hmelevka" and others. It is cultivated in the Central botanical garden NAN of Belarus. It is necessary to exclude anthropogenous influence in places of growth (selective cabins, sanitary cabins of leaving are admissible).
Originators: Blazhevich R. Yu.
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