Kobrin district


Rogachik is modest

Ceruchus chrysomelinus (Hochenwarth, 1785)
Group: Coleopterous (Coleoptera)
Family: Plastinchatousye

Status: Category 2.

Rogachik modest Ceruchus chrysomelinus (Hochenwarth, 1785) – a look which area and number are catastrophically reduced recently, especially in the countries of Europe where in a number of places it disappeared. 

Bug, 12-16 mm long. Body top convex, coloring black, strongly brilliant. Wing sheaths with deep grooves and convex row-spacings. Zhvala at males are increased and act forward, from above with an angular tooth. Legs are rubiginous. Short moustaches with a trekhchlenikovy mace.

Distribution. Rogachik modest is quite widespread in the north of Palearktiki. In Europe meets in the north from the Southern Norway (locally), Central Sweden and Finland through Poland on the South to the Balkans (Bosnia, Herzegovina, Croatia, Serbia, Slovenia, Montenegro), Bulgaria and the South of Greece. Local population is revealed in Cyprus. Further on the West it is noted in the extreme South of Germany, in the center and in the southeast of France, the North of Italy, local population is known in the Pyrenees and on the island of Corsica of Mannerkoski et al., 2009]. On the East moves ahead through Romania, the Carpathians, the North of Ukraine, the country of Baltic, Republic of Belarus and widely comes into the European part of Russia. In Russia on the North to Petrozavodsk, Kotlas and Serov (Northern Urals), on the East to Tomsk and Novosibirsk, on the South it is widespread to forest-steppe border in the region (it is known from the North of the Volgograd region and from the Tellermanovsky wood of the Voronezh region), and also on Western Caucasus – in the south of Krasnodar Krai.

Habitats: the old fir-tree and mixed woods. Bugs can be met on the following wood juice and on flowers. Development of larvae happens in the thickness of the collapsing wood of fir-trees with brown gnilyam in the conditions of strong moistening and 3-4 years proceed. Pupate in the spring. Finding of an imago and larvae in white decay of trunks of birches can be connected, at least in some cases, with wood defeat by two species of mushrooms at once – Fomitopsis (causing brown decay) and Fomes (causing white decay). And in this case it is easier for adult bug to get on the trunk sites with white decay located near those with brown decay. Imagos (especially males), apparently, live not for long. There are data what passes years in the first half of July though live females can be met prior to the beginning of August. In vitro an imago exit made about 10% of larvae of the last age and dolls; other individuals were infected with a mold fungus and died. In the nature quite often it is possible to observe the bugs who died from the same disease. Is very rare species, meets in a small amount in limited territories. Number goes down because of cutting down of old fir-tree trees and because of low resistance of a rogachik to fungal diseases.