Articles about Kobrin: As a part of the Russian Empire

Rearguard actions

Rearguard actions on the road from the village of Gorodechna to the village of Teveli, at the village of Teveli and at the village of Strigovo, on the road from the village of Teveli to the city of Kobrin 13.08.1812

3rd reserve Observation army of the general from a cavalry Tormasov. A rear guard of army under the command of the general count Lambert and group of the major general Chaplits. Retreat of this army from its position at the village of Gorodechna after battle on July 31 (on August 12) happened under persistent prosecution of excellent in number avstro-Saxon troops.

Within August 1-4, and according to some information, within August 1-8, there was a number of the rearguard actions testifying to the persistent resistance of this army. Retreat of army of the general Tormasov in the night of July 31 for August 1 (with 12 for August 13) from the village of Gorodechna to the village of Teveli (in 12 versts to the North from the city of Kobrin) happened on Kobrinsko-Pruzhanskaya Road under cover of a rear guard of the general count Lambert, extremely slowly and courageously departing from the village of Gorodechna to the village of Teveli after the main forces of army; already almost half-way between the village of Gorodechna and the village of Teveli there was a fighting collision of avstro-Saxon vanguard, the first this day, with our rear guard. About this collision only the following short entry in the prize list remained: "... The general aide-de-camp count Lambert covered on August 1 the back of the movement of army and, having struck the enemy, stopped his aspiration".

At the village of Teveli the rear guard of the general count Lambert considerably weakened and tired with battle on July 31 and collision on August 1 was replaced by the group of the major general Chaplits waiting it and here rearguard action began to boil 1 on August (13).

The group of the major general Chaplits consisted and participated in rearguard actions at the villages of Tevelya and Strigovo the 14th of egerskiya, Donskoy Cossack the lieutenant colonel Barabanshchikov of the 2nd of the shelf and the 2nd battalion (4 squadrons) of Lubensky Hussars. The Pavlohrad Hussars which chief the general - the major Chaplits consisted then joined the same group from a rear guard of the general count Lambert also.

Large rearguard action 1 occurred on August (13) also at the village of Strigovo, in 6 versts to the North from the city of Kobrin. About tevelsky and strigovsky fights only such data in prize lists remained. The major general Chaplin – "on August 1 with the group covered march of army, reflected the enemy and kept his aspiration".

The colonel of leyb-guard of Hussars prince Bagration attached to the Alexandria Hussars – "on August 1 under the village of Tevelyami, ordering a battalion of the Pavlohrad Hussars and being with it on our left flank against all enemy cavalry, attacked two regiments which were ahead, broke them absolutely, took prisoner of 2 officers and 60 lower ranks".

The Pavlohrad Hussars the colonel Stal – "on August 1, ordering a battalion of Lubensky Hussars at derogation from the village of Strigov, attacked the enemy two times".

Entries in monthly official reports (in front reports) some regiments of army of the general Tormasov produce the incontestable evidence of participation in rearguard actions 1 on August (13) over the listed troops also Kolyvansky, Kurinsky infantry, the 13th, 28th, 38th egersky, Vladimir, Taganrog, Tver dragoon and Alexandria hussar regiments. Such number of the troops attracted to an otbitiya of an impact of avstro-Saxon vanguard cannot but demonstrate that this impact was vigorous, and counteraction to it from our party was persistent, almost desperate – it was necessary to beat off by open and big force this impact made probably by the considerable mass of avstro-Saxon troops.

Unfortunately, these very short official records certify only the fact of participation of above-mentioned regiments in rearguard actions 1 on August (13) and do not give any details about them. The most detailed record is available only in the monthly official report of the 38th egersky regiment, saying that the regiment was "during attack on August 1 on the front of an enemy cavalry in its time spent in a rear guard".

The Vladimir dragoon regiment participated in aryergardny battle 1 on August (13) and in the subsequent same battles only in trekheskadronny structure as the squadron of the major Danilevsky among 1 staff officer, 4 subaltern officers, 14 corporals, 3 trumpeters and 115 privates was sent still on July 17 for forwarding of captured Saxons to the city of Zhytomyr.

Losses. Full data on our losses this day did not remain, except the following: Kurinsky infantry regiment: 1 corporal, 6 privates, 1 not front are killed; 1 private died of a wound, 7 privates were missing. the 14th egersky regiment 2 privates are killed. 28th egersky regiment: died of wounds of 2 privates, 5 privates, 1 not front were missing. 38th egersky regiment: 1 musician, 9 privates are wounded; 15 privates, 1 not front were missing.

Tver dragoon regiment: 3 privates, 18 horses are killed; 1 private died of a wound; 1 corporal, 9 privates, 2 not front, 10 horses were missing.

Author: Polikarpov Nikolay Petrovich
