Treba pomn_ts!

22 chervenya spa¸nyaetsets a yaky ¸vayshla ў ours g_storyyu a yak unknown pases zhorstkasts і, to a trag_zm і to a gera_zm of a b_tv of a shmatnatsyyanalnag of a savetskag of the people suprats to fascism, 1418 a zen і nachey human the mountain on fronets і ў the back, nepakh_snay muzhnasts_ і advag_ the soldier ў, a partyzana ў і a padpolshchyka ў pyatsdzesit a reptile ў z day to an ear of Vyal_kay Aychynnay of a vayna.

22 chervenya 1941 on our kra_na of a nap ў vorag. Kavarna, motsna, zhorstk_. Fashystskaya German_ya і sayuzn_k_ skantsentraval_ on gran_ets z the USSR vel_zarny arm_yu: heating 5,5 million soldiers, udvy mensh the tank ў і ¸try mensh av_yatsy_.

Adny z pershy to a vayn sustrel_ bayets і kamandz_ra of the 6th і the 42nd stralkovy dyv_z_y, yak_ya azhyzzyav_l_ Massawa are legendary podzv_g pra to the abarena Brestskay krepasts_. To Adraz ustup_l_ ў fight і troops і, yak_ya dyslakaval_sya ў Kobryne. Gera_chna zmagal_sya letchyk_ 123-hectare av_yapalka of a mayor of Suryn. Itself kamandz_r pravyo ў chatyra pavetranyya oh і, ZB і ў Torahs varozhyya planes, Alya ў hour of an aposhnyag to fight ў itself a smyarotna are wounded. At ba_ heating Zhab_nk_ the lieutenant Rabtsa ў adny z pershy savetsk_kh a lyotchyka ў at getay to the vayena zdzeysn і ў pavetrana a ram. On po¸nach Kobryn's hell vorag ў spynena baytsam_ the 22nd tankavay dyv_z іі the general-mayora Puganava. Ek_pazh V_ktar Skvartsov's kamun_sta on palayuchy to the BT-7 tank a ram і ў the varozhy car. At zhorstk_m ba_ a ¸dzeln_cha ў a nepasredna Pugana ў і to a zag_n ў. S_la byl_ nyaro¸nyya, і to a vechar 23 chervenya fascists ¸stup_l_ ў the city of Kobryn. Pacha¸sya trag_chna sama peryyad for ¸syu Iago 700-gadovy g_storyyu... Bolsh a yak of 12 thousand kabrynchan zag_nul_ for reptiles of a vayna. Eight vyosak a rayona to times z zhykharam_ byl_ are burned g_tlera¸tsam_. Materyyalna vel_zarna ¸ron a national gaspadartsa are put. Patrabavalasya shmat reptile ў paslya Peramog і, incorporated bank zaga_ts terrible wound, adnav_ts razburany gaspadarka. Tsyazhkay, velm_ tsyazhkay was Cang getay Peramog_. І to us us_m treba pomn_ts ab gety.

Treba pomn_ts//Kobrynsk_ vesn_k. – 1991. – 22 chervenya. 23 chervenya fascists ¸stup_l_ ў city of Kobryn. 

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