Front roads of the soldier

On May 9 for us stopped being only the Victory Day for a long time. It also day of Memory, day when we remember those whose hands got a victory in that terrible war: about been killed in the battles which left us after war and, of course, about the veterans living near us.

The person about whom I want to tell is not the commander or the Hero of the Soviet Union. He is the ordinary toiler soldier who passed half of Europe and together with millions such as it which brought us a great Victory. Sergeant After this Evdokimovich Ptashnik, participant of the Berlin operation and operation on liberation of Prague.

Zosim Evdokimovich in the village of Sychovo of Zhabinkovsky district was born. Studied at school that took place, in next Ozyatakh, and, as well as the majority of schools of the Western Belarus 30-x years, was Polish. So in the doctrine yes daily economic cares of the countryman there passed the childhood Zosima Evdokimovicha...

And it ended, as well as at millions of his peers - on June 22, 1941. War came suddenly, collapsed from the sky in hundreds of bombs, having turned day at night, and peaceful life - into a terrible nightmare. "War began in four mornings. And at us, in the village, till o'clock of ten yet nobody knew anything", - the veteran remembers. And then Germans came. The new power began to establish new orders. Sychovo's inhabitants were driven for work - to do an embankment for the bridge through river Mukhavets. Took a hard labor and sixteen-year-old Zosim Evdokimovich. Once even tried to run. Caught. Put for a month to the Brest concentration camp.

- Memory any more not that at the grandfather, - laughs Zosim Evdokimovich. - But the concentration camp remembered well. Worked - cleared away the camp territory from the garbage which remained after bombardments. From food - 200 grams of bread a day yes water. Sometimes, however, the father secretly transmitted through a wire bread from the house. It had to be hidden: protection will notice - will not seem a little - in camp punished for faults very strictly.

After a concentration camp Zosima Evdokimovicha returned to Sychovo for work. And soon guerrillas began to appear here. Zosim became coherent and till 1944 delivered the information about the enemy to guerrilla group. In August of the 44th when the territory of Belarus was already cleared of the German invaders, Zosima Evdokimovicha called up for military service. At first was in a spare regiment near Moscow, and then in November as the operator of artillery part threw on the Sandamirsky base to Poland.

The operator in artillery - responsible and dangerous front work. Without it correction of firing of tools at the opponent's positions is impossible. "Almost always was on a front line, - the veteran remembers. - It is rather heavy, of course: it was necessary to drag on himself not only a holdall and the automatic machine, but also 3-4 linking of a telephone cable with the device...".

In the 1945th with troops of the First Ukrainian front Zosim Evdokimovich forced the Oder, Elba, Spree River, and at the end of April entered Berlin. From here its division was thrown under Prague. In Czechoslovakia he also celebrated the Victory Day. However at once it was not succeeded to return home: after war sent to serve at first to Hungary, and then... to Chechnya. "Then there it was quiet, - Zosim Evdokimovich remembers. - But at a trip to mountains the officer was always given the weapon: gun, and even automatic machine...".

After demobilization in the sergeant's rank Zosim Evdokimovich returned to Sychovo. Married, worked in collective farm in Maloritsky district, then – in Kobrin agricultural machinery. He now also lives in Kobrin, is engaged in a household. Already, thank God, and great-grandsons are.

With the coming holiday of the Victory you, dear Zosim Evdokimovich!

Magdysyuk, Page. Front roads Soldier / Sergey Magdysyuk//Kobrynski vesnik. – 2001. – May 8. – Page 2. About the veteran of war Zosima Evdokimovich Ptashnike, the sergeant-veteran, the participant of the Berlin operation, operation on liberation of Prague.

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