As a part of VKL and RP
At tsarko¸na-rel_g_ynay pal_tyets rymskay hens і, vyarkho¸nay ulada of VKL, Polshchy, pazny Rechy Paspal_tay to a pe¸naa of mesets advodz_lasya to plans un іі pravasla¸nay і katal_tskay tserkva ў. K_ruyuchyya VKL Coca, Polshchy, katal_tsky _erarkh_ya abedzvyukh a dzyarzha ў razl_chval_ z prynyatsets un іі on the ¸matsavayena dzyarzha¸na-pal_tychny і tsarko¸ny structures, the pashyreena suvyazy z Zakhadam, an asabl_va z katal_tsk_m_ kra_nam_.
At 1491 knyag_nya Fyadora of a dabav_l yes manastyrsk_kh zyamel syalo Korchytsa, 1/10 caps z an usyakaga of bread, 1/10 measures 3 mlyn on Kobryntsa's rechets і 2 karchma. At 1512 gramata on _mya a _gumena of Kobrynskaga Spaskaga of a manastyr of Anton_ya Krytskaga to a zamatsava for manastyry vysheynazvanyya "nadann і" knyag_n_ Fyadora Are old Zhyg_mont of I.
At 1794 at Polshchy, Belarus_ і to L_tva adbylosya to a natsyyanalna-vyzvalenchaa to the pa¸stayena a stalemate to Tadevush Kastsyushk_'s k_ra¸n_tstva. Bayavyya dzeyann_ adbyval_sya і on terytory_ Kobrynshchyna. 14 verasnya heating century Dz_v_n atrad a tsarskag of army a stalemate a kamandavaniye A. V. Suvorava, razb і ў ar'ergad K. Serako¸skaga's cases.
The Vyal_kaye of L_to¸skaye's Knyastvo (VLK) — rannefeadalny manarkh_ya, an uzn_kla ў the XIII station Shlyakh_ і srodk_ ¸klyuchennya belarusk_kh zyamel at VKL byl_ roznyya, Alya peravazhal_ pagadnenn_ z feadalam_ gety zyamel, zats_ka¸lenym_ ў motsnay to a dzyarzhava, zdolnay abaran_ts _kh hell zneshnyay agres іі, stvaryts spryyalnyya ¸mova for gaspadark і, gandlyu і _nsh.
Wa to a ¸sa hours panyazz_ to the kakhayena, arrogance, zdrad aznachal_ adno і ty. Mustache of Yana of sustrakayutsets ў sumny to a raspovyadza of a pr Hannah Kobrynskay's wood (1460 — 1519). Pakhodz_l Gunn z syam' і a ¸ladaln_ka ў a nyavyal_chkaga of a knyastvo, yaky was ў vasalnay zalezhnasts_ hell Vyal_kaga of a knyastvo of L_to¸skat. Radavod syam'ya faded Gedz_m_n's hell. Prozv_shcha of Kobrynsk_ya atrymal_ pas to a nazva svayoy stal_ets.
Upershynya of a vayenna the wood pryvyo ў A. V. Suvorava on Kobrynshchyna ў 1769. At 1768 at. Bar (at that hour at Rechy Paspal_tay, a tsyaper at V_nn_tskay of voblas., Ukra_na) a chastka naybolsh reaktsyyny the magnate ў і shlyakhta ¸znyal_ myatsezh suprats Caral Stan_slava A¸gusta Panyato¸skaga z-for tago that yon sva_m to decrees of an ustana¸l_v ў to a gramadzyanskaa to a ra¸napra¸a hrysts_yan a nekatol_ka ў z katol_kam_.
As a part of the Russian Empire
Pachatak XX Sr. not of abyaets ў asabl_vy peramen at zhyzz_ Kobryna. Here not zb_ral_sya budavats buynyya pradpryemstva ts_ pamnazhats kolkasts schools for the people. Zatoye imperial adm_n_stratsyya nadavat to the city to a pe¸naa to a vayennaa to the znacheena, Iago's peratvary¸sha ў are violent mab_l_zatsyyna point.
Rearguard actions on the road from the village of Gorodechna to the village of Teveli, at the village of Teveli and at the village of Strigovo, on the road from the village of Teveli to the city of Kobrin 13.08.1812. 3rd reserve Observation army of the general from a cavalry Tormasov. A rear guard of army under the command of the general count Lambert and group of the major general Chaplits.
In September, 1801 the Kobrin County was included in structure of the neogenic Grodno province and in the form of such territorial unit existed till 1921. The 19th century began. The tsarism made different attempts to strengthen the decaying autocratic and serf system.
In the western areas of our country there is a large number of military cemeteries of times of World War I. And it is not surprising. Exactly here in "imperialistic" the Russian-German front stopped, and there were bloody fights.
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