National cuisine of Kobrin district

All of us got used to modern food, especially various semi-finished products and fast food. Such food is not healthy, it often does harm to our organism. Came it is time to remember an old kind Russian oven on which not only it was pleasant to lie down, but also to try the simple food cooked in it.

No ovens will replace the Russian oven. However at due practice it is possible to approach taste of those dishes which were prepared by our rural grandmothers and great-grandmothers. Nobody wrote down recipes: they were handed down, from generation to generation, from mother to the daughter...

We tried to aggregate some recipes of those dishes which were prepared by our grandmothers and great-grandmothers. It is not necessary to perceive these recipes literally: You can add, change, put them in them all the heart and soul. Let's try to enjoy at least once in a month pleasant taste of dishes once well-loved by many. All recipes were once prepared (and many prepare and now) in villages of Kobrin district and in the city of Kobrin. We think that the famous and forgotten recipes of ancient Kobrin district will be to the taste to you.

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