Kalyadn_ka ў 12 chalavek, uzrost hell 12 yes 53 reptiles ў. "Vechor, z 13 on 14 yanvar, pyryd old New year, at nashy d_revn_ vysele to the ozhyvleena — prysh v_sely prazdn_k — "Shchodrukh". In a theta a vechor zbyrayutsya nyvylykyma of a grupkama are adult і teenagers, od_vayutsya in samy_ Razna suits і nachynayut round of a syl z pozdravlennyama і pozhylannyama, gadannyama, p_snyama і tantsama, potsyganyata — pogadata, povysylyta of owners, "vytsaganyta" pennies, a gor_lka, fat, a kovbasa go on huts ". But geto ny glavna, geto use joke. And a glavna — geto ours traditsyya, iz pokon to a kolyadnyka hodyla v_k for this purpose, sho obnadezhyta of a sylyanyn in that, sho a yak uzhe a pryshla "goat" і "буснык" in a hut — znachyt pryde і a vysna, we will be s_yata, will be vys_llya Grata in syl і, bude a harvest, bude vse dobre in new rots_..."
Uves herd z "goat" і "busnyky" _dz hell of a hut yes of a hut, spyavayuts, _grayuts, skachuts. Padykhodzyats yes hut threshold і spyavayuts:
Oh, pryshla goat,
Zmarzla z frost...
Dvare odkryvayte,
Nanny-goat vpuskayte.
Gipsy to a pogadaa,
Busnyk to a posp_vaa.
Goat to a potantsyua
I to you to a poshantsyua.
In new year,
Odgonyt to life.
Dasts health B_g,
Vpust _'te for por_g.
Gaspadar to an adchynyaa dzver і to a zaprashaa ¸s_kh at a hut. Pershym_ zakhodzyats at a hut "dzyadok" z "goat", poty "Gipsy" z "busnyky", "Gipsy", "saldat-barabanshchyk", "дохтар", astatn_ya.
"D_dok" porridge: Kind vechur, shchodry vechur, gospodaryam in a hut! To Shchedry people shchastsya v_chno, that health of mate! In Novogodn_y vechur shchedry ma on huts nosymo. P_sn і, zharta, sm_kh nyvredny і payments nyprosymo!
"Gipsy": Well, and a yak on vashuy, a batechka, shchedrosts_ і daste koz_ on s_no, d_dova on a tabachok, and busnykova chogos m_tsn_shy pogr_tys... bo bach_te, a yak at his b_dny dzyub of a pochervon_l of odes to a frost, vzhe ny poshchytayte ty for a payment. "Gipsy": Ale so, a batechka, ny shchytayte ty for a payment. Bo I foretold to you, sho in New rots_ v_te budete are m_tsno healthy і m_tsno are rich!
Gaspadar Dai pennies to "Gipsy", "tsyganets", "d_dka" і to a prygavarvaa: "On, Roma, koz_ on s_no, on tob і, to a d_d, on a tabachok, and tob і, the Gipsy for yours to the gadayena". "D_dok": Shchyro dyaku_mo! Well, nanny-goat, potantsyuy gospodaryam!
Mustache spyavayuts, and dancing a kaz.
And our goat
Skakate mozha.
The won jumped
On fields-l_sam,
And typer jumping
On God's houses.
Dae a goat a leg —
There potatoes mountain.
Dae a goat rozhkame —
There zhyto stozhkame.
Dye a goat jumped —
There oil і fat.
Dae a nanny-goat hodyt —
There zamletsya rodyt...
But hlopchyk blagey,
Strylets boyevey,
Vylyz on a rod —
P_dstrelyv goat...
The nanny-goat fell! (Kaza falling.)
Get up, kozyunya, on nuzhke
Pacha woman pyrozhke!
"Goat": (padymaa Galawa) Yake vone?
Yachne! For kozochke smachne!
Kaza of padymayetsets z a floor, glyadz_ts on the Gipsy і to a mekaa. Gaspadar of a hut to a chastua ¸s_kh to p_razhka і, and "Gipsy" "корміць" p_razhkam_ "goat" і radasna to a vykrykvaa to a hut gaspadar.
"Gipsy": From, bach_te, a batechka, the gospodynka, a yak you ny nalekle p_rozhk_v, would be gone our nanny-goat. Give you Bozha p_rog_ on that r_k too. D_dusyu, and skazhe gospodaryam, sho a nanny-goat for _kh to a potantsyua, the mozh of fat will be given.
"D_dok": Oh, nado_v you, Gipsy, vs_m to us z svo_m fat, vse fat, that fat!. Well ny buv that Gipsy.
"Gipsy": E-e-e, batechku-d_dusyu! Yak I buv tsary, fat sn_dav, fat ob_dav і, povycheravsha fat, fat postelyvsya, і fat nakrevsya. So e there smachne, batechka!
Gaspadar Dai of fat to the Gipsy ў feed bag. "Gipsy": And vzhe, d_dusyu, і busnyk to a potantsyua z kozochkyyu for a kovbaska?
"Busnyk" to a k_vaa, Gipsy to a _graa і to a spyavaa.
Skache shchedryk on styn_
Pakhne fat — dayte mn_...
Oh and shchedryk,
Oh and vedryk...
Give us, dedynko, varenyk.
Mage showed
Shob dale fat.
Father svarevsya
Shob ny having sung.
Oh and shchedryk,
Oh and vedryk...
Give, to us, dedynko, varenyk,
To Grudochk kashke,
Ring kovbaske...
"D_dok": Pochakai you, the Gipsy, z a salom'd I kovbasoit. Look at a busnyk, v_n hoche, shob you "Bug" to him zagrav. Busl_k to a k_vaa, the Gipsy to a _graa, busl_k dancing і to a spyavaa:
On doroz_ bug, bug,
On doroz_ black,
Podyvysya pane-brate
Yaky I is motor.
Yaky I is motor
Yes in whom I vdavsya,
Treba date two thalers
Shob ozhenykhavsya.
"Gipsy": Oh, chuyete, sho hoche busnyk? V_n ozhenytys hoche. And shob ozhenytys, to it treba only two thalers! Of a busnykova — find fault with Pomozh_mo zhenytsya! Dayte on vysnyane to a vys_lla hto sk_lka mozhe!
"Gipsy" (zdymaa hat і to a peradaa ¸s_m pas to a circle): Oh, that that, davayte і we pomozh_mo busnykova ozhenykhatys, lady hto sk_lka mozhe... Huy zhenytsya busnyk, vesna huchey preyde, teplo bude, vse zatsvyte, d_tke narodyatsya.
Pa¸za. Gipsy to a dastaa sa hats naymenshy note і to a padymaa ¸verkh, nezadavolena gavoryts:
E-e-e, chavela-romela, batechka! A yak of a takyma groshy-ma pomogata busnykova, v_n on tylko to a vesna ny ozhenykhayetsya, a і to a nastupny "Shchodrukhy" bude single. From mozhe gospodar_ b_lsh will give? Well, the yak sho at gospodarya to a nymaa groshy in huts і, and vs_ to lyzhat wons in bants_ (at bank), find fault in New rots_ ty pennies at gospodarya stane b_lsh at many rozyv. (Gaspadar Dai pennies.) Shchyro dyakuyemo to you for podarunka shchodra on vesnyane to a vys_lla of a busnykova. Huy to you New r_k bude vysely thaw shchaslyvy. Mustache spyavayuts:
To Vechor sacred
Voss_yanne zyr.
And to the gety house —
Pleasure і m_r.
Bozhe you hrana,
Dozhdatys vesna.
Gold l_t,
Lypovy tsv_t.
Rich osena
At the Lord prosymo,
Nastupny Christmas carol
Bozhe prygoda.
Buwaites are healthy,
Zhyv_te it is rich,
Bo vzhe we p_demo
To druge_ huts.
Zap_sala 13 studzenya 2000 of H.B.ZhUK of a pra sadzeyn_chann_ nosb_ta ў-і nfarmatara ў P.S. ІІІ apyatsyuka, 1942 naradzhennya, And.І. Shag_yatsyuk, 1945 naradzhennya, zhykharo ў century Lel_kava.
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