Category of protection: 3
International importance:
It is included in the Red List of Belarus of the 1st and 2nd editions (1981, 1993). It is protected in Lithuania and Poland.
Perennial grassy acaulescent water plant with the massive roundish horizontal branching rhizome 1-1,5 m long. The leaves floating on a water surface leathery, in youth reddish, subsequently green, rounded oval, smooth-edged, with heart-shaped dredging at the basis and more or less dispersing stupid neravnoboky blades. Flowers floating, single, white, very large (to 20 cm), poorly fragrant. The cup basis roundish, chashelistik oblong, at the basis narrowed, from below green, from above greenish-white. Petals numerous, external are larger internal which gradually decrease and pass into stamens. Threads of internal stamens are not expanded, linear. To Ryltsa yellow or sulfur-yellow, almost flat, with a short central semi-spherical shoot. Pollen grains roundish, shipovaty, with the alternating long curved vorsinkovidny and short rhabdoid outgrowths. Fruits are large, almost spherical, mnogosemyanny, with multibeam yellow almost flat rylets, to top are covered with hems from the fallen-down petals and stamens.
Caucasus, Scandinavia (West and South), Atlantic, Central, Eastern Europe, Mediterranean, Asia Minor, Iran (North). Relic, by origin the preborealny look which is in the territory of Belarus in separate localities and island sites near northeast border of an area. It is noted in Berezovsky, Drogichinsky, Luninetsky, Pinsk, Pruzhansky and Stolinsky districts of the Brest Region; Braslavsky, Gorodoksky, Rossonsky districts of the Vitebsk Region; Zhitkovichsky, Narovlyansky, Recyca, Hoyniksky districts of the Gomel Region; Svislochsky, Mostovsky districts of the Grodno Region; Myadelsky, Stolbtsovsky districts of the Minsk Region. The instruction on finding of this look in Lyakhovichsky district of the Brest Region demands check.
Lives in lakes, the rivers, canals, in gulfs, staritsa, ponds, usually at coast and in creeks where a current slow, at depths up to 2,5 m.
Blossoms from June to September. Flowers are pollinated by insects. The pollinated flowers plunge into water where there is a maturing and destruction of a fruit (the next year in August - September). Seeds are carried by water thanks to a large meshkovidny outgrowth on them. Besides seed there is also a vegetative reproduction by rhizomes. Often forms a hybrid with a water-lily purely - white.
Number and tendency of its change:
Meets small groups and single individuals, in places forms the rarefied thickets.
Major factors of threat:
Drainage of reservoirs and change of water level in them, industrial and household pollution of reservoirs, damage of plants by fishing nets and powerboat transport, and also change of a hydrochemical composition and temperature condition of water, replacement by more competitive types.
Protection measures:
The look grows in territories of national parks: "Bialowieza Forest", "Narochansky", "Pripyat", wildlife areas of "Vydrenk", "Wild", "Red Bor", "the Lipichansky dense forest", "Prostyr", "Sporovsky", "Central Pripyat". Control of a condition of the existing natural populations of a look, search of new places of growth, prohibition or restriction in them negative anthropogenous impacts are necessary. Artificial cultivation as high-ornamental plant and moving in suitable reservoirs is recommended.
Originators: Morozova T.K.
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