Articles about Kobrin: Spiritual culture

Legends, kazk і, padann і, gulni

3 padannya ў naybolyn raspa¸syudzhanym_ byl_ tapan_m_chnyya, yak_ya raskazval_ pra zaklyatyya belongings, kamyan і, rek і, azyora.

Pra ring, yak_ paysho ў stalemate zyamlyu.
At prykhodskay to a tsarkva of century Garadzets yosts davol_ vyal_k_ ring, ab yak_m raskazvayuts to a nastupnaa. To times z tak_m zha to rings yon prypla ў yes a beraga myastsovay rak_ і it is called in і ў. To Alya so yak svyatar і to the prykhadzhena marudz_l_ z to the hresny courses, abodva of a zvana stal_ apuskatsets vatu stalemate, і, kal_ pryba ў hresna course yes of a berag, adz_n ring skhava¸sya ў to a vadza, and drug_ ў bachna tolk_ to a napalov. To Adraz zak_nul_ setk_ і vytsyagnul_ geta aposhn_ ring, Alya Pry ¸s_kh namagannyakh not zmagl_ vytsyagnuts drug_ ring, yak і, yak myarkuyuts, hutka of an adpla ў distances.

Pra stone.
For an adna to a vyarst hell of century _myan_n on high a gara, a yaky parasla to the pine woods, lyazhyts vyal_k_ a stone... Adnoycha ў to a dazhdzhl_vaa to a nadvor'a nachlezhn_k (nachna varta¸n_k horses, yak_ya pasvyatsets) razmyasts і ў sya heating kamenya, Iago's vybra¸sha ў yakasts_ ¸zgalo¸ya і padstsyal і ў shy fur. Not to a paspa ў yon zasnuts, a yak I will rest ў zagad adysts_ hell kamenya, Alya not paslukha¸sya to a voice і paslya a traynoga pa¸tarennya Iago. Tada nyabachnay s_lay pulled out fur z-pad a nachlezhn_ka і Iago's adnesla of the krok ў on 50 ubok. Nachlezhn_k peramyasts і ў sya і laid down on new mesets. Adxiul yon of an ubacha ў on kamen_ fire, yak_ chargava¸sya s_n_m, chyrvony; ty ubachyl_ і _nshyya nachlezhn_k і, yak_ya pryyshl_ syuda. Kal_ Yana padykhodz_l_ yes kamenya, fire of a zn_k ў, Alya a yak tolk_ Yana adykhodz_l_ on mesets, kuda of a ¸p ў fur, fire _zno ў paya¸lya¸sya. On drug_ dzen nachlezhn_k_ nayshl_ heating kamenya Torahs syarebranyya coins.

Dz_tsyachyya guln_

Monitor lizard.

Lyub_may gulnyoy at dzya¸chynak there was gulnya ў "Vorana". Hlopchyk_ ¸dzeln_chal_ ў yoy velm_ redka. At an hour guln_ dzya¸chynk_ razmyashchayutsets of an adn behind one, trymayuchysya for a sukenka papyarednyay. On we tickle mesets of stanov_tsets the most lo¸ky dzya¸chynka. Yae nazyvayuts "uterus" і Yana to a _dza to a ¸peradza ¸s_kh. Rolya "matk і" zaklyuchayetsets ў ty, incorporated bank not dats magchymasts_ other dzya¸chyntsa, yaky to a ¸ya¸lyaa Saba "crow", zlav_ts aposhny ў to a radza. Pra gety Yana is-part to a vyma¸lyaa: "Kra ў! To Vazm!", and "uterus" to an adkazvaa: "Kra ў! I will not give!" — і starayetsets stayats nasuprats "crow". Hell of "monitor lizard", a motsn trymayuchysya is glad for a vopratka dzya¸chynak behind "uterus" of rukhayetsets ў advarotna a side. Paslya nekalk_kh sprob to "monitor lizard" of ¸dayetsets zlav_ts aposhny ў to a radza dzya¸chynka. Zlo¸leny adykhodz_ts ubok і not to a prymaa to a ¸dzel ў guln_. Gulnya of pratsyagvayetsets yes tago to hour, pacu not buduts tak_m to zlo¸lena chyna to a ¸sa.

Adbyvayezza on dvara ў any couple of year, akramya z_ma. Hlopchyk_ і dzya¸chynk і, yak_ya gulyayuts, vyb_rayuts "anyola" і "devil". "Devil" of stanov_tsets of distances hell us_kh. "Anyol" us_m to gulets Dai Nazvy ptushak і zhyvyol. Paslya of a getag "devil" padykhodz_ts yes anyola і gavoryts: "Dzen-dzyalen!" "Anyol" to an adkazvaa: "Chago, dzyabat, patrabuyesh?" Tickle calling yakuyu-nebudz a ptushka ts_ to a zhyvyol, і kal_ tak_kh a nyama, "анёл" to an adkazvaa: "Nyam". And kal_ yosts, names byaguts on a nevyal_ky adleglasts. "Devil" lov_ts, і kal_ ¸dayetsets skhap_ts, perakhodz_ts hell of "anyol "yes" of the devil". So pratsyagvayetsets yes tago to hour, pakul "devil" not peralov_ts us_kh. Paslya of a getag "анёл" z to "lines" of zgavorvayutsets, pamyanyatsets rolyam_ ts_ not. Zaty byaruts k_yochak і, Iago's trymayucha for two residents of Kan, prapuskayuts a stalemate _m to a palov gultso ў, tak_m to chyna a mustache padzyal_l_sya on 2 teams. "Devil" byare k_yochak і to a praganyaa hell to a syaba to an adn group, prygavorvayucha: "And yes anyola".

Yazda on a k_yochka. Nekalk_ hlopchyka ў byaruts pas k_yochka, stavyats _kh stalemate vugly, adz_n resident of Kan of up_rayetsets ў zyamlyu. Yana ¸ya¸lyayutsets konn_kam_. Kozhna to a perak_daa I carry a pile tseraz Kaya so, incorporated bank the resident of Kan palk і that ¸p_rayetsets ў zyamlyu, znakhodz і ў sya to a zzad. Zaty of vystroyvayutsets ў I am glad, and chastsy "in single file", it is vigorous і is important eduts, paganyayucha of a ¸ya¸nag of a kon_k dubtsy.


1. The materials for geography and statistics of Russia collected by general-staff officers. Grodno lips. SPb., 1863. P. 2. Page 8.
2. Arkh і ў BDMNA_P. Vop. 3. Spr. 25.
3. Krachkovsky Yu.F. Life of the West Russian peasant. M "1874. Page 141-142.
4. Tamsama. Page 143.
5. National selskagaspadarchy tekhn_ka of the Belarusian ў. Mn "1974. Page 52 - 54.
6. Tamsama. Page 57.
7. Tamsama. Page 62.
8. Tamsama. Page 83.
9. The materials for geography and statistics of Russia collected by general-staff officers. Grodno Region of SPb., 1863. P. 2. Page 20, 47.
10. Tamsama. Page 137.
11. Tamsama. Page 108.
12. Pakhavann_. Pam_nk_. Galashenn_. Mn., 1986. Page 146-148.
13. The works of the ethnographic and statistical expedition to the West Russian edge equipped with IRGO, collected by P.P. Chubinsky. T. 4. Ceremonies: homeland, christening, wedding, funeral. SPb., 1877. Page 658 — 670.
14. Arkh і ў BDMNA_P. Bon. 4. Spr. 24.
15. Tamsama.
16. Tamsama.
17. Guln і, entertainments і _gryshcha. Mn., 1996. Page 105 —
18. Arkh і ў BDMNA_P. Vop. 4. Spr. 24.
19. Guln і, entertainments і _gryshcha. Mn., 1996. Page 151.
20. Tamsama. Page 192.
21. Chock Yu.M. Belorussky choreographic folklore. Mn., 1990. Page 59.
22. Tamsama. Page 161.
23. Sheyn P. V. Materials for studying of life and language of the Russian population of the Northwest region. SPb., 1893. T. 2. Page 425.

T. Dz. Yatskev_ch


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