From Pinsk to Brest

(Dmitry Kuzmich of Whitebaits, Hero of the Soviet Union. In July, 1944 – the colonel. For the valor and courage shown in fights at speeding up of Dnieper, D. K. Malkova the rank of the Hero of the Soviet Union is given. It is awarded by 10 awards, including 2 Polish, many medals. Now the general – the lieutenant of a stock lives in Moscow.)

… Having forced the river of the Pin, the 12th division of guards, together with other connections of the 9th Guards shooting case, passed to prosecution of the opponent and for four days promoted on the West to 120 kilometers.

Having seized settlements of Ivanovo and Gorodets, its parts started fight for Kobrin – an important strong point of Germans on the Brest direction. Having forced the river, the 29th and 37th shelf rushed into Kobrin from the South. Soon from the East parts of the next division approached. Heavy street fighting in the city continued more than four hours. The opponent is crushed. On July 20, 1944 the city of Kobrin was freed.

Joyfully, with bread and salt, with flowers met the Belarusian people of the liberators - soldiers of Red Army. Peasants willingly helped our troops transport - brought ammunition and the food, evacuated wounded. Rejoicing to progress of our troops, they together with fighters grieved about fallen in fights. All residents of the village came to a funeral of the staff sergeant Morgunova who died for the village of Golovchitsa of a saninstruktor of the 31st art regiment.

After Kobrin's release the division received a task - to come on the main direction, along the Brest highway, between the railroad and the river Mukhavets and, together with other connections of the case, to seize the city and fortress Brest …

… the 29th and 37th Guards shooting regiments and the 31st Guards artillery regiment began to be called as "Kobrinskimi" and were awarded the order the Red Banner …

Whitebaits, D. K. From Pinsk to Brest/. K. Malkov//Bug on fire: [collection of memories of the Great Patriotic War] / edition N. M. Butrimovich, A. P. Kosteletskaya. – Minsk: Belarus, 1977. – Page 413-420. The author of article, the commander of a division, participated in Kobrin's release.

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