RACHK_ – with authority ў Zalesk_m with/with, for 17 km on I WILL KICK hell Mr. Kobryn, 6 km hell chyg. St. A stone (on l_n іі Zhab_nka-Drag_chyn), 61 km hell of Brest. Transpartnyya suvyaz_ pas to an a¸tadaroza of Kobryn-І vanava. 7 gaspadarak, 14 zhykharo ў (2005). At 1563. A crustacean – an urochyshcha-vostr ў the village of Vugla. At 1796 Rachk_ – mayontak at Kobrynsk_m of peahens. Grodzenskay lips. At 1897 pasyolak the Crustacean (Nyatreba) at _laskay an ox., 3 dvara, 33 zhykhara. At 1905 a ¸rochyshcha, 30 zhykharo ў, at Garadzetskay an ox. Z 1921 ў to a skladza of Polshchy, at Pruska¸skay to the gmena Kobrynskaga of peahens. Paleskaga vayav.; kalon_ya Rachk_ – 7 dvaro ў, 53 zhykhara. Z 1939 ў BSSR, z 15.1.1940 g ў Kobrynsk_m district Brestskay of voblas., z 12.10.1940 ў Zakrosn_tsk_m, z 16.7.1954 g ў Zalesk_m Village Councils. At 1940 a _snava ў the farm of Pa¸lava-Rachk і, 6 dvaro ў, 30 zhykharo ў. At Vyalikuyu Aychynnuyu to an akup_ravana vayn nyam. - Fasch. zakhopn_kam_ z cherv. 1941 yes l_p. 1944 Mr. of Pavodle to a perap_s of 1959 Rachk_ – the farm, 76 zhykharo ў, at 1970. – with authority, 42 zhykhara. At 1999 10 gaspadarak, 14 zhykharo ў, on rubbed. Brestskay ablasny sortavyprabavalnay stantsy_.
RUKHOV_CHY – with authority ў Dz_v_nsk_m with/with, for 14 km on PDU hell of the city і chyg. Art. Kobryn, 59 km hell of Brest. On an a¸tadaroza Kobryn-Dz_v_n. 80 gaspadarak, 198 zhykharo ў (2005). At 1563 Rukhov_chy – syalo ў Kobrynskay the house-keeper іі VKL, 11 is shaky zyaml_. At 1597 syalo Syaletskaga of a voyta¸stvo of that zha the house-keeper іі. At 1747 Rukhov_chy – to a mayontak Kobrynsk_m of a klyucha adnaymennay the house-keeper іі, Megeve ў z mayontkam_ Lutskaga of an ezu_tskag of a kaleg_um of Balota і Strygava. Paslya to a 3-hectare padzel of Rechy Paspal_tay (1795) at a skladza of Races. _mper і, at Kobrynsk_m of peahens., z 1801 ў Grodzenskay of lips. Vyosk Rukhov_chy of a paznachan on karets of 1886. At 1897 with authority ў Blotskay (Balotskay) volasts і, 59 dvaro ў 395 zhykharo ў, 1649 dzes. zyaml_ (for 1890), a pratsava ў hlebazapasna magaz_n.
At 1905 512 zhykharo ў. At 1911 446 zhykharo ў. Z 1921 ў to a skladza of Polshchy, at Blotskay (Balotskay) to the gmena Kobrynskaga of peahens. Paleskaga vayav., 77th lady ў, 398 zhykharo ў. At the 1930th the school was swept. Z 1939 ў BSSR, z 15.1.1940 g ў Dz_v_nsk_m district Brestskay of voblas., z 12.10.1940 yes 30.10. 1959 ў Habov_tsk_m with/with, z 8.8.1959 g ў Kobrynsk_m the district. At 1940 with authority, 106 dvaro ў, 452 zhykhara, the pack dzeyn_chat. school. At Vyalikuyu Aychynnuyu to a vayn of an akup_ravan nyam. - Fasch. zakhopn_kam_ z cherv. 1941 yes l_p. 1944. At 1950 35 gaspadarak ab'yadnal_sya ў kalgas _mya Zhdanava (starshynya Yu.Lazarchuk). Pavodle to a perap_s of 1959 Rukhov_chy nal_chval_ 314 zhykharo ў, at 1970 – 451 zhykhar (on rubbed. The K_syalyov_tskaga with / c). At 1999 96 gaspadarak, 225 zhykharo ў, at a skladza of a kalgas _mya Kutuzava (z 2004 CBK "Kutuza¸sk _"; tsentr – century Habov_chy). Yosts magaz_n, club, school.
RYBNA – with authority ў K_syalyov_tsk_m with/with, for 11 km on PDU hell of the city і chyg. Art. Kobryn, 56 km hell of Brest. Transpartnyya suvyaz_ to Kobryn-Balota's paa¸tadaroza. 121 gaspadarka, 323 zhykhara (2005). Pad 1631 mayontak Rybna of a paznachana ў documents V_lenskaga tsentr. arkh_va. At 1897 Mr. Rybna – with authority, 57 dvaro ў, 372 zhykhara; 475 1/2 dzes. zyaml_ (for 1890), hlebazapasna magaz_n, 2 vetranyya mlyna; at Blotskay (Balotskay) volasts_ Kobrynskaga of peahens. Grodzenskay lips. At 1905 ў vyosets 444 zhykhara. At 1911 509 zhykharo ў. Z 1921 ў to a skladza of Polshchy, at Blotskay (Balotskay) to the gmena Kobrynskaga of peahens. Paleskaga vayav., 41 houses, 272 zhykhara. At the 1930th ў vyosets pratsaval_ school і chytalnya. Z 1939 ў BSSR, z 15.1.1940 g ў Kobrynsk_m district Brestskay of voblas., z 12.10.1940 ў K_syalyov_tsk_m with / page. At 1940 farms – 120 dvaro ў 534 zhykhara, і pasyolak – 15 zhykharo ў. At Vyalikuyu Aychynnuyu to an akup_ravana vayn nyam. - Fasch. zakhopn_kam_ z cherv. 1941 yes l_p. 1944. At 1949. 36 gaspadarak ab'yadnal_sya ў kalgas to "Sv_tanna" (starshynya B. V. Dryk). Pavodle to a perap_s of 1959 ў century of Rybn 540 zhykharo ў, at 1970 – 390 zhykharo ў. At 1999 122 gaspadark і, 332 zhykhara, at a skladza of a kalgas of "Sv_tanne" (z 2004 AAT "K_syalyo¸tsa"; tsentr – century of K_syalyo¸tsa).
RYNK_ – with authority ў Tevelsk_m with/with, for 20 km on PNZ hell Mr. Kobryn, 6 km hell chyg. the station Te¸l_ (on l_n іі Brest-Baranav_chy), 68 km hell of Brest. Heating a¸tadarog_ Kobryn-Kamyanets. 14 gaspadarak, 19 zhykharo ў (2005). Pas p_smovy kryn_ets of a vyadoma z the XVI Art. a yak to the syaleena ў Troksk_m, zaty Berastseysk_m vayavodstvo INCL. At 1563 Rymk_ – syalo ў Gl_nyansk_m a voyta¸stvo of Kobrynskay the house-keeper іі VKL, 12 is shaky zyaml і, 12 gaspadarak (syarod _kh la¸n_k Sh. Rymkov_ch z to sons і). Paslya to a 3-hectare padzel of Rechy Paspal_tay (1795) at a skladza of Races. _mper і, at Pruzhansk_m of peahens., z 1801 ў Grodzenskay of lips. At 1890 Rynk_ – mayontak, to the uladayena Kdashkev_cha, 712 dzes. zyaml_ (to times z to Zalesse's falvarka і to Asav_ts's ¸rochyshcha), і ¸rochyshcha, M. Kal_sh's uladayena, 4 dzes. zyaml і; at Mura¸yo¸skay an ox. At 1897 ў a mayontka 4 dvara, 43 zhykhara, at 1905 – 18 zhykharo ў. Z 1921 falvarak at a skladza of Polshchy, at Matsyaso¸skay to the gmena Pruzhanskaga of peahens. Paleskaga vayav., 3 dvara, 5 zhykharo ў. Z 1939. ў BSSR, z 15.1.1940 g ў Kobrynsk_m district Brestskay of voblas., z 12.10.1940 ў Tevelsk_m with / page. At 1940 with authority, 25 dvaro ў, 162 zhykhara. At Vyalikuyu Aychynnuyu to a vayn of an akup_ravan nyam. - Fasch. zakhopn_kam_ z cherv. 1941 yes l_p. 1944 Mr. of Pavodle to a perap_s of 1959 Rynk_ nal_chval_ 97 zhykharo ў, at 1970 – 68 zhykharo ў. At 1999 15 gaspadarak, 19 zhykharo ў, at a skladza of a kalgas "on May 1" (z 2004 CBK "Gl_nyansk _"; tsentr – century Dzevyatk і). Pratsuye syaredny school.
REChYTsA – with authority ў Bukhav_tsk_m with/with, heating the channel Mukhavets. For 21 km on I WILL KICK hell of the city і chyg. Art. Kobryn, 65 km hell of Brest. 4 gaspadark і, 7 zhykharo ў (2005). At 1563 і 1597 of upam_nayetsets of river of Rechyts. At 1668 Mr. Rechytsa – syalo Paleskaga of a key of Kobrynskay the house-keeper іі, 28 is shaky zyaml і; z 1664 znakhodz_lasya va ¸ladann_ Dz_v_nskaga of a kastsyol. Paslya to a 3-hectare padzel of Rechy Paspal_tay (1795) at a skladza of Races. _mper і, at Kobrynsk_m of peahens., z 1801 ў Grodzenskay of lips. At 1897 with authority ў Kaz_shchanskay an ox., 12 dvaro ў, 79 zhykharo ў; 81 dzes. zyaml_ (for 1890). At 1905 with authority nal_chvat 79 zhykharo ў. At 1911 102 zhykhara. Z 1921 ў to a skladza of Polshchy, at Padaleskay to the gmena Kobrynskaga of peahens. Paleskaga vayav.; akol_ets – 17 dvaro ў, 91 zhykhar. Z 1939 ў BSSR, z 15.1.1940 g ў Kobrynsk_m district Brestskay of voblas., z 12.10.1940 ў Zas_msk_m, z 16.7.1954 g ў Yarom_tsk_m, z 19.7.1976 g ў Bukhav_tsk_m Village Councils. At 1940 with authority, 41 yards, 109 zhykharo ў. At Vyalikuyu Aychynnuyu to a vayn ў beliefs. 1942 nyam. - Fasch. akupantam_ 33 zhykhara to times z weighty are burned (45 dvaro ў). At 1965 on gety mesets of a ¸stano¸lena pomn_k, yak_ a taksama to a ¸shano¸vaa pamyats partyzan brygada _mya Chapayeva (baz_ravalasya ў to the rayena vyosk і). At reptiles Faded. Aych. vayna ў wood, nearby hell of century of Rechyts, padpolshchyk_ stvaryl_ harch. base for plank beds. msts і ў tsa ў. Paslya of a vayna with authority adradz_lasya. At 1950 argan_zavana kalgas _mya Panamarenk_ (starshynya Ts. An_shchuk). Pavodle 1959 Mr. of Rechytsa nal_chvat a perap_sa 109 zhykharo ў, at 1970 – 85 zhykharo ў. At 1999 8 gaspadarak, 10 zhykharo ў, on rubbed. ablselgasbuda.
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