3rd Reserve Observation army of the general from a cavalry Tormasov. Vanguard of the general aide-de-camp count Lambert – Starodubovsky, Tver dragoon, Tatar ulansky, Alexandria hussar, Don Cossack the army foreman Vlasov of the 2nd, 2nd Bashkir horse-Cossack regiments, horse No. 11 and 12 of a company of the 4th reserve artillery crew.
Other vanguard of the major general Chaplits – Apsheron, Riga infantry, the 13th egersky, Pavlohrad hussar, Don Cossack the lieutenant colonel Barabanshchikov of the 2nd of the shelf, the 2nd battalion of Lubensky Hussars, a semi-company (6 tools) easy artillery No. 16 of a company, the 2nd pioneer regiment a company of the captain Kutsevich.
In an hour of a popolunocha (morning) 15 on July (27) the cavalry and horse artillery of group of the general count Lambert acted from the village of Bulkov on the way to the city of Kobrin. The infantry and pedestrian artillery of group received an order to have a rest in this village till 4 o'clock, and then to follow a cavalry on the way to the city of Kobrin.
In the seventh o'clock in the morning 15 on July (27) the cavalry of Lambert group approached the city of Kobrin. The chief of the Saxon group which was in this city, the general Klengel, having learned about it, sent from the city of Kobrin the cavalry to an exit from the city towards Brest and scattered at this exit part of the infantry in a chain "in bread" (in rye) and in the ditches crossing the field at the same exit. The vanguard of a cavalry of the general count Lambert which was under team of the lieutenant colonel of the Alexandria Hussars prince Madatov was already met by a Saxon cavalry and, having overturned it, banished back to the city. Any more our cavalry could undertake nothing against Saxons and though the general count Lambert, having understood impossibility of actions of a cavalry on the district, so inconvenient for it, tried to entice in every possible way the enemy in an open field, but Saxons did not leave the strong position taken by them and all military operations were limited only to mutual firefight.
Speshenny dragoons of Starodubovsky and Tver dragoon regiments conducted firefight with Saxon infantry with our party. They went also to attack in a pedestrian system at what the major of the Starodubovsky dragoon regiment Deyev who "when the enemy infantry, having left the city, lay in bread especially caused a stir and strong gun fire began to do harm to our cavalry, the squadron hurried, attacked the enemy, overturned with a big loss and pursued to the city".
Being in such disadvantage the general count Lambert was forced to expect arrival of the of infantry and pedestrian artillery from the village of Bulkov and assistance of group of the major general Chaplits approaching already the city of Kobrin from the South from the town of Divin, on Kobrinsko-Kovelskaya Road. For the best consolidation of communication with group of the major general Chaplits the general count Lambert sent the colonel of the Tatar ulansky regiment von Knorringa with five squadrons of his regiment, having ordered it "to act against the enemy trying to interrupt communication between group of the major general Chaplits and group of the general aide-de-camp count Lambert as executed with success".
As soon as the general count Lambert received from the colonel von Knorringa the notice of approach of group the major general Chaplits to the city of Kobrina, with a squadron of this regiment and with one hundred Don Cossack army foreman Vlasov of the 2nd regiment behind the river Mukhavets for occupation of the road from the city of Kobrin to the city of Pruzhana immediately sent the lieutenant colonel of the Alexandria Hussars prince Madatov. The lieutenant colonel prince Madatov, having transported by wading on the right river bank of Mukhavts, struck on two Saxon squadrons standing near the city of Kobrin on Kobrinsko-Pruzhanskaya Road and drove them in the city of Kobrin. As it was too obvious that Saxons will use various efforts for deduction in the power of a way of retreat from the city of Kobrin to the city of Pruzhana, the general count Lambert sent to the aid to the lieutenant colonel prince Madatov two more squadrons of the Alexandria Hussars and a squadron of the Tatar ulansky regiment under team of the commander of the Alexandria Hussars colonel Efimovich. At the same time and Saxons put forward to pruzhansky departure from the city of Kobrin, on the left river bank of Mukhavts, for the bridge (to the south of it), the battery which began to do strong harm to a cavalry of the colonel Efimovich and the lieutenant colonel prince Madatov, and therefore the general count Lambert sent to them for the river Mukhavets horse No. 11 the company (lieutenant colonel Apushkin) of the 4th reserve artillery crew which forced soon the Saxon battery to become silent.
Some data on details of the above described episode consist in the following extracts from prize lists of officers: The Alexandria Hussars the lieutenant colonel prince Madatov – "when the enemy opened fire from batteries, received an order to accept to the left and to attack the enemy cavalry which seemed to the party Pruzhan executed this with success, being reedited through the river Mukhavets by wading, the hussar attacked this cavalry with a squadron and banished to the city where it was met by infantry, nakhodivsheyusya in a ditch and in houses, ordered to light the city and that forced infantry to leave this point and to remove the battery which was in it". The major Petrovsky – "byv is sent with a squadron on the left flank, despite strong enemy shots, put to flight the enemy". The captain Lukiç – "when the colonel Efimovich was sent with group on Pruzhanskaya Road for deduction of the enemy, and at round of this city when the enemy had strong aspiration to break through from the city at continuous gun shots, at that time reasonable orders and bravery, after long-term resistance, this road is occupied and the enemy is put to flight to the city".
The Tatar ulansky regiment the major von Fitingof – "when the colonel Efimovich was sent with group on Pruzhanskaya Road for deduction of the enemy and at round of the city of Kobrin when the enemy had strong aspirations to break through from this at continuous gun shots, at that time after long-term resistance this road is occupied and the enemy is put to flight to the city of Kobrin".
Horse No. 11 of a company of the 4th reserve artillery crew the commander lieutenant colonel Apushkin – "when the enemy tried to seize Pruzhanskaya Road and strongly affected with the tools our cavalry, then he put with fearlessness and speed in the favorable place the battery and integral shots forced the enemy absolutely to become silent, and also repeatedly forced enemy batteries to move from place to place and in similar cases acted and rasporyazhat tools and encouraged the gunners". The lieutenant Svet – "was with two tools on the left flank, repeatedly forced to be silent the enemy battery and eaten to pass through the bridge of enemies stopped kartechny shots and by that stopped the intending enemy to otretirovatsya". The lieutenant Mazaraky – "was with two tools on the road of the going troops, forced the enemy to transfer the battery against our left flank. Then was on the left flank, several times overturned enemy infantry and forced to turn to the city".
The aspiration of Saxons to break through from the city of Kobrin on Pruzhanskaya Road terminated for them in a total failure. Saxons tried to open after that of themselves the way of retreat on the way to the city of Brest-Litovsku and for this purpose rushed on the semi-company (6 tools) standing on the left river bank of Mukhavts horse No. 12 of a company (lieutenant colonel Bykovsky) of the 4th reserve artillery crew, but also here too suffered a total failure – well-aimed fire our horse No. 12 of a company and brilliant actions of 2 */2 squadrons of the Tver dragoon regiment under team of the major of the same regiment of the Violin forced Saxons to recede back to the city of Kobrin.
The major of the Tver dragoon regiment Violin – "when the enemy strengthened there was the aspiration against the left flank, vyshed in considerable number of a cavalry and infantry with intention to attack our artillery operating in this point" – was sent by the general count Lambert with 2 1/squadrons of the Tver dragoon regiment "in a reinforcement". The major Skripka, speshiv a half of a squadron of the shtabs-captain Knyazev, under his team, Knyazeva, and a squadron of the lieutenant Berdyaev, ordered them to attack Saxon infantry. Speshenny dragoons the fire forced Saxons to recede and then "bayonets banished the enemy to the city of Kobrin.
At the same time the patronage squadron of the Tver dragoon regiment under team of the shtabs-captain Yuryev of the 1st "struck on an enemy cavalry and forced the enemy to address to the city". About actions of a semi-company horse No. 12 of a company the following data in the prize list of her officers are available.
Horse No. 12 of a company of the 4th reserve artillery crew the commander, the lieutenant colonel Bykovsky – "when the enemy opened actions from the batteries and strong fire of the main battery which was at gate of the Brest departure of the city of Kobrin began to work great mischief to our troops, having founded against it the battery, acted with it with special courage and fearlessness and, despite the most favorable location on which the enemy battery was located, caused it a strong loss and forced to be silent". Meanwhile the group of the major general Chaplits appeared in time to the city of Kobrin.
Moving in 10 versts ahead of the main forces of army of the general Tormasov, the major general Chaplits learned from the Saxon traveling captured by him about an arrangement of Saxon group of the general Klengel (4000 people) to the city of Kobrin and about the movement to it to the aid from the town of Antopol of the main forces of the Saxon case of the general Rainier (11 Ltd companies of the people) . The major general Chaplits decided to bar to group of the general Klengel a way of retreat to the town of Antopol and for the purpose of derivation of attention of the general Klengel directed to the city of Kobrin on Kobrinsko-Kovelskaya Road under team of the major of the Pavlohrad Hussars Ostrogradsky three squadrons of the Pavlohrad Hussars and part of the Don Cossack lieutenant colonel Barabanshchikov of the 2nd regiment, and itself, having used the wood, being near the city of Kobrin, translated is reserved other parts of the group on Kobrinsko-Antopolskaya Road and sent part of the cavalry by wading on the right river bank of Mukhovts for occupation of the road from the city of Kobrin to the town of Selets on which the Saxon group of the general Klengel could recede to the city of Slonim, i.e. to the main forces of the Austrian case of the general Schwarzenberg.
The general Klengel, however, found approach of group of the general Chaplits and sent towards to it on Kobrinsko-Antopolskaya Road several squadrons with two horse tools, but the Pavlohrad hussars overturned a Saxon cavalry, captured its tools and on shoulders of Saxons rushed into the city of Kobrin.
Some details of this business are visible from the following extracts from prize lists of officers. The Pavlohrad Hussars the major Shibayev – "covering two tools of horse artillery when they brought down enemy with the squadron, drove them in the city under shots of artillery with determination". The major Ostrogradsky – "having three squadrons and Cossacks in team, strongly worked, occupying the enemy on point to it appointed with false attack gave time to extend troops and to occupy roads, than promoted success". The major Kokhanov – "having occupied hasty with the squadron together with a squadron of Lubensky Hussars the road which the enemy sent the to burden, managed to take prisoner and part of a wagon train to beat off". The major Dekun – "having command of the enemy who left the city to overturn when our tools brought down their tools from the place, kupno with the major Shibayev crashed into the city and there covered under shots the tools with determination". The captain Shtengen, shtabs-captains Yanovich of the 2nd, Sergeyev, Chepiskaya's lieutenants and the prince Odoevsky – "when the enemy attempted to bring down from the place of the major Ostrogradsky, at that time four times attacked the enemy and rendered bravery". Vakhmistr Mikhail Volnyansky – "captured 60 people".
The captain of Lubensky Hussars Alfimov – "with the squadron promoted decisively and successfully, and was a participant at occupation of an enemy wagon train and at capture of it in captivity". Horse No. 12 of a company of the 4th reserve artillery crew the captain Braker "with the lieutenant of the same company Ishchekin during battle at the city of Kobrin on July 15 and captures this with composure, despising strong shots of enemy artillery, before the city on Antopolskaya Road made, the ardent movement komanduyemy to them semi-companies at squadrons of the Pavlohrad Hussars, managed to make the activity whole fire from the tools so successfully that brought down the battery opposite to and as hussar squadrons on a back of the enemy drove to the city, he, following with them, managed to act on the enemy with success and that promoted the 13th egersky regiment attacking the enemy in the city and, having opened shots successful in streets, did not allow the enemy to settle, thereby having constrained it, overcoming strong fire, forced their artillery to become silent and after this the enemy had to give up. Herewith the captain Braker is wounded, but functioned".
For consolidation of dazzling fighting successes Pavlohrad the hussar and semi-companies horse No. 12 of a company, occupied the city of Kobrin, the major general Chaplits hastily sent the 13th egersky regiment which was under team of the major Izbasha to this city and then set in the city of Kobrin also Ryazhsky an infantry regiment under team of his chief colonel Medintsov with the semi-company of an artillery company easy for No. 16 consisting at a regiment.
Infantry fight began to boil in streets and on squares of the city. Saxons battled against unusual persistence, but, at last, were forced to clear the city burning in several places and to recede in the last stronghold – in ruins of the small fort constructed even in Northern war of the king Karl XII by the Swedish troops. These ruins were in a stone fencing of the Baziliansky uniatsky monastery located on the left river bank of Mukhavts in northwest part of the city of Kobrin. Surrounded here from all directions with our troops, Saxons gave up in captivity among two generals (including the chief of group general Klengel), 76 officers and 2382 lower ranks. Besides, to us got the 4th banner and 8 tools.
From our party during battle at the city of Kobrin 77 people are killed and 182 persons are wounded. The city of Kobrin was destroyed by the fire: from 630 of his houses only 82 houses escaped.
From four banners fought off Saxons only two are stored nowadays in Kazan Cathedral: a banner of the 1st battalion of a Saxon Royal infantry regiment (nowadays Saxon Labe-grenadierial No. 100 a regiment) and a banner of the 2nd battalion of Saxon infantry Nizemeyshel of a regiment (nowadays it does not exist). The destiny of other two Saxon banners is unknown.
About some details of the final act of battle at the city of Kobrin it is possible to judge partly by the following extracts from prize lists of officers. the 13th egersky regiment the major Izbasha – "ordering the 13th egersky regiment, overturned bayonets a column, rushed into the city, seized five tools, captivated the commandant and 600 people". The major Yudin – "ordering a battalion, overturned the flank of the enemy". The captain Dibich of the 2nd – "from the very beginning of battle was ahead of all brave, at a bayonet assault at first rushed to the flank of the enemy, bypassed, put to flight and seized stoyavsheyu on the flank a gun at what it is wounded hard". Shtabs-kapitan Hodakovsky of the 2nd – "enticed part of a cavalry into a structure, caused it death and bayonets overturned infantry, sikursiruyushchy this cavalry". The lieutenant Romensky – "with an otryazhenna a company, despite hot fire of the enemy coolly approached on a pistol shot it, in a volley shook, and bayonets overturned its flank and seized a gun". Sword belts cadets the prince Baryatinsky – "when at turn to the street the company was met by a case-shot, it with ten huntsmen having made the way through the house, rushed for the end, adopted enemies and promoted a company to seize a gun".
Ryazhsky infantry regiment the regimental commander major Kilkhen – "on an order of the regimental chief colonel Medyntsov beat out the enemy from a church". The major Goryainov – "with a half of the first batalion having bypassed through city streets and connecting to the shtabs-captain Noskov at the bridge which had two guns and an enemy column which istrebya, seized guns".
Except above-mentioned bodies, at the city of Kobrin took part in battle still Apsheron infantry, Don Cossack the lieutenant colonel Barabanshchikov of the 2nd, army foreman Vlasov of the 2nd of the shelf and the 2nd Bashkir regiment under team of "the five-centesimal foreman" Akulpanov and his assistant to "the marching foreman" Kaypov.
Detailed data on military operations of these regiments did not remain. Only short record that the commander of Donskoy of the Cossack name of the regiment army foreman Vlasov of the 2nd – "with the and with the 2nd Bashkir regiments repeatedly struck the enemy leaving the city of Kobrin for firefight remained and that distracted forces it from an adverse party".
So there was our first large victory since opening of military operations of 1812. For this victory the emperor Alexander I granted the general Tormasov Saint George's award of the 2nd degree and 50 Ltd companies of rubles. The major Izbasha was awarded the order to Saint George of the 4th degree. Losses in battle on July 15 at the city of Kobrin:
Are killed: Tatar ulansky regiment lieutenant colonel Romanovich. 13th egersky regiment lieutenant Cornelius the 1st.
Died of wounds: Alexandria Hussars lieutenant Mikhail Yakovlev of the 1st. 13th egersky regiment second lieutenants Gladkov, Ruban, ensign Ponomarev.
Are wounded: Ryazhsky infantry regiment lieutenant Poradelov. 13th egersky regiment captain Dibich of the 2nd, second lieutenant Bilyanitsky-Birul. Horse No. 12 of a company of the 4th reserve artillery crew captain Braker.
General decrease: Ryazhsky infantry regiment: 12 privates are killed; died of wounds of 4 privates; 1 officer, 1 corporal, 31 privates are wounded. 13th egersky regiment: 4 officers, 2 corporals, 26 privates are killed; died of wounds of 5 privates; 2 officers are wounded. Starodubovsky dragoon regiment: 2 privates and 17 horses are killed. The Tver dragoon regiment 15 horses are killed. The Tatar ulansky regiment 1 officer is killed. Alexandria Hussars: 1 officer, 15 horses are killed; 2 privates, 1 striker were missing. Pavlohrad Hussars: 4 privates, 15 horses are killed.
Author: Polikarpov Nikolay Petrovich
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