Their names are inseparable from Kobrin

  • history

Bon Sforts


The queen Bona - one of the most ambiguous figures in the Belarusian history. Beauty wife, good mother, angry mother-in-law. At everything at the same time it was wise state the figure who much made for the Belarusian earth. Bon Sforts became the spouse of the head of Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the king Polish Zhigimont (Sigismund) Old in 1518. Become a widow/widower three years before, Zhigimont of I dreamed of the son. From first marriage it had two daughters, but the example of the father king Kazimir which had six sons and seven daughters haunted. Especially as absence of successors threatened to interrupt a dynasty Yagellonov (Yagayla's descendants).

  • history

Napoleon Orda


As the artist is most known for the sketches of the architectural monuments and districts connected with life and activity of the famous people in the territory of Belarus, Ukraine, Lithuania and Poland on which not only estates of acquaintances to us the Belarusian places, but also architectural monuments of other countries are represented: palaces and locks of Ukraine, Lithuania, Poland, France, etc. Thanks to Napoleon Orda's heritage we can see and estimate the architecture masterpieces imprinted by it which are not on the earth for a long time.

  • history

Suvorov Alexander Vasilyevich


A.V. Suvorov was born the general-anshefa V. I. Suvorova, senator, the person educated, the author of the first Russian military dictionary was born in a family. Under the leadership of the father Alexander studied artillery sciences, fortification, military history. In 1742 it was enlisted by the musketeer in leyb-guards the Semenovsky regiment (over a set without salary), active duty of the beginnings in 1748. In 1754 received the first officer rank — the lieutenant and appointment in the Ingermanlandsky infantry regiment. In 1756-1758 the prime minister-major served in Military board in a rank. Suvorov received baptism of fire during Seven years' war...

  • history

Sidorchuk Semyon Yulianovich


Semyon Yulianovich Sidorchuk (sort. On September 1, 1882 in Russia, in the city of Kobrin of the Grodno province, mind. in the spring of 1932 in Poland) — the Russian architect. Was born in a family of the corporal, employee of the Minsk railway gendarme police department of. Lida Vilenskaya of the province of Yulian Gerasimovich Sidorchuk and peasant Maria Kachankova. After the termination of 7 classes of Vilensky real school, in 1900 the young man entered the St. Petersburg Institute of Civil engineers of the Emperor Nicholas II. In 1906, still the student, studied architecture of the Russian North - Vologda and Arkhangelsk. In May, 1907 graduated from the Institute with a rank of the civil engineer and with the right for a rank of the X class.

  • history

Martynov Alexey Mikhaylovich


Each city has treasured names which are never forgotten. They as stars in a sky, shine long and generously, light a historical way to people, being a model of service to the Fatherland and the neighbor. For kobrinchan Alexey Mikhaylovich Martynov became such such guiding star. His life confirms Goethe's aphorism: "Talents are formed at rest, and characters – among everyday storms". Both first, and second on a course of life of Alexey Mikhaylovich Martynov of ninety five years there was quite enough. He endured two world wars, personally saw in eyes of the last Russian emperor Nicholas II, witnessed emergence, blossoming and decline of the huge state – the USSR.