Prince Vladimir-Ivan Vasilkovich

Vladimir-Ioann Vasilkovich, the prince Volynsk, Roman Galitsky's grandson, was born allegedly in 1247-1249. It is mentioned in the chronicle since 1260. In 1264 married Roman Bryansky's daughter Olga. In the 1271st, after death of the father Vasilko Romanovich, sat down on reigning in Vladimir-Volynsk. He was not a hunter to the military enterprises, but circumstances developed at that time so that Vladimir had to wage incessant wars. It combated yatvyaga and Lithuanians at whom Troyden, with Poles, despite the signed peace treaties reigned then. Besides, Tatars, passing through Volhynia, strongly devastated it (the campaign of Telebugi in 1285 was especially ruinous) . Under all these adverse conditions Vladimir used quiet intervals for arrangement of the principality. It strengthened the cities (Berestye, being then a part of the Vladimiro-Volynsky principality), built new (Kamenets on Losna), tried to facilitate a fate of the victim of the population Tatars, to develop trade what attracted to the country of foreigners to, built temples and allocated them with objects of church use. Wrote icons, and rewrote some church books with own hand.

About life of the prince it is possible to learn from narrations in chronicles where describe Vladimir Vasilkovich as the person of very competent and educated bibliophile, he is called "Philosopher": "… buv v_n the scribe great і f_losof, yaky from not bulo in us_y zeml_ і n_ p_slya nyy without awaking". In confirmation of these words transfer of books which the prince rewrote with own hand "itself is given having written off", it and "Dmitry Solunsky's Life", and "Parenesis" of Ephrem the Syrian, the Gospel, the Apostle, and also a set of other spiritual literature.

Monument Volynsk to the prince Vladimir Vasilkovich. Mr. Kamenets

Educational activity was also quite impressive: the mass of literature was ordered to copyists, the part corresponded and made out by the prince, further these books were given to the cities and churches, for example, in Kamenets (on the river of Losne) in tserkvov the Annunciation Paremiynik, Apostol-aprakos, and the Gospel fettered by silver — "were presented to the okovena sr_bly" besides "z expensive kam_nnyam" (those years the book was not only information source, but also the real work of art). At Vladimir Vasilkovich the Galitsko-Volynsky chronicle thanks to which we were reached by very many historic facts of that time was kept (to be exact it proceeded to be conducted).

Reached us and data on an external appearance of the prince "The Sy blessed prince Volodimer age be is high, a plechima is great, liyets is red, hair having zhyolta, kudryava, a beard strigy, having hands also noga are red; the speech a byash in it is thick". Chroniclers refer piety, guardianship about the earth and people to personal qualities of the prince, wisdom, tranquility, truthfulness, "mildness", besides "… not grabby, not more deceitfully, a zlod_ystvo nenavid_v, and pittya not piv [hm_lny] to a zrod …". Otsustviye of arrogance and zanoschivost also did not escape the chronicler "… Gordost_ at nyy not bulo — to that shcho a merzenna є gord_st before god і people — and a zavsha smiryav v_n an image sv_y, sokrushavsya heart, і z_tkhav _z glibin of souls і …".

High sincere religiousness of the prince, for example, interestingly the description of the beginning of construction on modern Kaments's place of the city "was the cornerstone of many kind sincere qualities... having enclosed god at heart to the prince Volodimirov_ is kinder її nam_r: having started v_n sob_ dumat, ab for Birch barks і є you will deliver to m the city. І having taken v_n Books prorok_v, і, so sob_ in serts_ mislyach, having told: "My God my God! Silny і vsemoguchiya, shcho svo§m word all sotvorya¾sh і harmony usyy da¾sh! Shcho ti exchanges і, My God, vozv_stish, to the gr_shny slave to a svo¾m, on t_m I will become", preparations for construction of a hail over Lesnoy in the Galitsko-Volynsky chronicle, and further "are so mentioned... І prick roz_gnuv v_n Books, vipat yy prorotstvo to the _sayena: "Spirit gospodn_y on exchanges і, і zadlya that v_n having spread with exchange, blagov_stita shchob poor; v_n having sent to exchange of a _zts_lita skrusheny heart, vozv_shchat to polonyanik, shcho §kh odpustyat, і sl_py, shcho a stench prozr_yut; prizivat a Lord's time і day pay back a spriyatliv our god; ut_shit vs_kh crying; to date crying to S_on_ v_st, [shcho] zam_st to a popel [quarrystone §m] pomazannya і rad_st, and od_zh Slavia — zam_st to spirit of a skorbota; і will call §kh the tribe to the truth, nasadzhennyam gospodn_m in glory [yogi]. J zabuduyut a stench of Pustin_ v_kov_chn і ї, a zdavn zapust_l і ї, v_dnovlyat fence it is empty і, shcho pustuval z to a sort [in r_d]".

Below, in the same document the narration about travel of "gradorub" of Oleksa on the river Lesnoy, and the choice of the place for construction "is led... І having sent to Volodimir the husband-um_ltsya, on _m'ya to Oleks, yakiya і for [chas_v the Cornflower], ottsya yoga, it is rich gorod_v having put — and having sent the yogi Volodimir z tamteshn_m inhabitants in chovna at verkh_v'ya Losni's r_k, know ab m_sets, [shchob there] the city you will put — і this, znayshovsh m_sets, pri§khav to the prince і having become rozpov_dat". After Oleksa's story, the prince himself arrived to the place of future construction — "The prince tod_ itself po§khav _z boyars і servants, і vpodobav m_sets those over the coast of a r_ka of Losni, і rozchistiv yoga [odes to a l_s]. And pot_m having delivered v_n on n_m the city і nar_k yoga _m'yam to Kamenets, that shcho the earth the bull of a kam'yan".

In Kamentsa besides a vezha orthodox Annunciation Church since the prince "was constructed … ti і circuses Hristovikh having richly put, і sluzhitel_v the yogi vv_v …", besides the construction of church Vladimir Vasilkovich took care of internal furniture of the temple "… і a tserkva having delivered Blagov_shchennya sacredly ї the virgin і, і prikrasiv її _konam zoloty, і nachinnya to the sluzheena vikuvav the sr_ena, і =vanget і є aprakos, the okovena sr_bly, [і] the Apostle aprakos, і Parem_yu, і Sobornik ottsya svy having put here, і vozdvizhalny having put a hrest …".

However the prince not for long lived. Proceeding from data of the chronicle, it is possible to assume that, Vladimir Vasilkovich from oncological pathology which progressed about 4 years "… at bol_st_ svo§y povny chotir fates …" died, the fact that the course of his illness is in details described "… is not casual started yy oppress nizhnya a lip. The fate — has not enough Pershy, on drugy і on tret_y — became a b_lsha oppress. To Alya V_n _shche not of a velma buv neduzhiya, and hodiv і §zdiv on a game і if hot_v …" later the prince weakened and with moved hardly, in church was already compelled there were to sit "… І s_v v_n on st_lts і, to that shcho not m_g stoyat of odes nemoch і, і, hand zv_vsh to the sky, molivsya …".

The last days of Vladimir Vasilkovich are in detail described. Already seriously ill prince arrived to Kamenets "… perebuvsh at Beresti two dn і, po§khav to Kamentsya. Right there, in Kaments і, і lezhav v_n at bol_st_ svo§y …". Later Lyuboml left in. Understanding weight of the state, the prince did not cease to show care of people and of the earth "… І having distributed v_n poor Main svo є all — gold, і sr_blo, і kam_nnya to the road, і a belt zolot_ ottsya svy, і sr_bn і, і svo є, shcho p_slya ottsya svy pridbav buv — a mustache v_n having distributed. І dishes velik_ sr_bn і, і cups zolot_ that sr_bn_ itself v_n before svo§m of an ochim having beaten і a modulation at grivn і; і a namist velik_ zolot_ to the woman svo є ї [Anny] і mater_ svo є ї [Deer] — everything a modulation і roz_slav milostinyu on vs_y zeml_. І v_n having distributed herds to poor people — iv of whom from horses is mute, і Tim at whom a stench poginula to Telebuzhina to a v_yn …". As there is no lineal heir left "… God bo without having given men_ svo§kh give rise for mo ї to gr_kh …" he bequeathed the principality to the brother Mstislav," it also transferred the foster daughter Izyaslava whom "… having taken ¾sm її odes mater_ її in pelyushka і vigoduvav … to guardianship to the brother.

Made "Zapovit" and "… Having passed away v_n at Lyuboml_ — gorod_ at r_k 6797 [1289], m_syatsya grudnya in desyaty day.", the body of the prince on sledge was brought to Vlodimir by the evening and put in church. In the morning all city saw off the deceased prince "… star_ і it is young і ї, cried over it …", on the husband the princess Olga mentioned in the crying "… Bagato of offenses zaznav ti odes svo§kh rodich_v, [that] did not bachit I to you, mister m_y, n_kol, shchob ti for §kh angrily Yakim the evil vozdavav …", on Saturday the body of the prince was laid in a coffin.

Further the chronicler states the following most interesting fact "… і lay in grob_ t_lo yoga to the nezapechatena v_d odinadtsyaty day m_syatsya grudnya till sixth day m_syatsya kv_tnya, the princess of the yogi could not zaspoko§tisya. І from, priyshovsh z ¾piskopy =vsign і є m і z us_m krilosy [і] odkrivsh the coffin, stench pobachil t_lo yoga ts_ly і b_ly, і pakhoshch_ odes to a coffin of Boulia, і began to smell, is similar to aromat_v mnogots_nny. Take from a stench pobachila miracle, and pobachivsh, glorified god і sealed up a coffin of the yogi m_syatsya kv_tnya in shosty day, at a sereda is passionate ї ned_l і …".

In days of the board the Volynsk prince Vladimir-Ioann founded one more city in our corner of the world, entering its possession. This is Kobrin. He bequeathed it to the spouse the princess Olga (which will devote the following head of "A family trace"). By the way, in Kobrin the sculptural composition devoted to this married couple was established three years ago. What is interesting, her author is also Alexander Lyshchik.

Monument to Kobrin's founders

And in Brest the prince Vladimir is known that it in the 70th years of the 13th century put and constructed the wooden lock, having strengthened it a pillar like Kamenetsky, only a rectangular shape. The lock and a pillar staid in the territory of present Brest fortress, at Mukhavts's merge and the Western Bug, till 1831 when were taken down when building strengthenings.


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