Silver carp motley (aristichthys nobilis)
Treats fishes of family of Karpov (Cyprinide). Together with a white silver carp it is allocated in a subfamily of tolstolobopodobny (Hypophthalmichthyinae).
Lives in reservoirs of the central and southern part of China, to Guangzhou (Cantona) inclusive. In the basin of Amur is absent. In Belarus works on introduction of a motley silver carp to polyculture of pond fish breeding are begun since 1965, and on stocking of lakes - since 1971, together with a white silver carp.
Large thermophilic fish. On a way of life it is exacting to temperature conditions of habitat. Is less timid, than the white silver carp and at noise does not jump out of water, and tries to leave far away from the place where he is disturbed. In reservoirs of the central China the motley silver carp becomes polovozrely at 5-7-year age at body weight about 15 kg, in the south - in 4 years weighing about 7 kg. In Belarus on warm exhaust waters of power plants reaches puberty at the age of 6-7 years on reaching body weight more than 10 kg.
Possesses high growth rate, eats generally zooplankton. Very valuable food fish, especially in the conditions of pond farms. Surpasses a white silver carp in quality of meat. Adult individuals can reach one meter in length and 32 kg of weight, (seldom 40 kg). In the conditions of Belarus, under favorable conditions for cultivation in ponds, the mass of fingerlings makes 36-50 grams, dvukhletok - 400-500 g, average the mass of trekhletok - 1300.
High efficiency of works on its introduction in polyculture of pond fish breeding and for stocking of some lakes of Belarus by it is proved.
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