_shl_ ba_ stalemate Kobrynam

Tsyaper, kal_ our people of rykhtuyetsets adznachyts to a 25-goddza peramog_ over fascism, m_zhvol_ ¸spam_nayutsets pershyya dn_ bayo ў z to g_tlera¸ets і, cherven 1941.

Ours 22 tank dyv_z_ya, yaky a kamandava ў the general-mayor V. P. Pugana ў, razmyashchalasya on po¸dzen hell of Brest, amal on a gran_tsa. Z pershy zha m_nut napadzennnya the fascist ў Yana a ¸stup_la z _m_ ў fight. Zhorstk_ya bambyozhk_ і motsna artyleryysk_ fire at an hour of a rapto¸nag I will attack vyvel_ sa I build a chastka of ours of the tank ў і cars, adnak dyv_z_ya not a strats_la svayoy boyezdolnasts_. Pra bambyozhets to a zag_n ў zampal_t dyv_z іі palko¸n_k _laryyona ў. 23 chervenya dyv_z_ya razmyasts_lasya on Kobryn's zakhadza, kuda adyyshl_ і mnog_ya stralkovyya chasts_. Here to a loan abaron ў a regiment hang around stralkovay dyv_z іі, yak_m a kamandav ў palko¸n_k Astashenka.

At po¸dzen on razmeshchanyya ours voysk_ dvoycha abrushval_sya bombavyya ¸dara of the fascist ў, to Alya Nastuplenna of an akupant ў it was started a znachna of pazny. Heating 6 gadz_n a vechar paslya magutnay artpadrykhto¸k_ to rushyl_ tank_ the fascist ў, padtrymanyya lantsugam_ an a¸tamatchyka ў. Razgare¸sya tankava sustrechna fight. Field Usyo of a zatsyagnul to smokes hell of palayuchy bayavy cars, Chmara to a heat hell uznyatay uzryvam_ zyaml_ zab_val_ to the dykhayena. Usyo navakol was ў polym_ і a smoke. I ў gety a scorching heat pratsyagval_ is firm trymats to an abaron ours stralk і, and paradze¸shyya tankavyya companies zatryml_val_ nats_sk at many times pera¸zykhodzyachy us to l_ka fashystsk_kh the tank ў.

Ab heroes of a getag to fight of hochatsets raskazats padrabyazny. Kal_ the tank of a leytenanta-kamsamolets Lyuts_kava ў padb_ta, і adz_n snarad a ladder і ў at a matornaa to the addzyaleena, and askolak zakl_n і ў I see, tank_sta not pak_nul_ the car. Vyrashy¸sha vests_ fight z mesets, Yana zdolel_ raskl_n_ts I see і pramy papadanny padpal_l_ tsyazhk_ g_tlera¸sk_ the T-4 tank, and kulyamyotny fire zn_shchal_ supravadzha¸shy the tank g_tpera¸sk_kh a matatsykl_sta ў і ¸tsyokshy z padb_tay cars of a tank_st ў a voraga. Yana yes of the resident of Kan vykanal_ the vo_nsk_ abavyazak, zag_nul_ hell of a pramog papadannya tsyazhkaga of a snarad. Nak_rava ў on the g_tlera¸sky car the BT-7 palayucha і mekhan_k-vadz_tsel, kamun_st V_ktar Skvartso ў. Muzhna vo_n zgare ў at the car. To Alya pobach zgare ў і varozha tank. Not spynyayucha kamandavannya fight, at the tank to a zag_n ў і ours lyub_ma kamandz_r the general Pugana ў.

Z padb_ty cars vyal_ fight starshynya Yamchuk і sergeants Charnavok і Sakhata. Znya¸sha z padb_ty tank ў kulyamyota, kas_l_ zakhopn_ka ў Zholudze's tank_sta ў, Drema ў і Kasabutsk_. Pyats time ў padymal_sya ў hand-to-hand zasta¸shyesya without tank_sta cars a stalemate kamandavanny a starshaga of the lieutenant of a kamun_st of I. S. Marozava, yak і, buducha paraneny, not to a pak_n ў fields to fight. Pryysho¸shyya syuda padrazdzyalenn_ 205 motastralkovay dyv_z іі zn_shchyl_ granatam_ shests zaysho¸shy at our back g_tlera¸sk_kh the tank ў і yes companies _kh the soldier.

To Alya S_ly byl_ nyaro¸nyya. Rasstralya¸sha ¸ves a unit of fire і not mayucha papa¸nennya, z nevyal_k_m to stocks of a pal_v, a pas to a zagad of a palko¸n_k Konanava, yak_ zamyan і ў a zag_nu¸shaga of a kamandz_r dyv_z іі, reshtk_ 43 hectares і 44 hectares tank a stick ў pachal_ adykhodz_ts on ¸skhod.

At gety ba_ fascists strats_l_ bolsh the 40th tank ў і heating 400 sva_kh soldiers і an af_tsera ў. Z Bol at serets adykhodz_l_ we Kobryn's hell, not ¸shanava¸sha navat pamyats_ zag_nu¸shy at ba_ a tavarysha ў. To Alya we tsvyorda veryl_: we are syuda vyarnyomsya. I we vyarnul_sya!

Da¸no skonchylasya vayna. Adbudavana і stal_ yashche prygazheyshym_ our garada і sells, zarasl_ grass staryya entrenchments. To Alya of the hero's _myona ў pershy bayo ў n_kol_ not satrutsets ў pamyats_ people, і podzv_g_ savetsk_kh baytso ў stalemate Kobrynam 23 chervenya 1941 buduts zhyts do¸ga.

Yu. S. Pograb ў, udzeln_k bayo ў, byla kamandz_r tankavaga of a ¸zvod 22 tankavay dyv_z іі. Sarata¸skaya voblasts, Oz_nsk_ of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, item of Uradzhayna.

Pograb ў, YU.S. _shl_ ba_ Kobrynam / Yu.S stalemate. Pograb ў//Kobrynsk_ vesn_k. - 1970. - 26 l_penya. Pershyya dn_ Vyal_kay Aychynnay …

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