Mai of the 1945th brought the long-awaited world. Home the veterans, the former guerrillas who joined army ranks at release began to come back. To Kobrin there arrived experts of a national economy from other areas and the cities, the equipment from industrial regions of the country arrived.
While large construction was developed, it was necessary to solve the immediate tasks. In 1944 there began academic year the high school No. 1, short-term courses on training of teachers opened. On Pionerskaya Street the orphanage accepted orphans. Also medical care of citizens was adjusted. Down the street May Day the movie theater began to work "on September 17".
Gradually ruins and blockages on streets disappeared. Community work days and voskresniks were often held. In time, free from the main work, citizens cleared away the waste ground in Corin's center and broke the square subsequently called by the name of A. I. Morozov, laid the street from Liberty Square to Sadovaya Street which became the beginning of Lenin Street. It was soon reconstructed Garden: became covered with asphalt, extended and a direct tape directed to Brestskoye Highway. Now it is Pushkin Street — one of the most brisk and beautiful highways of the city. And into Liberty Square placed a monument to Lenin again.
Mai of the 45th was still significant for Kobrin the fact that the first shock building of restoration came to the end: on the Dnepro-Bugsky channel vessels went. The channel was decided to be brought to a working condition at once after release of the city. Fascists who could not master completely it destroyed all hydroconstructions. Damages were assessed at 26,5 million rubles. To shock building there arrived experts and again as those premilitary years, thousands of residents of neighboring villages came to the rescue. In 8 months 10 locks, 8 dams and 10 floodgates were restored, the waterway is cleared away and the alarm system is installed.
Post-war community work day. Clearing of a blockage at the building at Liberty Square
On June 21, 1945 for the shown labor heroism and early performance of the state task on restoration of the Dnepro-Bugsky channel the big group of workers and ITR was recommended for decorations. In 1975 in the territory of the water-engineering system located in city boundaries in honor of 200-year anniversary of this water highway established a memorable obelisk. The introduction in a system of the channel, renewal of the movement on the Polesia railroad, repair and reconstruction of highways made Kobrin the important transport hub of Belarus again.
Those first post-war years the feeling of the world and pleasure of free work dominated in mood of people, everyone understood need of the fastest restoration of all industrial enterprises of the city. At many not only disasters of occupational time, but also unemployment of more remote years were live in memory. Therefore citizens with enthusiasm entered the created working collectives, with enthusiasm worked. One of the first in the city the repair shops which were located at the end of Sovetskaya Street recovered. Here started the metal-cutting machine which history is not absolutely usual. It was made even before war at Red Proletarian plant. In the first days of occupation of Kobrin workers managed to sort and to reliably hide the machine. And here again he earned, this veteran of the Kobrin industry. And soon here already there arrived the first 20 machines of various designs from Moscow and Leningrad.
Opening of a memorial obelisk in honor of the 40 anniversary of the Great Victory in the square of A. I. Morozov
The majority of the restored enterprises so far had character of artels, for example sewing "Socialist labor", weaver's "the Red Banner", furniture of Suvorov (in structure rayprom-combine) and others. It is difficult even to present now that the present largest enterprises of the city with their huge cases and the modern equipment are the those artels huddling in old houses and temporary constructions. In days of the first post-war five-years period 8 industrial enterprises which gave production by 3 times exceeding indicators of 1940 on volume became operational.
On March 1, 1950 repair shops were transformed by the order of the Ministry of Agriculture of BSSR to Kobrin repair plant. And since 1963 its radical reconstruction as a result of which in 1967 the new foundry shop became operational began. The machine park was constantly increased, more modern equipment arrived that gave the chance to apply the newest technology of car repairs and other equipment. There was a new production case with a total area of 13 thousand square meters. In it conveyor lines of dismantling of cars, repair and assembly of cabins, the cargo bearing conveyor, (suspended), giving to detail workplaces, and also the main conveyor were started up. Production capabilities of the enterprise constantly extend, the range of products increases. Soon the shop on production of cultivators of the RVK-5,-6 brand will begin to be under construction. Today the Kobrin repair plant carries out repair of GAZ-51 engines, manufactures the towing devices going for export models of the Minsk tractor plant, bunker receptions for loading, unloading of bulks to the MTZ-80 tractors, platforms for assembly of autotractor engines, stands with a tool kit for livestock farms. Release of kamneuborochny cars is planned. At plant over 1100 people work. The collective steadily performs the production targets.
Among the first Kobrin paradise - a group of industrial enterprises resumed work. Nearly fifteen years, despite the semi-handicraft work using generally manual skills it remained the largest enterprise in the city. In the 60th years as a result of a radical reorganization of material technical base of a district group of industrial enterprises from its structure the independent enterprises were allocated. In 1961 in the territory of the foundry and mechanical plant belonging to combine there were shops of new tool plant. In 1965 were constructed its main and auxiliary cases, design capacity is determined by release slesarno-montazh-a tool leg. Now the tool plant has 4 producing departments, 2 auxiliary and 4 separate production sites. In 1965 the production site in David Town joined plant as branch. The enterprise lets out the wide range of tools which are delivered to all federal republics, and also abroad — to 32 states: England, France, Germany, Italy, Holland, Belgium, etc. The plant has the hostel, combine of preschool education. Recreation center.
As a part of a district group of industrial enterprises since 1948 the artel of Suvorov which was letting out cases, sleeping fonts, tables and chairs, a pier glass worked. In October, 1969 the artel became independent factory and transferred the base on the new territory down the street of Dzerzhinsky. In 1971 the Kobrin furniture factory was a part of the Brest furniture production association which head enterprise is in Kosovo. In Kobrin book and kitchen do furniture drawing room sets, cases. Many of these products are issued with the state Quality mark. In total here it is made production for 3 million rubles.
Paradise of l rum combine with separation from it of two large enterprises did not lose the economic potential. After accession of brick-works, new shops on production of building materials it was renamed into combine of construction materials.
In 1948 in Kobrin there was a new plant — canning, one of the first such plants in Belarus. At that time there only 52 person worked, and production was issued for 324 thousand rubles a year. But the enterprise improved the production, shops several times were completely reconstructed. In 1959 the shop of green peas became operational, in 1975 the vegetable office of canning shop was equipped with the latest equipment and the vegetable storehouse on 1150 tons is constructed. In recent years production even more extended: the shop of meat and cereal canned food began to work, two raw platforms and volume warehouse are put in operation. The staff of the enterprise grew by 10 times in number. More than a half working — women. In 1984 to plant the honorary title "The enterprise of high culture" was given. The collective won the passing Red Banner of the Central Committee of a bedding set, Council of ministers of BSSR, Belsovprof and the Central Committee of LKSMB more than once, and since 1979 almost constantly holds the bedding set city town committee banner passing Red *.
The artel "Socialist labor" was one of the first enterprises which began to work in the released Kobrin. Already on August 2, 1944 in the former malls at Liberty Square, hastily put in order, 53 locals who owned craft of the sewer gathered. At the disposal of artel there were only several trophy "zinger" therefore people arrived with the worldly-wise machines. And here artelshchik amicably got down to business: padded jackets and wadded trousers for the front, blankets and clothes for citizens were sewed. Such handicraft work remained till 1950. Changes came with installation of the first ten new sewing machines with the electric drive. In 1956 here 256 sewing machine operators already worked, the artel let out the significant amount of products exceeding local inquiries. Therefore she received the status of factory and was a part of the system of Light Industry Ministry of BSSR.
The range of garments of factory considerably extended, but special popularity was received by children's suits from cotton and woolen fabrics for preschool children and pupils. On the agenda there was a question of broad specialization of production on the basis of its full reconstruction and expansion. In 1961 started implementation of this plan. The three-storyed case in which took place preparatory, raskroyny, experimental and two sewing shops was constructed. Production was equipped with the newest equipment of universal type. And in 1972 the factory finally resolved a specialization issue, having chosen models of the most perspective and economic range. Already then in the republic women's coats of Kobrin garment factory began to be in demand of a jacket for adults and children.
The enterprise is steadily supplied with new types of fabrics, fashionable accessories. There was well interacting, effectively also creatively working group of masters - sewers and fashion artists. It is always aware of modern style and inquiries of the population. Models of the coat and jackets produced at factory constantly are updated and improved. Production with an index "H" (novelty) and especially fashionable makes 52,7 percent. Products of the enterprise never lie too long on counters of shops.
The considerable role in the last achievements of group of sewers was played by transition to new system of the organization and work incentives. On this system 36 crews — 81,7 percent of all employees of factory work here. And collective this considerable — more than 1400 people. The enterprise has the hostel, own housing stock and a children's garden day nursery.
Craft traditions of old Kobrin exerted noticeable impact on development of a city economy. The small handicraftsmen who united in the first post-war years in artel became initiators of future large enterprises. In August, 1944 with artel "Red banner" there began the working career the Kobrin weaving mill. About two tens artelshchik manually processed sheep wool, spun, sweaters knitted, dragged cloth, sewed valenoks — made all production for 36 thousand rubles a year. In 1949 the artel was converted in weaver's shop. On manual machines weaved a sacking, doormats, scarfs and sinelkovy carpets. In 1953 release of jacquard covers began. When in 1955 summed up the results in a decade, it turned out that labor productivity increased for this period more than by 12 times. Gradually entered mechanical machines into work though some products still descended from traditional manual.
But by 1960 reconstruction of production reached the considerable scales which allowed to speak about the former artel as about rather large enterprise — factory. In January, 1963 the factory said goodbye to the last manual weaving loom. As a result of capital works in former shops and with commissioning new — weaver's and tinctorial, working conditions of working improved. Now the staff of factory totals more than 400 people. Its production — covers, cloths, portieres, napkins — is constantly improved: quality improves, drawing is diversified. It is in the increased demand not only in other cities and villages, but also in Kobrin.
Production of factory continues to extend. For years of the tenth five-years period shops were equipped with new high-speed beschelnochny weaving looms of the STB brand. In 1979 the Kobrin weaving mill headed textile production association which part the Antopolsky wadded spinning mill and the Dyvinsky site on production of an economic rope were. Integration of production capacities of association allowed to bring annual release of cotton covers to 158 thousand and covers from a viscose yarn to 432 thousand pieces. These products come practically to all cities of the republic and even out of its limits, and the raw materials go from Vilnius, Kalinin, Omsk and Leningrad. Here women therefore in 1970 at factory the kindergarten and a day nursery on 140 places were constructed work generally.
Belarus was always famous for flax. Traditional for cultivation was this culture since old years and in Kobrin district. Local collective farms achieved quite good results in cultivation of long and shortly wavy grades of flax. In 1955 in Kobrin point of primary processing of these raw materials began to work. Then its staff consisted of only ten people. But flax arrived more and more therefore it was decided to build a flax-processing plant. And here at the end of Pervomayskaya Street, on the bank of the small small river of the Lithuanian falling nearby into the Dnepro-Bugsky canal began to build factory cases. In December, 1959 the enterprise became operational. Flax began to be delivered not only from Kobrin, but also Drogichinsky, Pruzhansky, Maloritsky districts. In the beginning one product line on development of a long and short flax fiber operated. But in the course of production were convinced that it is possible here, to turn the accompanying waste on the place into a semi-finished product — a lnotresta. And in 1962 the new shop opened, and then through it there passed the second product line. In 1971 the plant mastered one more effective production — production kostroplit. The shop, the equipment for which was put was for this purpose put into operation and the Polish experts established. Today the flax-processing plant is included into the Brest production association of Agricultural industry on preparation" and flax preprocessing.
The youngest enterprise of Kobrin is the spinning weaving mill — the largest in the city and in branch. She specializes generally in production of silk fabrics from shtapelny fibers. And its birth is directly connected with the government program of increase in production of goods of mass demand adopted in 1976 on the basis of the resolution of the Central Committee of CPSU. 10 institutes of the country were engaged in design of factory.
In 1977 on the western suburb of the city construction of this industrial facility began. At construction of the main production case for the first time in the republic applied noise-attenuating box-shaped floorings like "Dinakor" and plates of "Akmigron" to ceilings. Everywhere in rooms conditioners are installed. At the new enterprise novelties of automation and full mechanization of spinning and weaver's production found application: automatic product lines of loading of mix, the line of transportation of canvases from trepalny to combing cars by means of the chain conveyor, mechanisms for removal of a yarn from cars, the centralized vacuum cleaning of rooms and others.
The factory consists of two autonomous productions — spinning and weaver's. The spinning site gives a year 7 thousand tons of a yarn, and weaver's — 44 million meters of severe fabrics. Mechanicians of Penza, Ivanov, Tashkent, Kuznetsk, and also Czechoslovakia and GDR delivered more than two thousand units of processing equipment here. The raw materials arrive from Mogilev, Balakovo, Ryazan, Kalinin, from Central Asia (cotton). The enterprise makes technical fabric of different function, a heater for sports jackets — all of products for the total amount of 46 million rubles.
The spinning weaving mill has the welfare and household base, best in the city. It has three standard hostels on 220 places everyone (at hostels the dining room the hairdressing salon, collection point for linen in washing and dry-cleaners, a workshop of individual tailoring work for 50 places), combine of preschool education on 320 places, the dining room, a dispensary on 58 places, recreation facility on the lake Lyuban, a summer camp. The children's and youth sports school is under construction. At individual share of factory in construction of housing for years of the eleventh five-years period 22,5 thousand square meters of useful area are put in operation. 234 employees of factory received the apartment.
The called enterprises make industrial shape of Kobrin who turned for peace years into the considerable industrial center of BSSR. The leader here as we see, is light industry. The most part of city industrial and production personnel (only 8300 people) is engaged in it. There is in the city a bakery, creamery, poultry-farming production association. Annual production of products at Kobrin's enterprises among which fabric silk and cotton, garments, a flax fiber, fruit and vegetable canned food, whole-milk products, oil, cheese, bakery products, the metalwork replacement tool and many other things, make 148 million rubles.
The intensive economic development of the city, large social and cultural shifts which happened for years of the Soviet power entailed also quite rapid growth of the population (to enough tell that its annual gain exceeds 700 people). It in turn caused active construction. Six construction organizations in which about 900 people are employed perform on the general contract annually works for 14 million rubles. In the previous five-years period the housing stock of the city increased by 104 thousand square meters. Nowadays average security of each kobrinchanin with housing makes 13 square meters. According to the master plan of development of Kobrin developed by the Belarusian research and design institute of town planning, perspective construction of large inhabited massifs is planned here in the southern and western directions. At the same time historic center of Kobrin with the subsequent regeneration of the most considerable architectural and historical objects will be kept.
For the last decades the city became multystoried. On the southwest suburb two new residential districts from five-nine floor houses where more than 5 thousand inhabitants lodged grew. Here — a full complex of public service establishments, a supermarket, high school, a children's garden day nursery. On the wide highway — Dzerzhinsky Street (the former Vlodavskaya) regular bus service is adjusted.
Qualitatively new character was gained in Kobrin by individual housing construction. Many inhabitants by old tradition prefer to live in certain houses with personal plots which number now in the city exceeds 4 thousand. And now over 60 such houses annually are under construction. But it is not that wooden stocky, such five-walls similar at each other any more. Here, there to city suburbs the nice, cozy two-storeyed cottages which gained recognition of supporters of individual accommodation are interspersed. In each of them on the first floor the garage, is a central heating, gas, a bathtub, the sewerage.
Leader of the Kobrin industry — spinning weaving mill
New houses in the residential district down the street Dzerzhinsky
Expansion of a residential development of the city demanded introduction to a system of new treatment and water intaking facilities, as was carried out for last five-years period. Let's call, in particular, construction of station of deferrization and the second rising of water with a general power of 12,5 thousand cubic meters per day. Its operation is important for the cities. The matter is that local water is oversaturated by iron oxides that strongly reduced its consumer and tastes.
Construction of facilities of a cultural and household purpose does not remain unaddressed. In 1984 in Kobrin the new movie theater "Raduga" down the street of Pushkin appeared. In it two halls on 400 and 200 places, beautifully issued interior. On 1600 numbers subscriber telecommunication due to construction of the new case of automatic telephone exchange extended. Among other objects — a drugstore and savings bank down the street Pioneer, 3 kindergartens on 840 places, 4 shops with the total floor space of 1300 square meters.
Even more welfare and household objects are planned to construct in the twelfth five-years period (mainly at the expense of means of the enterprises, the organizations and departments). Will open doors for kobrinchan both city visitors new Palace of culture and the new building of the military and historical museum (near the memorial house of A. V. Suvorov), construction of bus station on 300 seats and cases of post office will come to the end, at new school 1176 pupils will sit down at school desks, will accept kids of 6 kindergartens, construction of two more schools and kindergarten on 320 places will begin. In new DYuSSh young athletes will begin to train, several manufactured goods stores, including specialized "All for the house" will become operational, sewer networks will be expanded, 7,5 kilometers of gas networks are laid in addition, city telecommunication will undergo reconstruction with increase in capacity at 700 numbers.
City new building — a supermarket on Nikolaev Street
As for housing construction, in a new five-years period new settlers will receive apartments with a total area of 50 thousand square meters.
The set of examples can be given for an illustration of the huge changes which happened for years of the Soviet power in ancient Kobrin's life. Let's stop that are most evident.
Till 1939 in the city there was no park, any square. Now to the kobrinchena can have a rest in fine park of Suvorov or in three squares.
Till 1939 10 — 12 doctors yes practiced in all Kobrin there was a small hospital on 35 places. In rural areas and it was not. Because of shortage of doctors patients addressed sorcerers. Today in the city and the area 164 doctors and 579 people of average medical personnel work, there is a hospital on 505 beds, station of ambulance.
In 1897 in Kobrin it was the share of 10 915 inhabitants 6560 illiterate, in higher educational institutions only 22 local natives studied. Now almost in each family there are students and pupils of average special institutions. In the city 7 high schools, boarding school for hearing-impaired children work, the music children's school and DYuSSh, with children are engaged 425 teachers and tutors of preschool institutions. Three technical training colleges prepare professional shots of workers for needs of the leading industries and construction. And here the school No. 105 lets out masters of art national crafts for whom these Polesia regions once were famous — embroideries, weaving, woodcarving, weaving from straws. Several libraries entering into the centralized regional library system with fund in 600 thousand books provide with literature of everyone.
Kobrin for these post-war decades became unrecognizable. It was stretched on the area more than 21 square kilometer. Trees and bushes frame city streets, houses are buried in verdure. Inhabitants breathe fresh air. And it in spite of the fact that the city is the brisk intersection of highway highways of allied and republican value, including the well-known Olimpiyskaya Highway conducting to the European countries. But all transit transport is passed now by Kobrin on a bypass road. Here are always warmly glad to guests who would like to get acquainted closer with Kobrin.
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