From messages of the newspaper - "Field" - No. 37 for 1905.
Accident in to Kobrina. The city of Kobrin of the Grodno province was comprehended by large disaster: On July 21 in it the terrible fire which destroyed in a short space of time 104 houses and deprived of many inhabitants of a shelter and property broke out.
Victims (157 persons) did not manage to take out the personal estate: with such force and suddenness fire spread. The majority them — Jews, poor local toilers, people family and absolutely not provided. The present provision them is directly awful and demands the immediate and essential help as besides a shelter they have also no bread now.
Burned down also much trade institutions with goods. Position of fire victims is complicated also by the fact that prices for apartments, construction materials and some products of prime necessity since the fire considerably rose. One trouble caused other trouble.
For rendering to fire victims the help in Kobrin the special committee which organized first of all collecting donations was formed under leadership of the local leader of the nobility. But donations is collected a little, and the need of fire victims is big and insistent. Whether kind people will respond?
Donations can be sent directly in Kobrin to the Grodno province, addressed to the Kobrin leader of the nobility.
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