At a vayna of 1812 at Kobryn і Iago navakoll_ 15 l_penya (a pas old styl і) adby¸sya fight pam_zh ras_ysk_m_ dyv_z_yam_ K. V. Lambert і I. І. Chashg_tsa the 3rd Zakhodnyay of an automated workplace іі A. P. Tarmasava і to atrada of a saksonskag of the case Zh. L. Rainier.
Pomn_k at century of Lyaskov on the mag_l rusk_kh a vo_na ў, zag_nu¸shy Abel_sk at century Strygava ў arrogance peramog_ ў to the vayena of 1812.
13.7.1812 at Bai Z arm_yay Napaleona.
5 l_penya, vykonvayucha zagad vystup_ts to Brest, Cobryn і Pruzhana і dzeyn_chats at the back French an automated workplace іі, Tarmasa ў a zagada ў to K. V. Lambert і A.R.Shcharbatavu of rukhatsets to Brest, and poty pavyarnuts on Cobryn, kuda z Kovelya of a pav_nna byl_ padysts_ asno¸nyya s_la the 3rd automated workplace іі. Incorporated bank adtsyagnuts chastka saksonsk_kh troops ў Cobryn's hell, asobna atrad general A. P. Mel_s_n pav_nen ў da P_nsca's rukhatsets. 13 l_penya atrad A. R. Shcharbatava zanya ў Brest, zluchy¸sya z dyv_z_yay Lambert, і ran_tsay 15 l_penya Yana padyshl_ da Cobryna. Lambert zrab і ў for-hady, incorporated bank zakryts the road for adstuplennya the Saxon ў at a napramka Pruzhan і Brest. Paslya to a padykhod of a peradavog a joy of the 3rd ras_yskay automated workplaces іі on the chal z Chapl_tsam pacha¸sya are groundless Cobryn's storm. Saxons of a vymushana byl_ adstup_ts z cities, yak_ zagare¸sya, _zdatsets.
At a vyn_ka of a 9-gadz_nnag to fight was a zab_ta heating 2 thousand Saxon ў, of a zakhoplena ў it is full 2 generals, 76 af_tser ў, 2382 chalavek_ n_zhn_kh chyno ў; striations ras_ysk_kh troops ў sklal_ 77 chalavek zab_tym_ і 182 paranenym_.
Kobrynsk_ fight ў pershay z to a vayna ear peramogay ras_ysk_kh troops ў. At a vyn_ka suprats an automated workplace іі Tarmasava French of a pav_nna byl_ trymats znachnyya s_la that an admo¸na Napaleona ў yae adstuplennya pa¸plyvat hour on arm_yu Maskva's hell.
At 1912 at dzen 100-goddzya z day peramog_ ў Kobryne ў zakladzena pomn_k, yak_ ў hour of the 1st susvetnay vayna of a zved ў chastkovyya razburenn_. Pomn_k of an adnoulena of v of 1951.
Highway І. Bekts_ny ў, V. V. Shved.
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