Articles about Kobrin: As a part of VKL and RP

Hour Suvorava

Upershynya of a vayenna the wood pryvyo ў A. V. Suvorava on Kobrynshchyna ў 1769. At 1768 at. Bar (at that hour at Rechy Paspal_tay, a tsyaper at V_nn_tskay of voblas., Ukra_na) a chastka naybolsh reaktsyyny the magnate ў і shlyakhta ¸znyal_ myatsezh suprats Caral Stan_slava A¸gusta Panyato¸skaga z-for tago that yon sva_m to decrees of an ustana¸l_v ў to a gramadzyanskaa to a ra¸napra¸a hrysts_yan a nekatol_ka ў z katol_kam_. Buynyya magnates і the shlyakhta vykarystal_ svayo is right on "рокаш" for a baratsba for pryv_le_ a katol_ka ў at Rechy Paspal_tay.

The Pa to a request of a polskag of Caral imperial Ras_ya of a prynyal of an akty¸na ¸dzet at a baratsba suprats Barskay kanfederayets і, voyskam_ yaky chastsy for ¸syo kamandaval_ frantsuzsk_ya generals. At a kastrychn_ka 1768 Mr. Suvora ў on the chal of Suzdalskaga a stick a ledge і ў z Novay Ladag_ for a ¸dzela ў bayavy dzeyannyakh. For the 30th zen soldiers prayshl_ 900 vyorst ў da Smalensca va ¸mova of an asennyag of a bezdarozhzh. Tolk_ ў 1769 of Yana stup_l_ on a kobrynsky zyamlyu. 12 verasnya 1769 heating century Arekhava (Malarytsk_ of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences) adby¸sya fight. Atrad Suvorava kolkastsyu 800 chalavek an atryma ў to a peramog over 2-thousand to atrada of a kanfederat ў a stalemate kamandavanny the brother ў Pulask_kh, zakhap і ў shy 1000 palonny. At an hour to fight adz_n z the brother ў ў zab_ta, and drug_ zmog an argan_zavana advests_ reshtk_ a joy that a motsna of a ¸raz_l Suvorava. Yong grazed ў to Pulaskam an emal_ravany snuffbox z to dop_sa: "I love zmagatsets z reasonable prats і ў to n_ka".

Violent to the parazheena patsyarpel_ asno¸nyya s_la of Barskay kanfederatsy_ a stalemate kamandavanny a frantsuzskaga of the general Dzyumur'E ў to a b_tva heating Landskrona, yaky adbylasya on May 23, 1771 A. V. Suvor ў an atakava ў konn_tsay umatsavanyya paz_tsy_ prats і ў a n_ka, taktychna nezvychayna vykarysta¸sha pryyom. Pazney Dzyumur'E abv_navats і ў palkavodets ў nyavedann_ canon ў vayennay navuk і, sprabava ў yes resident of Kan sva_kh zen us_m tlumachyts that Suvorava to a spadarozhn_chaa to a vayennaa shchasets.

               Vizitnaya Suvorov's kartka z Iago Asabisty podpisam.

 Mnog_ya zakhodn_ya g_storyk_ і syonnya skh_lnyya tlumachyts peramog_ Suvorava to shchasl_vy zbega abstav_n. Adnak documents tago to hour svedchats that kozhna of times of a pra padrykhto¸ets yes aperatsy_ Suvora ў staranna of a pradumv ў yae course, anal_zava ў motsnyya і slabyya bak_ prats і ў n_ka, ul_chva ў asabl_vasts_ myastsovasts і, dza of davyadzetsets of zmagatsets. To the most galo¸ny pledges peramog_ palkavodzets of a l_cha ў a bayavy padrykhto¸ka і are moral spirit rusk_kh the soldier.

Praz the 2nd reptiles, at 1771, A. V. Suvor ў zrab і ў sama do¸g_ perakhod a pas of Belarus_. For two tydn_ a regiment to a peraadola ў 600 versts, praysho ў praz Brest, to Byaroz, Kosava, to Palonk, Krynk і, Stalov_chy, Nyasv_zh, Kletsk, to S_nya¸k, Lag_shyn, P_nsk, Drag_chyn, Antopal, Rak_tn_tsu, and zaty to a pavyarn ў to Baranav_chy. Hutk_ perakhod a transit license і ў a rapto¸na to a nochch napasts_ on 4-tysyachna atrad the hetman M. Ag_nskaga a stalemate of century Stalov_chy (heating Baranav_ch) і razb_ts Iago 23 verasnya 1771. At a vyn_ka atrymanay peramog_ there was a zakhoplena ¸sya artyleryya prats і ў a n_ka, a wagon train і treasury z to arkh_va. B_tva became klas_chny patterns prymyanennya suvora¸sk_kh a pryntsypa ў: vakamer, hutkasts і, to a nats_sk.

Tolk_ va ¸zrosets of the 40th reptile ў A. V. Suvora ў an atryma ў a pile a pershy ¸znagaroda — the award Saint of Hannah. 30 zhn і ў nya 1771 yon ў uznagarodzhana ganarovy rusk_m to bayavy awards — Svyatoga Georg_ya of III stupen_. For Stalov_chy palkavodzets at snezhn_ 1771 ў adznachana to Svyatoga Alyaksandr's awards of Ne¸skaga.

Prayshlo bolsh for the 20th reptile ў, і Suvora ў zno ў apynu¸sya on Kobrynshchyna.

At 1794 at Rechy Paspal_tay ¸spykhnut to the pa¸stayena, k_ra¸n_ky (nachaln_ka) і galo¸nakamanduyuchy a yakog ў brygadna pryznachana the general of an automated workplace іі Z_PA, vypuskn_k French vayennay akadem іі, patryyot T. Kastsyushk's Polynchy. Pa¸stanne of a prakhodz_l a stalemate lozungam_ natsyyanalna-vyzvalenchay baratsba, for the adna¸leena nezalezhnasts_ і to a suveren_tet of Rechy Paspal_tay at boundaries of 1772 at the union z revalyutsyynay Frantsyyay. Rusk_ya troops і, yak_ya znakhodz_l_sya ў Rechy Paspal_tay of a pas to a request of Caral Polshchy, byl_ a rapto¸na are attacked pa¸stantsam_. On the zadusheena pa¸stannya tsarsk_ ¸rad to a k_n ў voysk_ z Ras_yskay _mper і, yak_ya, adnak, on a vyasna pratsyaga і summer not damagl_sya rashayuchy Pospekh ў. Yak of a za¸syoda ў tsyazhk_kh s_tuatsyyakh uspomn_l_ pra Suvorava.

At the syaredzena zhn і ў nya atrad kolkastsyu 5 thousand chalavek ledge і ў z Mr. Nyam_ra ў (tsyaper V_nn_tskaya of voblas.). Iago's way of a lyazh ў on pa¸dnyova calling Belarus і, to terminal points z'ya¸lya¸sya Brest. To Fars_ravany marches of army nabl_zhalasya yes terytory_ suchasnay Brestskay voblasts_. 14 verasnya 1794 padyshl_ yes century Dz_v_n, razmeshchanay for 30 km Kobryn's hell. Here adby¸sya fight, at a vyn_ka of a yakog ў zn_shchana ar'ergard (at 500 sabers) the general-mayora K. Serako¸skaga. At nevyal_kay dra¸lyanay to Suvor's tsarkva ў adsty ў to a nabazhenstvo padzyachnaa, and poty rusha ў distances. For 3 km hell vyosk_ atrad spyn і ў sya on adpachynak, і Suvora ў prylyog a stalemate to razgal_sty oaks. (Z tago to hour syarod myastsovaga of a naseln_tstv z pakalennya ў to the pakaleena peradavalasya to the padayena that menav_ta stalemate to gety oaks of an adpachyv ў prasla¸lena palkavodzets.)

Nochchu atrad Suvorava of a rusha ў at Kobryn's side. Padysho¸sha yes of the city palyam_ і agarodam_ z pa¸dnyovaga to a ¸skhod, kazak_ hutkay attack zb_l_ vartavyya pastes nepryyatselya і, not dayucha hole of apamyatatsets, nanesl_ ¸dar. At danyasennyakh ty a zen of pavedamlyaetsets of a pr bayavyya dzeyann_ suprats armeysk_kh padrazdzyalennya ў. Geta of tlumachytsets ty that ў Rechy Paspal_tay buynyya feudal lords mel_ shmat pal_tychny, ekanam_chny і _nshy right ў. Mayucha ¸lasnyya troops і, feudal lords ў sva_kh uladannyakh stanav_l_sya "dzyarzhavay at a dzyarzhava" і valodal_ to the rights "on rokash" — the vystupleena sa svayoy arm_yay suprats Caral. So there was і ў 1794, kal_ buynyya feudal lords prynyal_ ¸dzet at pa¸stann_ a stalemate to k_ra¸n_tstva of Kastsyushk_. On a tank of pa¸stanets ў vystup_l_ і nekatoryya regulyarnyya chasts_ karale¸skay an automated workplace іі. Vos to a cham і ў danyasennyakh pra peramog_ Dz_v_ne's pra і Kobryne Suvora ў p_sha of a pr general-mayora Ruzhycha, palko¸n_ka to Verashchak, palonny af_tsera ў і soldier.

Paslya to fight ў Kobryne 15 verasnya Suvora ў on sutk_ zatryma¸sya, incorporated bank Iago Atrad zmog adpachyts. The geta a hole had hour a vyadoma that for 15 vyorst ў hell of the city heating Krupchytskaga of a manastyr spyn і ў sya 20-tysyachna the case of Serako¸skaga. On a dosv_tka 17 verasnya 1794 heating scenes of Krupchytskaga of a manastyr adby¸sya fight. Case of Serako¸skaga of a loan ў zruchny ў taktychny adnos_na paz_tsyyu: manastyr, razmeshchana on panuyuchay vyshyn і, ў a nadzeyn of an abaronena z trokh Bako ў to the woods, and chatsvyorta a side were prykryvat by the balots_sty floodplain rak_ Trastsyan_tsa. Usya myastsovasts vakol the manastyra is kind prastrelvalasya, і a pershy sproba Suvorava atakavats paz_tsy_ skonchylasya nya¸dachay. Tada yon of a zagad ў adysts_ і pachats to the nastupleena z to a side of a neprakhodnag of a bog. For tago, incorporated bank vymasts_ts gats, at susednyay century of Hadasa byl_ are sorted agarodzha і strekh_ z hlyavo ў. Pad fire prats і ў a n_ka soldiers on pas hands gatsyakh peratsyagnul_ garmata, peraprav_l_sya і, pastro_l_sya a stupid vugl yes nepryyatselskay paz_tsy_ і pachal_ nastupats. Razgare¸sya zhorstk_ shtykava fight, yak_ pratsyagva¸sya bolsh for 8 gadz_n, paslya chago Serako¸sk_ of a vymushana ў adysts_. At gety ba_ Suvora ў a pas-maystersku of a vykaryst ў to the spalucheena frantalnay atak_ z abkhodnym_ mane¸ram_.

Vecharam 18 verasnya troops Suvorava spyn_lasya for 5 vyorst ў hell of Brest і to a nochch started abykhodz_ts prats і ў a n_k, yak_ Mian's troycha ў paz_tsyyu. Kanchatkova ¸dar are applied to a pas on nastupna dzen pam_zh Brestam і century Tsyarespal ў the case of Serako¸skaga. Trafeyam_ stal_ stsyag_ і ¸sya artyleryya pa¸stanets ў.

On a pratsyaga nastupny chatyrokh tydnya ў Suvora ў a byazdzeyna simple ў a stalemate Brestam at chakann_ padmatsavannya ў, velm_ nervava¸sya z-for vymushanay zatrymk і, not a vyklyucha ў a thought ab avanturny praso¸vann_ naperad. Chastsey for ¸syo Iago plans of a pas smelasts_ і rashuchasts_ mezhaval_ z ryzykay, yaky adnak za¸zhda was a bespamylkova of an abgruntavan.

Paslya of a mesyachnag znakhodzhannya ў to Brestsa Suvora ў rusha ў at a side of Warsaw. 26 kastrychn_k heating Mr. Kabylk _m ў razb_ta nevyal_k_ atrad pa¸stanets ў to nezvychayny mane¸ra.

Yashche 10 kastrychn_k ў ba_ stalemate of century of Matsyayov_tsa general-leytenantam І. Ferzenam ў ў is full of an uzyata a tsyazhka are wounded T. Kastsyushka. K_ra¸n_k_ pa¸stannya, syarod yak_kh pachal_sya roznagaloss і, not zmagl_ argan_zavats adpor rusk_m to troops.

1 l_stapad of 1794 voysk_ stalemate kamandavanny Suvorava nabl_z_l_sya da Prag_ (pradmesets of Warsaw). Uves dzen 3 l_stapad were grymet by a cannonade rusk_kh batteries. And to pas vechara sticks ў zachytana zagad ab storm. Prychy chytal_ Iago of a Torah pas times, "incorporated bank of a kozhna of soldiers bolsh tsvyorda zapomn і ў". On sv_tann_ 5 l_stapad pacha¸sya storm of Prague і, yak_ pratsyagva¸sya 4 gadz_na. Incorporated bank vyratavats Warsaw, Suvor ў zagada ў grenade padpal_ts bridge tseraz V_slu і tak_m to zakra chyna ў road ў city. On a pratsyaga nastupny two tydnya ў yon adpusts і ў a pas huts bolyp for 15 thousand udzeln_k ў pa¸stannya. Af_tsera ў an adpuska ў sa zbroyay, berucha z _kh words that Yana n_kol_ bolsh I zbroit a geta not buduts uzn_mats suprats Races іі.

Zhykhara Varshava, atsan і ў shy guman_zm і m_ralyubnasts palkavodets, padnesl_ a hole I will patch, uprygozhany to enamels a snuffbox z to nadp_sa: "Warsaw to a svaym zbav_tselyu".

For peramog_ ў Bai 1794 Mr. Suvora ў atryma ў chyn field marshal. Katsyaryna II "at yakasts_ padzyak_ for vydatnyya merits і" padaravat a hole mayontak Kobrynsk_ the Key. At a warehouse a mayontka ¸vakhodz_l_ nekalk_ vyosak z to falvarka і, garadsk_ the house (here a tsyaper a memaryyalny chastka of Kobrynskaga of a vayenna-g_starychnag of the museum _mya A. V. Suvorava), a syadz_ba "Gubernya", and a taksama the lock, razmeshchana ў city tsentra. Usyago prazhyvat here heating 7 thousand souls prygonny tolk_ a muzhchynskaga of a naseln_tstv. Suvora ў to an adraz pryekhats at Kobryn not zmog, and a prysla ў syuda svaygo a pradsta¸n_ka, a palko¸n_ka of Karytskaga. Padaravana Agledze¸sha to palkavodets mayontak, palko¸n_k adprav і ў to the pavedamleena that the lock velm_ a motsna of a zanyap ў і zhyts at _m a nemagchyma.

At 1795, kal_ adby¸sya trets_ padzet Rechy Paspal_tay, at an hour vyartannya z Warsaw ў Petsyarburg Suvora ў zatryma¸sya ў Kobryne і to an agledza ў a pile ¸ladann_. Znakhodzhanne Suvorava ў Kobryne was a perarvana neabkhodnastsyu a term_novaga prybyzzya ў Petsyarburg, a dza yon ў pryznachana kamanduyuchy the 3rd ruskay arm_yay. Paslya smerts_ ў 1796 Mr. Katsyaryny II on ras_ysk_ prastol a ledge і ў yae the son Paul I, vykhavana ў prusk_m to spirit, paklonn_k Caral Frydrykh II. Z pershy a zen tsaravannya Pavel of a pach ў perabudo¸vats arm_yu, vykaranyats usyo that there was a stvorana Pyatr I, P. І. Rumyantsavy і Suvoravy.

            Soldiers of i afitsery ruskay armii other palova of the XVIII St.

Nasadzhayucha novyya prusk_ya paradk і, yak_ya byl_ ¸vedzena _m yashche pra zhyzz_ mats_ ў Iago "гатчынскіх" troops, Paul I pada¸lya ў at an automated workplace іі ¸syo pragres і ў Nye і to a natsyyanalnaa.

At hutk_m hour of Suvor ў ubacha ў not tolk_ "nova¸vyadzenn і" _mperatara ў automated workplace іі, Alya і Iago Haraktar. Paslya nekalk_kh fractional prychepak Pa¸la I Suvora ў papras і ў dats gadava hole vodpusk. Adnak at gety to palkavodets was an admo¸lena і to a ne¸zabava yon an atryma ў the decree ab zvalnenn_ ў to an adsta¸k, "pakolk_ vayna of a nyam і neabkhodnasts_ ў _m a nyama". So, at 1797, paslya the 50th reptile ў Suvor's services ў ў are expelled z by an automated workplace іі і navat without the right nashennya a mundz_ra.

At a sakav_ka of 1797 of an apalna the field marshal of a pryekh ў at Kobryn. To times z _m prybyl_ 18 af_tser ў, yak_ya payshl_ ў to an adsta¸k ў sign to a pratest suprats Iago Zvalnennya. Suvora ў zb_ra¸sya ¸ladkavats us_kh at sva_m vyal_k_m a mayontka on a zhykharstvo pastayannaa. Dy і merkava ў that astatak zen to a pravyadza of a menav_t here.

Znayomstva z novym_ ¸ladannyam_ Suvora ў a pacha ў z syadz_ba "Gubernya", yaky znakhodz_lasya a prykladna for 1 km hell of the city. Xiuda yon to a budza prykhodz_ts amal shtodzen і adpachyvats on vyal_k_m kamen_ (zakhava¸sya yes a nashaga to hour). At an hour to an ab'ezd padaravany vyosak Suvora ў znayom і ў sya z zhyzzyom і to pobyta myastsovy syalyan, pryslukho¸va¸sya yes neznayomay a hole gavork_.

Vul_ets the pack ў budynak is near hell of the house to Gubern_yalnay Petrapa¸la¸skay of a tsarkva, uzvedzenay at 1497 Mr. Apalny palkavodzets amal kozhna dzen a navedva ў yae, a pratapta ў a stsyazhynka praz agaroda. To hours yon uzlaz і ў on zvan_ets і zvan і ў ts_ a spyava ў on a kl_rasa, papra¸lyayucha of a dyyakan, kal_ that falypyv і ў. Pe¸chyya z pavagay ustupal_ pobach z Saba on a kl_rasa of mesets to a prasla¸lenam to palkavodets.

Yong zastava¸sya are faithful sva_m saldatsk_m to pryvychka: ў neperaborl_va ў to a yadza, Spa ў heating a raskrytag of an akn ў any to a nadvor'a і an abavyazkova on tsvyorday pastsel_. Are old the count of an akhvotn of a gutara ў z us_m і, hto a navedva ў Iago ts_ kago yon a sustraka ў on sva_m to a way ў hour shtodzyonny pragulak at a syadz_ba "Gubernya". Kal_-n_kal_ ў Kobryn zayazdzhal_ roznyya vyalmozha, yak_ya nak_ro¸val_sya ў Petsyarburg of Abo Maskva — chastsy is simple pats_kav_tsets, a yak to a zhyva palkavodzets, yak_ "batal_y not a praygrava ў".

Znakhodzhanne Suvorava ў Kobryne ¸zho praz a pa¸tara of month was a perarvana to new decrees of a _mperatar. Zlasl і ў tsy palkavodets napomn_l_ Pa¸lu I of a pr ty that hell Kobryna is near a zakhodny gran_tsa і Suvorava moguts peraman_ts on service for a myazha. Yes tago nasheptvat a pastayann і that syarod 18 af_tser ў, yak_ya pryekhal_ da Suvorava ў Kobryn, a magchyma, the uzn_ena of a zmov suprats a _mperatara.

On May 4, 1797 Kobryn has pryba ў chyno¸n_k secret kantsylyary_ N_kalaye ў. Iago's pas patrabavann_ Suvorava padnyal_ z pastsel_ і zachytal_ hole ¸kaz: "Ekhats to you at Kobryn ts_ to a _nshaa of mesets prabyvannya Suvorava, adkul advezts_ Iago ў barav_tsk_ya vyosk і, a dza і peradats to Vyndomskam (garadn_cham), and ў a vypadka neabkhodnasts_ patrabavats dapamog_ hell of an usyakag of the administration".

To hour for afarmlennya a paper of a pas of a peradacha zyamel to adsta¸ny af_tsera, yak_ya zhyl_ ў Kobryne, and a taksama for _nshy cheap the spra ў was not found. Suvora ў vymushana ў pazychyts pennies ў an akanoma of Karytskaga a stalemate a mortgage sva_kh awards ў і on a dosv_tka ў are taken out z Kobryna. For gadz_na chatyra, yak_ya a hole daval_sya on zbor, yon not to a paspa ў pryvests_ ў paradak a pile paper.

         Tytulna list knigi A. V. Suvorov's pra

Paslya tago, a yak Suvorava dastav_l_ ў the village of Kanchanskaye Na¸garodskay gubern і, N_kalaye ў zno ў a pryekha ў at Kobryn. On geta of times for tago, incorporated bank aryshtavats us_kh an af_tsera ў і nak_ravats _kh at a k_e¸sky turma. There an af_tsera ў on a pratsyaga chatyrokh month ў katavat і, sprabuyucha of davedatsets of a pr a zmova, yaky adnak did not _snavat, і Yana byl_ adpushchana. Adna z _kh vyarnul_sya on service ў arm_yu, _nshyya pryekhal_ zno ў at Kobryn і naza¸syoda zastal_sya here.

The Kanchansky reference — sama tsyazhk_ peryyad at zhyzz_ palkavodets. Yong pravyo ў there two reptiles, and income hell of "Key of Kobrynskaga" ў geta hour pastupal_ ў treasury of a _mperatar.

Nyagledzyacha on tsyazhk_ya ¸mova, Suvora ў not a perastava ў sachyts for padzeyam_ ў to E¸ropa, for pakhodam_ Napaleona. Yong Pradkaza ў sutyknenne Ras іі z Frantsyyay. At Kanchansk_m Suvora ў a raspratsava ў the plan to a campaign suprats Napaleona, at yak_m a vykla ў sherag asno¸ny strateg_chny a pryntsypa ў: to an akty¸naa to the nastupleena, kantsentratsyya s_l on rashayuchy to a napramk, the zn_shcheena of a live s_la prats і ў a n_ka, zakhop Iago. At gety the plan adlyustrava¸sya palkavodcha talent Suvorava, Iago to the ¸meena of a prav_ln atsenvats to an abstano¸k, the vedayena motsny і weak Bako ў prats і ў a n_ka, navatarstvo і prazorl_vasts.

Sayuzn_kam, that ab'yadnal_sya suprats Frantsa і, on the chal sayuznay an automated workplace іі patreben ў palkavodzets, zdolna k_ravats bayavym_ dzeyannyam_ і yak_ a valoda ў novym_ sposabam_ vyadzennya vayna і to fight. Usvedamlyayucha that a baratsba to a budza velm_ tsyazhky, hell of Races іі patrabavat і, incorporated bank galo¸nakamanduyuchy sayuznay arm_yay ў Suvor's pryznachana ў. Palkavodtsa vyarnul_ z kanchanskay ssylk_ ў to Petsyarburg, dza Paul I of a term_nov ¸znagarodz і ў Iago to awards of Svyatoga of a _aan of a _erusal_mskag (Maltyysk_ award) і ¸rucha ў reskrypt ab pryznachenn_ kamanduyuchy sayuznay arm_yay.

Pas to a daroza ў _tal_yu Suvora ў spynya¸sya ў Kobryne of a prybl_zn z 14 yes 17 sakav_k of 1799 for pryvyadzennya ў paradak different a paper, pakolk_ ў suvyaz_ z new pryznachenny Paul I to a vyarn ў a geta hole mayontak.

At 1799 suvora¸sky arm_ya ў _talyansk_m і shveytsarsk_m plowed lands of a prademanstraval to E¸ropa vydatnyya yakasts_ the soldier's ruskaga, peravag_ suvora¸skay vayennay schools і navuk_ peramagats ("Navuka peramagats" — tickle padruchn_k at g_story_ ruskay an automated workplace іі for soldiers, a nap_sana Suvoravy at 1796).

At an ear of a lyutag of 1800 palkavodzets at an hour vyartannya on a radz_ma spyn і ў sya ў Kobryn, incorporated banks to a krykh paprav_ts svayo to a zdaro¸a are fanned by glory. At Shweicary_ yon a tsyazhka zakhvare ў l_khamankay і infections Iago Rezk's camp pagorshy¸sya. Suvora ў not ў s_la ў kamandavats voyskam_. Arm_yu yon a perada ў at Krakave to the general Rosenberg, and at pashtovay kareets _mknu¸sya hutchey dasyagnuts a boundary ў Races іі. Pas prybyzz_ ў Kobryn Suvora ў spadzyava¸sya zatrymatsets here tolk_ on nekalk_ a zen, to Alya Nasuperak zhadannyu praba ў amal two months. Palkavodzets ў a tsyazhka are sick. Amal two tydn_ yon not a pryma ў n_yakay hedgehogs, spadzeyuchysya tak_m to chyna of pazbav_tsets hell of a nemacha. Adnak hole stanav_lasya ¸syo gorsh і gorsh, і yon zgadz і ў sya lyachytsets of suras 'yozna. Byl_ zaproshana kobrynsk_ doctor Kern_son, and poty uracha z Tsyarespalya і Brest.

Pershyya dn_ lyachennya prynesl_ nekator Pospekh. Adchu¸sha to the palyapsheena, Suvora ў vyrasha ў pasts_ts, pakolk_ pachyna¸sya Vyal_k_ post. At an hour palyapshennya I will become general_s_mus hadz і ў a pas rooms of the house, a dyktav ў uspam_na of a pr _talyansk_ і shveytsarsk_ plowed lands to a g_staryyagraf to Fuchs, yak_ zhy ў pra _m.

Adnak of a palyogk was nepratsyaglay. At hutk_m hour Suvorava became zus_m a drenna, і the prince P. І. Bagrats_yon, yak_ znakhodz і ў sya pra _m at Kobryne, adprav і ў sya ў Petsyarburg z pavedamlenny ab velm_ tsyazhk_m a camp zdaro¸ya palkavodets.

18 sakav_k of 1800 at Kobryn prybyl_ are sent to _mperatara the son Suvorava Arkadz і leyb-medyk Veykart. Paul I Zagada ў Arkadzyu of a kozhna dzen danos_ts pra camp zdaro¸ya palkavodets.

Pryby¸shyya pavedam_l і that ў stal_ets Suvorava of rykhtuyetsets are magnificent pryyom. _mperatar zagada ў sustrakats general_s_musa so, yak sustrakal_ Iago most: to tsarko¸ny rings і to salutes z garmat, vyveshvanny stsyago ў. Getyya vestk_ tseshyl_ serets of a hvorag of palkavodets, і yon yashche time s_lay vol_ zmog padnyats to a syaba on nog_. Suvora ў hundred ў ustavats z pastset і, a pratsyagva ў dyktavats uspam_na, a navedv ў the Petrapa¸la¸sky tsarkva і a spyava ў on a kl_rasa. (At pamyats a pra navedvann_ Suvorava to a get to a tsarkv myastsovyya zhykhara stal_ nazyvats "сувораўскай", a stalemate getay nazvay Yana a tsyaper of znachytsets ў tsarko¸ny sp_sa.)

On a way z a zamezhnaga to a zvodna campaign a battalion of Ekatsyarynasla¸skaga і Masko¸skaga a stick ў 19 sakav_k of 1800 praysho ў to marches of a pas of Gubern_yalnay vul_ets, a dza on the Ghanaian svaygo houses, adchu¸sha ў getyya hv_l_na to a palyogk, _kh a v_ta ў Suvora ў. General_s_mus ў pases-raneyshamu ў motsna to spirits are sick to cellas, Alya. Geta was an aposhny sustrecha A. V. Suvorava z arm_yay.

At aposhn_kh chysla of a sakav_k yon naza¸syoda of a payekh ў z Kobryna. At a daroza Iago Rezk's camp pagorshy¸sya, і paslya prybyzzya ў Petsyarburg on May 18 1800 Mr. Suvora ў pamyor. Iago pakhaval_ ў Blagaveshchanskay to a tsarkva of Alyaksandra-Ne¸skay of a la¸ra ў Petsyarburgu. On nadmag_lnay pl_ets nap_sal_ tolk_ slova Torahs: "Here lyazhyts Suvora ў" — so yon a zavyashcha ў.

Usyo svayo zhyzzyo hell naradzhennya yes an aposhnyaga dykhannya A. V. Suvora ў prysvyats і ў to Tam that was for Iago not prafes_yay, and vysheyshy pryznachenny — vayennay to a sprava. Hole byl_ nezvyklym_ entertainments і ¸tsekh і, guln_ і bal_. zhyzzya, a pas sutnasts і, Iago had no Asab_stag. A s_la pile mustache yon prysvyats і ў to a vayennam to a maysterstvo — a getam to a tsyazhkam to a sort dzeynasts і, yak_ a patrabava ў a maks_malnaga praya¸lennya to a talent, muzhnasts_ і vol_. Adna z asno¸ny ulasts_vastsy Iago of nature was glyboky neparushny beskarysl_vats.

Nepera¸zydzena maystar of a vayna, Suvora ў yae not lyub і ў. Jac Palkawodsez yon I will bend ў military a spr ў, Alya a yak of a chalavek vyal_kay souls, a gumannaga, Iago's dobraga zasmuchal_ zgubnyya nastupstva war ў. "Vayna — chaos, a vayn — bedstvo, a peramog — the resident of Kan of a vayna" — so gavara ў yon z Bol of a pr to a vayn.

Vayenna-tearetychny і praktychny dzeynasts A. V. Suvorava zrab_l_ vyal_k_ ¸pla ў on a daleyshaa razv_zzyo a ruskaga of a natsyyanalnag of a vayennag of a maysterstvo і vayennay teory_.

N. M. Pl_sko.


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