Number and tendency of its change:
In Belarus was always not numerous look. Now the tendency of decrease in number of a look in neighboring countries is noted. Modern number in Belarus is estimated at 600-800 nesting couples.
- Republic of Belarus: cuttings down
- Republic of Belarus: ashes
- Republic of Belarus: the growing fields
- Republic of Belarus: marsh islands
- Republic of Belarus: a floodplain in Smolevichsky district
Major factors of threat:
- spring pala of vegetation
- shooting by poachers
- taxidermists
Protection measures:
Broad promotion among the population of knowledge of a look and need of its protection, control over spring floors of vegetation, the organization of works on secondary bogging of territories on the place of the developed peat bogs.
Description of a look:
Medium-sized bird of prey. Length of a body is 44-52 cm, wingspan of 99-121 cm, mass of 280-500 g. Sexual dimorphism is well expressed. The adult male from far away in flight reminds a seagull, it ash-gray from above with purely white belly. Nadkhvostye white. Female and young birds brown, nadkhvostya white, tail and ispod wings striped.
The area will be extended a wide strip, taking middle latitudes from Atlantic to Pacific coasts, including Europe, the Central and northern Asia. On the territory of Belarus it is widespread unevenly. It is very rare in Grodno, in the north of the Minsk and Mogilev regions. Meets to Polesia and in Poozerye more regularly. Winters in Western Europe. In years with soft low-snow winters, apparently, can remain on wintering in the southwest regions of Belarus.
Nesting flying and tranzitno the migrating look. Spring flight begins very much early, usually from second decade of March, long before full thawing of snow. The earliest start date of flight to Polesia - 13.2.1998. For a nest sites of cuttings down with subgrowth in human height above in 1-3 km from edge of forest area are chosen. Nests are arranged on the earth among wood stuff, on rather dry sites near stubs or small trees, sometimes in crops of winter cereals. Nests are small, with a diameter about 40 cm, edges are laid out by thin dry wood branches, the tray is covered by a dry grass. Otkladka of eggs occurs in the first or second decades of May. In a laying of 5-6 white eggs, their average size 44,7 - 36,2 mm. The laying nasizhivatsya 29-30 days, baby birds hatch in the second decade of June and rise by a wing in the third decade of July. The basis of food field luny is made by the mouse-like rodents, small sparrow birds nesting on the earth and lizards. Mass flying away is observed in October.
Article from the Red List of RB
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