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  • Kobrin

Patriotic war of 1812

As a part of the Russian Empire

Fight near Kobrin — full defeat 15 on July (27), 1812 the Russian troops of Saxon crew in the city of Kobrin at the initial stage of Patriotic war of 1812. It is considered the first large victory of the Russian troops in Patriotic war.

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  • Kobrin

Victories on flanks

As a part of the Russian Empire

Having remembered history, it is possible to claim that in the second half of July war began already really. On July 16 vanguard of the 3rd Reserve observation army which was ordered by the major general of columns K.O. Lambert, crossed the border of the Russian Empire and, having entered on the territory of the Warsaw duchy, vassal from France, occupied the town of Grubeshov.

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  • Kobrin

The fire in Kobrin

As a part of the Russian Empire

Accident in to Kobrina. The city of Kobrin of the Grodno province was comprehended by large disaster: On July 21 in it the terrible fire which destroyed in a short space of time 104 houses and deprived of many inhabitants of a shelter and property broke out. Victims (157 persons) did not manage to take out the personal estate: with such force and suddenness fire spread.

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  • Kobrin

Pershy peramoga

As a part of the Russian Empire

At a vayna of 1812 at Kobryn і Iago navakoll_ 15 l_penya (a pas old styl і) adby¸sya fight pam_zh ras_ysk_m_ dyv_z_yam_ K. V. Lambert і I. І. Chashg_tsa the 3rd Zakhodnyay of an automated workplace іі A. P. Tarmasava і to atrada of a saksonskag of the case Zh. L. Rainier.

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  • Kobrin

To freedom, revolution towards

As a part of the Russian Empire

The beginning of new century, appear, did not promise special changes in Kobrin's life. Here did not gather, as well as earlier, to build the large enterprises or to multiply number of schools for the people. But the imperial administration attached to the city a certain military significance, having turned it into large mobilization point.

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  • Kobrin

Battles at Kobrin and Gorodechno

As a part of the Russian Empire

Kobrin, the small town in the Grodno province standing on the river Mukhavtsa near the Russian-Polish border. In it the garrison from Saxon infantry and a cavalry numbering about 5 thousand people at 8 tools under command of the general Klengel was located.

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  • Kobrin

Battle at the city of Kobrin

As a part of the Russian Empire

3rd Reserve Observation army of the general from a cavalry Tormasov. Vanguard of the general aide-de-camp count Lambert – Starodubovsky, Tver dragoon, Tatar ulansky, Alexandria hussar, Don Cossack the army foreman Vlasov of the 2nd, 2nd Bashkir horse-Cossack regiments, horse No. 11 and 12 of a company of the 4th reserve artillery crew.

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  • Kobrin

At warehouse VKL i RP

As a part of the Russian Empire

The Vyal_kaye of L_to¸skaye's Knyastvo (VLK) — rannefeadalny manarkh_ya, an uzn_kla ў the XIII station Shlyakh_ і srodk_ ¸klyuchennya belarusk_kh zyamel at VKL byl_ roznyya, Alya peravazhal_ pagadnenn_ z feadalam_ gety zyamel, zats_ka¸lenym_ ў motsnay to a dzyarzhava, zdolnay abaran_ts _kh hell zneshnyay agres іі, stvaryts spryyalnyya ¸mova for gaspadark і, gandlyu і _nsh.

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  • Kobrin

At the warehouse Rasiyskay Imperyi

As a part of the Russian Empire

Paslya to a 3-hectare padzel of Rechy Paspal_tay (1795) Kobrynsk_ pavt, a-place chastka terytory_ a yakog of a loan ў suchasna of Kobrynsk_ of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, at snezhn_ 1795 uvaysho ў at Slon_mskuyu gubernyu. Perad gety general-gubernatar M. V. Rapn_n transit license і ў kobrynsk_m to zhykhara of a nanav of zap_satsets ў saslo ўі (myashchena, merchants, tsekhavyya ramesn_k і) і nadzyal і ў _kh zyamlyoy.

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  • Kobrin

Years of hope, years of fight

1917 - 1941

On March 18, 1921 between the Soviet Russia and Poland the Riga peace treaty was signed. The western Belarus appeared under the power of the bourgeois and landowner Polish state. On new administrative-territorial division Kobrin became the center of the povet which was a part of the Polesia voivodeship which main town was Pinsk.


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