The Kobrin recreation park is among the oldest and most beautiful parks of Belarus. Its basis belongs to the second half of the 18th century. In 1766 the city which fell into decay as a result of wars, the fires and epidemics according to instructions of the king Stanislav Augustus Ponyatovsky was deprived of the right of self-government. But Kobrin economy as a table manor of the king remained, though needed considerable reorganization.
In 1757 its derzhavets Hedgehogs Fleming for the sake of reduction of administrative personnel merged together Kobrin and Brest economy, abolished voivodeships and volosts (village), and instead of them entered new territorial unit – a key. In the key headed by the house-keeper about ten villages and folvarok (separate manors) united on average. So there was a Kobrin key in which, except Kobrin with the adjoining lands and kitchen gardens, there were villages of Patrika, Sukhovchitsa, Legates, Oak, Flat, Lyakhchitsa, Hidra, Rukhovichi, Polyatichi and Zalesye's folvarka and Gorizdrichi. In the territory of the former economy more than 20 keys were formed.
Further transformations in the Kobrin key are connected with a name of Anthony Tizengauz (1733-1785) – the state and public figure of VKL, the patron. The area in Grodno where there was its palace is called by the name of Tizengauz. He carried out clarification of Neman near Grodno, organized the Grodno theater of Tizengauz. printing house.
In the Kobrin key outdoor Lithuanian podekarby (treasurer) carried out a number of transformations. Kobrin was reduced to position of the rural settlement. The administration passed into the estate built near the southern suburb of the city. To the estate it was assigned (and for a long time – till the 20th century) the name "Province".
Emergence of a toponym "Province" is directly connected with administrative transformations which were carried out in the middle of the 18th century. As a result of activity Fleming's Hedgehogs (as it was already mentioned) in the territory of the former economy more than 20 keys were formed. Similar division seemed to Anthony Tizengauz nevertheless small and incoherent therefore he included in this structure one more intermediate link – the province. Here then, in 1769, there was also a Kobrin province which administratively subordinated the next keys: Cherevachitsky, Vezhitsky, Litvinkovsky, Zakrosnitsky, Tevelsky, Ilovsky, Gorodetsky, actually Kobrin and number of folvarok. The province as is once the lock, it was identified by local population with a residence of the leading administrative person – the managing director of the province. From here and the name of the estate which was placed more than two hundred years ago among existing and until now park.
The estate Province as a part of a manor the Kobrin key since 1795 began to belong to A.V. Suvorov. In March, 1797, in five months after Catherine II's death, deducted from army without the right of carrying a uniform, there arrived the commander to Kobrin. The manour house in the Kobrin key was surrounded with shaft and stood in park aloone. The wooden house estate of A.V. Suvorov was built in the 1790th years. The house differed in undemanding architecture, consisted of seven rooms. According to Suvorov's order partial re-planning of park (are cut down old a poplar of the access avenue) was carried out, office constructions are taken out out of its limits, and near the house the small kaplitsa is built.
The part of constructions was burned with a lightning, and the house in 1894 was sorted. Again built up house burned down during fight on September 17, 1939. In the territory of a modern military camp there was the 83rd infantry regiment. In the spring of 1939 it was directed to the West. Shortly from Brest Hitlerite parts approached. The regiment bravely moved towards. In it there were many local guys, and now they advocated not others interests, and protected the city. Forces were rather equal.
During the day fight took place on fields of vacant then southern suburb of the city which center was the estate of a manor the Province (nowadays park of Suvorov). Both parties several times came and receded between the channel of the Check and Sverdlov Street. Often reached hand-to-hand fights. After the next occupation of the Province Hitlerites shot the owner of a manor Zelinsky who was taken from the cellar, and burned his house (Suvorov's house). The Polish soldiers suffered heavy losses. By hearsay, the number of the killed reached several hundred. From a regiment of R. Traugutt nothing remained.
On the place of the farmstead house in 1950 the bronze bust of Suvorov of work of the sculptor Rukavishnikov is established. Borders of the former base are emphasized with linear landing of a fir-tree prickly. In 1808 Suvorov's son Arkady sold the central part with park and the farmstead house to the major Mr. Gelvigu. The last Shatilskimi's descendants in 1858.
The province was sold to professor of civil law Alexander Mickiewicz, the younger brother of the poet Adam Mickiewicz. Let's remind of its course of life. He was the third son of Nikolay Mickiewicz, the novogrudsky lawyer. After the termination of law department of Vilensky university Alexander received 100 silver rubles as the best student. Worked as the teacher in Kremenetsky lyceum, headed department of the Roman right at the Kiev university of St. Vladimir. Alexander late enough – in 46 years married. In 1859 it returned on the Belarusian earth from the Kharkiv university. Mickiewicz got a small manor the Province near Kobrin where lived for the rest of the natural. Was engaged in economy and prepared for printing "The encyclopedia of the right", "A course of the Roman right" which were not published. In recent years the life the scientist practically lost sight. He died in the Province on November 16, 1871. Mickiewicz's son Francis, the insurgent Traugutta, married Antonin Kosciusko, the widow of the head.
Then the estate passed to the retired major of the Glukhovsky dragoon regiment L. A. Zelinsky married to M. A. Skavronskaya, Alexander Mickiewicz's sister-in-law. Zelinsky, as it was already mentioned earlier, died during fight in 1939.
In the years of Hitlerite occupation the Province was turned into crushing point. In the first post-war years the estate was a sad picture of desolation and a clutter. The original form of the estate is unknown as each its owner introduced the amendments. However the general composite structure existed without radical restructurings. The farmstead house was placed in the depth of park on a planning axis. At the heart of planning of park regular style dominated. Only subsequently it was added several sites issued in the English free style.
Since the 18th century the park was surrounded with shaft and a ditch, in the center the orchard is put and the small rectangular pond is dug out. From the house the view of a reservoir with the island opened. At Suvorov exit the voroga and park decorated figures on high stone columns. Since 1948 our park is a recreation park.
The total area of park is more than 40 hectares. (In the 19th century of 4 hectares). To the 10 anniversary from the date of its basis on the boggy western suburb the new big pond which much recovered a park landscape was dug. In a pond and in a reservoir swans float. Swans are a peculiar symbol of our park that is confirmed also by the sculptural composition in the form of the kissing swans established in the 50th years of the 20th century. In park there are a lot of birds, and in the small open-air cage peacocks walk about. The muskrat was found in ponds. It is quite often possible to see quick and absolutely not timid squirrels. In old part of park the lindens put during lifetime of Suvorov remained.
And all about 70 species of trees and bushes grow here: oak, maple, hornbeam, elm, pyramidal poplar, acacia, blue spruce, acetic tree, etc. In park ekzota – a cypress gorokhoplodny, spireya Billiardi, maiden grapes pyatilistochkovy and other plants meet.
On perimeter the park is surrounded with avenues of a pyramidal poplar. A poplar are put in the period of a zalozheniye of modern park as protection of young growth of trees against wind and other negative factors of weather. Vasily Ivanovich Haritonyuk became the first director of park. It honestly carried out the duties for 10 years.
At Vymorkov Nikolay Nikitich the summer theater was constructed, the park territory extended, new attractions were established, water bicycles are made and the big pond is dug. In 1963 the decision of the State committee on conservation at Council of ministers of BSSR the park was declared by a nature sanctuary of republican value. Vymorkov held the director's position from 1958 to 1977. In 1983 the Kobrin park was awarded by the diploma 2 degrees of ENEA of the USSR.
Memory plate in park of Suvorov. "A holiday with tears in the eyes...". So call the Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War. So called a withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan which 10 anniversary was celebrated on February 15, 1999. Though different there were these wars on value and scale, in the termination they are the general moments: pleasure, because that they ended, and grief about those who did not wait for their end.
With these feelings celebrated the 10 anniversary of withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan the public Kobrina. In the center of an event on February 15, 1999 there were, naturally, Afghans, soldiers internationalists. After memorial service for the family and fellow soldiers who died on the Afghan earth in Alexander Nevsky Cathedral laying of a plate of Memory in park took place.
On the way to park the "Suvorov" stone lies. On it, according to the legend, A. V. Suvorov liked to sizhivat. About a "Suvorov" stone there is also other information. The researcher V. A. Alekseev in the work "Suvorov in Kobrin" writes: "In the city Suvorov visited the Peter and Paul church and had often a rest on the big stone lying in the basis of an old belltower". This stone nicknamed "Suvorov". At repair of church and a belltower in 1862-1864 this stone was left in inviolability.
Already there is no answer to a question, "Suvorov", what of stones. Probably, it not so is important because "remember" the great commander a house museum, a pond and lindens in park, each small street, each stone in our city. Modern period. In two and a half centuries the park changed, got prettier, became a nature sanctuary and landscape gardening art.
Walking on shady avenues, you get to other world, the world of rest and beauty. The park has regular planning. The historical part of park (area about four hectares) was surrounded with shaft and a ditch, in the center there was an orchard. Park on the plan – rectangular, with regular system of avenues. A composite axis – the central avenue (continuation of Suvorov Street) which comes to an end with a reservoir.
On the southwest suburb of park there is a specific hill surrounded from three parties with a reservoir. Century oaks conceal many secrets and would tell us about much if they could. It is heard here and exotic shout of a peacock, in a pond swans float. And not only kids, but also adults like to treat little little squirrels who are not afraid of people at all with sunflower seeds and nutlets.
Daily in park about 20 attractions which regularly repair work and test under bigger loading, than really admissible. Lately each resident of Kobrin already managed to drive on a roundabout.
On the lake wait for visitors two tens catamarans, last year the bumper boats were purchased. There is a billiards. Kobrinchana is liked to play air hockey and to drive on rollers, and replace them with skates in the winter. All holidays to the kobrinchena are liked to be celebrated in park, and its management tries that for Christmas, Maslenitsa, Easter and other celebrations the program was saturated.
Recently the park of A. V. Suvorov is an embodiment of friendship with the fraternal Russian people. In honor of this friendship in the central part of park the maple is put.
PS. In 2013 the park celebrated 3 anniversaries: 245 years since foundation of the estate "Province"; 65 years since it became a recreation park; it celebrated 50-year anniversary as a nature sanctuary of republican value.
Address: Kobrin, Suvorov St., 43
Phones: +375(1642)22415 - the director, +375(1642)26636 - accounts department
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