The Kobrin Palace of culture is basic cultural institution of the city and area. Two auditoriums on 803 seats equipped with the modern sound intensifying and light equipment; recording studio, diskozat, showroom, allow to organize at the high level concert activity of both amateur, and professional collectives, in a complex to hold cultural events for all categories of the population.
In new conditions the Palace of culture considerably expanded a range of paid services. Today there are 40 types of paid services. On the basis of Palace of culture conduct work of 26 club formations with total number of participants – 554 persons, 12 formations with a rank "national", "exemplary":
1. National chorus "Palesk_ya Perazvona"
2. National chorus of veterans of the Great Patriotic War and work
3. National orchestra of national tools
4. National brass band
5. Folk theater of a song, music and game "Krynichka"
6. National ensemble of the national song "Burshtyn"
7. Model drama school "Ritm"
8. Model circus studio "Solnyshko"
9. Model studio of arts and crafts creativity "Inspiration"
10. National amateur club "Kobrin — 700"
11. National amateur club "Raritet"
12. National amateur association graphic and arts and crafts "Bona Sforza Gallery.
And also: preparatory circus circle "Freckles", studio of variety singing of "Pramenchyk", studio of a variety vocal "Aida", collective of modern plasticity "PRO movement", studio of the dance "Amadeus", literary club "White Stork", variety tool ensemble "Happy Band". On a paid basis work of 8 formations with the number of participants - 140 is organized. All collectives invite to cooperation and wait for new participants!
Use of modern audiovisual technical means considerably expanded possibilities of on-stage performance groups and performers. The recording studio gave the chance to render services in the field of a sound: multichannel back tracking, vocal; data and mastering of musical material; record of the announcer's text and commercials about carrying out actions.
Address: Kobrin, Lenin St., 4
+375 (1642) 2-56-97 - the Director
+375 (1642) 2-73-06 – the Chief accountant
+375 (1642) 2-73-06 – the Deputy director on AHCh
+375 (1642) 2-33-20 – the Art head
+375 (1642) 2-51-95 – Watch, cash desk
Working hours of Palace of culture:
Monday – Thursday from 8:00 till 20:00
Friday - from 8:00 till 23:00
Saturday, Sunday – from 9:00 till 23:00
The cash desk works: from 9:00 till 18:00, about 14.00-15.00 lunch (without days off)
Our projects: Tourist Kobrin | Intellectual Kobrin
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