Settlements of Kobrin district from And to I


K_VATS_CHY – with authority ў Tevelsk_m with/with, for 21 km on PNZ hell of the city і chyg. Art. Kobryn, 5 km hell chyg. the station Te¸l_ (on l_n іі Brest-Baranav_chy), 72 km hell of Brest. To Shashi Kobryn-Kamyanets. 19 gaspadarak, 47 zhykharo ў (2005). At 1528 K_vats_chy – mayontak, M. Pats's uladayena, at Kamyanetsk_m of peahens. The Padlyashskaga, z 1566 Brestskaga of a vayavodstvo ў INCL. Pobach z K_vats_cham_ a prakhodz_la of a myazh of Kobrynskaga of peahens. Pad 1577 at starazh. assembly kn_ga of a paznachana mayontak K_vachychy. At 1577 і 1597 pratsyagval_sya sprechk_ a pas razmezhavann_ zyamel a mayontka і a karale¸skaga of Vezhytskaga of a dvar. At 1610 on srodk_ M_kalaya і Saf іі Pats ў pabudavana kastsyol Pyatra і Pa¸la (zgare ў at 1798 hell malank і). At 1671 mayontak at Brestsk_m vayav., kuda ¸vakhodz_l_ sells of Sv_shchy (20 it is shaky zyaml і) і Zavershy (10 it is shaky zyaml і). Pasl Pats ў K_vats_chy znakhodz_l_sya va ¸ladann_ Merzhaye¸skaga, pazny Laskov_cha ў. Pasl to a 3-hectare padzel of Rechy Paspal_tay (1795) at a skladza of Races. _mper і, at Pruzhansk_m of peahens., z 1801. ў Grodzenskay of lips. At 1886 mayontak at Mura¸yo¸skay an ox., a dzeyn_cha ў kastsyol (peranesena z Al_zara¸shchyzna at 1845), pravodz_l_sya yarmark_.
At 1890 K_vats_chy – syalo, kastsyolna prycht 35 3/4 dzes. zyaml і; farm, uladayena І. Bagusla¸skay, 1882 1/2 dzes. zyaml_ (to times z falvarkam_ Sv_shchy, Zavershy, Dzevyatk і); pustash, V. Pyachko's uladayena, 59 dzes. zyaml_. At K_vats_tsk_m of plank beds. vuchyl_shcha ў 1889/90 navuch. to a godza zaymal_sya 65 hlopchyk ў, 6 dzya¸chynak, at 1892-93 – 82 hlopchyk і, at 1905-06 – 52 hlopchyk і, 19 dzya¸chynak. At 1897 mayontak, 6 dvaro ў, 67 zhykharo ў. Pobach znakhodz і ў sya kastsyol, prychtavy syadz_ba, 3 dvara, 8 zhykharo ў. At 1905 ў a mayontka 21 zhykhar. Z 1921 ў to a skladza of Polshchy, at Matsyaso¸skay to the gmena Pruzhanskaga of peahens. Paleskaga vayav.; falvarak – 4 dvara, 39 zhykharo ў; kalon_ya – 4 dvara, 31 zhykhar. At 1932 an adkryta (70 kn_g in the Polish mova, 20 chytacho ў); pratsaval_ school, vyachern_ya courses, chytalnya, teatralna і harava gurtk_. Z 1939 ў BSSR, z 15.1.1940 g ў Kobrynsk_m district Brestskay of voblas., z 12.10.1940 ў Tevelsk_m with/with tago a rayona. At 1940. _snaval_ 2 vyosk_: Staryya K_vats_chy, 10 dvaro ў, 69 zhykharo ў, і Novyya K_vats_chy, 25 dvaro ў, 170 zhykharo ў; pass. K_vats_cha, 2 dvara, 20 zhykharo ў;. mayontak K_vats_chy, 5 zhykharo ў. At Vyalikuyu Aychynnuyu to an akup_ravana vayn nyam. - Fasch. zakhopn_kam_ z cherv. 1941 yes l_p. 1944 Mr. of Pavodle a perap_sa of 1959 ў vyosets 117 zhykharo ў, at 1970 – 83 zhykhara, were pratsavat by pack. school. At 1999 22 gaspadark і, 48 zhykharo ў, at a skladza of a kalgas "on May 1" (tsentr – century Dzevyatk і). Pomn_k of plank beds. a dra¸lyanaga of a doyl_dstvo – zvan_ets of a kastsyol (the XIX Art.).


K_SYALYO÷TSY – with authority, tsentr K_syalyov_tskaga with/with, for 9 km on PDU hell of the city і chyg. Art. Kobryn, 55 km hell of Brest. Heating Shashi Brest-M_nsk. 227 gaspadarak, 561 zhykhar (2005). At 1730 zgadvayetsets of a tsarkv ў century of K_syalyo¸tsa. At 1886 Mr. K_syalyo¸tsy (Zamosc) – syalo Blotskay (Balotskay) an ox. Kobrynskaga of peahens. Grodzenskay lips., 11 dvaro ў, 143 zhykhara, mel_sya tsarkva, p_tseyna house. At 1890 syalo, tsark. prycht, 55 1/4 dzes. zyaml_. Pobach znakhodz_l_sya 2 adnaymennyya pasyolk_: 245 dzes. (to times z century. Zamosc і grazed. Barysava) і 50 dzes. zyaml і; mayontak, uladayena V_tkev_cha, 1000 dzes. zyaml і; farm, uladayena І. N_katsyuka, 58 dzes. zyaml_. At 1897 syalo Zamosc (K_syalyo¸tsa), 41 yards, 236 zhykharo ў, dzeyn_chal_ a tsarkva, tsark. - prykhodsky school, hlebazapasna magaz_n. Pabudova of a syal razmyashchal_sya sumezhna z to mayontka, yak_ nal_chva ў 37 zhykharo ў. At 1905 ў to a syala 190 zhykharo ў, at a mayontka – 19 zhykharo ў. At 1911 syalo nal_chvat 205 zhykharo ў, mayontak – 65 zhykharo ў. Z 1921 with authority ў to a skladza of Polshchy, at Blotskay (Balotskay) to the gmena Kobrynskaga of peahens. Paleskaga vayav., 14th lady ў, 129 zhykharo ў. Z 1939 ў BSSR, z 15.1.1940 g ў Kobrynsk_m district Brestskay of voblas., z 12.10.1940 – tsentr the Village Council tago a rayona. At 1940 with authority, 62 dvara, 305 zhykharo ў, pratsaval_ a hut-chytalnya, magaz_n, pack. school, addz. suvyaz і, Village Council. On rubbed. The K_syalyov_tskaga with/with at 1940 znakhodz_l_sya the 14th settlement ў (at t.l. 1 with authority), 737 dvaro ў, 3112 zhykharo ў 4 vetranyya mlyna. At Vyalikuyu Aychynnuyu to an akup_ravana vayn nyam. - Fasch. zakhopn_kam_ z cherv. 1941 yes l_p. To a perap_s of 1959 ў K_vats_chakh 1970 had 1944 Mr. of Pavodle 385 zhykharo ў, – 435 zhykharo ў. At 1999 215 gaspadarak, 574 zhykhara, at a skladza of a kalgas of "Sv_tanne" (z 2004 AAT "K_syalyo¸tsa"). Pratsuyuts magaz_n, club, ambulatoryya, drugstore, table, syaredny і muses. schools. Pomn_k_ the archeologist іі – the 6th barrow ў va ¸rochyshcha of Yam_shcha.


KAZ_SHCHA – with authority ў Bukhav_tsk_m with/with, for 18 km to Pn hell of the city і chyg. Art. Kobryn, 69 km hell of Brest. A¸tadarogam_ zvyazana z Kobrynam, Zhab_nkay, Pruzhanam_. 54 gaspadark і, 89 zhykharo ў (2005). Pas p_smovy kryn_ets of a vyadom z XVI Art. yak to the syaleena ў Troksk_m vayav. INCL. At 1563 Kaz_shcha – syalo Kobrynskay the house-keeper іі, 5 gaspadarak, 7 is shaky zyaml і, z yak_kh 4 valok_ volnyya (asochn_tsk_ya). At 1597 syalo ў to a skladza of Lyagata¸skaga of a voyta¸stvo of that zha the house-keeper іі; 7 it is shaky zyaml і, z yak_kh 1 manumission (asochn_tsky). Pra to a syala mel_sya 3/10 valok_ (volnyya) zyaml і, yak_ya byl_ nadadzena to syalyana "on pasture". Zastsenak of a nal_chv ў 4 valok_ zyaml_. _nventar adznacha ў drenny yakasts zyaml_. At 1786 syalo Kobrynskay the house-keeper іі, 7 is shaky 229 Margo ў zyaml_. At 1795 2 gaspadark і, 12 zhykharo ў. Paslya to a 3-hectare padzel of Rechy Paspal_tay (1795) at a skladza of Races. _mper і, at Kobrynsk_m of peahens., z 1801 ў Grodzenskay of lips. At 1864 an adkryta of plank beds. vuchyl_shcha. At 1886. Kaz_shcha – syalo, tsentr Kaz_shchanskay an ox., 46 dvaro ў, 432 zhykhara, mel_sya valasny to the pra¸leena, a tsarkva (pravasla¸na prykhod at 1888 a nal_chva ў 1826 a vern_ka ў), school, the forg, zayezna the yard. At 1890 – syalo, 1112 1/2 dzes. zyaml і; tsark. prycht, 110 1/4 dzes. zyaml і; at plank beds. vuchyl_shcha ў 1889/90 navuch. to a godza vuchyl_sya 64 hlopchyk і; at 1892-93 – 80 hlopchyk ў, 2 dzya¸chynk і; at 1905-06 – 92 hlopchyk_. At 1897 syalo (heating gandl. to Kobryn-Pruzhana's way), 80 dvaro ў, 581 zhykhar, Svyata-Tro_tsky tsarkva, plank beds. vuchyl_shcha, valasny to the pra¸leena, hlebazapasna magaz_n, forg, 3 vetranyya mlyna, p_tseyna house. At 1905 syalo nal_chvat 598 zhykharo ў, at 1911 – 638 zhykharo ў. Z 1921 with authority ў to a skladza of Polshchy, at Padaleskay to the gmena Kobrynskaga of peahens. Paleskaga vayav., 93 dvara, 532 zhykhara. Z 1939 ў BSSR, z 15.1.1940 g ў Kobrynsk_m district Brestskay of voblas., z 12.10. 1940 – tsentr Kaz_shchanskaga with/with, z 11.8.1959 g yes of 19.7.1976 g ў Yarom_tsk_m with / page. At 1940. with authority, 140 dvaro ў, 680 zhykharo ў, pratsaval_ pack. school, hut-chytalnya, magaz_n, Village Council. On rubbed. the Village Council was the 11th settlement ў, 338 dvaro ў, 2013 zhykharo ў. At Vyalikuyu Aychynnuyu to a vayn of Kaz_shcha of an akup_ravan nyam. - Fasch. zakhopn_kam_ z cherv. 1941 yes l_p. 1944. Heating vyosk_ ў Bai Z nyam. akupantam_ ў 1943 і pra yae vyzvalenn_ ў l_p. 1944 zag_nul_ 12 vo_n ў Sav. Automated workplace іі і partyzan brygada _mya Chapayeva of M. Us_k ў. Pakhavana heating a budynka of former school (at 1965 ustano¸lena abel_sk). On mog_lka of a taksam of a pakhavana partyzan a joy _mya Chapayeva І. A. Petrukov_ch, yak_ to a zag_n ў at ba_ z nyam. - Fasch. akupantam_ 13.6.1944 g (at 1976 an ustano¸lena of a stel). At 1948 ў century Kaz_shcha of a pabudavana club і a hut-chytalnya, at 1950 stvorana kalgas _mya Hrushchova (starshynya B. Kachan). Pavodle with authority nal_chvat a perap_sa of 1959 512 zhykharo ў, at 1970 – 386 zhykharo ў. At 1999. 78 gaspadarak, 132 zhykhara, at a skladza of a kalgas of "Peramoga" (z 2004 CBK "Pakro¸sk _"; tsentr – century Bukhav_chy). Pratsuyuts magaz_n, felch. - akushersk_ point. Pomn_k of an arkh_tektura – the Svyata-Tro_tsky tsarkva (a syaredz_n of the XIX Art.).


KALON_YA – with authority ў Astrom_tsk_m with/with, for 20 km on I WILL KICK hell of the city і chyg. Art. Kobryn, 65 km hell of Brest. Transpartnyya suvyaz_ pas of Shashi Kobryn-Baranav_chy. 26 gaspadarak, 59 zhykharo ў (2005). At 1890 Kalon_ya – 2 mayontk_ ў _laskay an ox. Kobrynskaga of peahens. Grodzenskay lips., uladann_ N. Volkava, 535 dzes. zyaml і, і L. Kam_nskaga, 76 dzes. zyaml_. At 1897 mayontak Kalon_ya, 3 dvara, 16 zhykharo ў, N. Ya. Naskov's uladayena. Pobach znakhodz_l_sya mayontk_: V_nn_tsa – 15 zhykharo ў (the uladayena a nashchadka ў Barzhno¸skay), V_nn_tsa (Kalon_ya) – 6 zhykharo ў, century of V_nn_ts (Kalon_ya) – 25 dvaro ў, 172 zhykhara, a pratsava ў hlebazapasna magaz_n. Z 1921 ў to a skladza of Polshchy, at _laskay to the gmena Kobrynskaga of peahens. Paleskaga vayav.; century of Kalon_ya-V_nn_ts і falvarak Kalon_ya – 10 dvaro ў, 81 zhykhar. Z 1939 ў BSSR, z 15.1.1940 g ў Antopalsk_m district Brestskay of voblas., z 12.10.1940 yes 16.7.1954 g ў _lask_m with/with, z 8.8.1959 g ў Kobrynsk_m the district. At 1940. with authority V_nn_tsa, 135 zhykharo ў, stvorana kalgas "17 Verasnya". At Vyalikuyu Aychynnuyu to a vayn of an akup_ravan nyam. - Fasch. zakhopn_kam_ z cherv. 1941 yes l_p. 1944. At 1949 with authority Kalon_ya, 23 gaspadark_ ab'yadnal_sya ў kalgas "Chyrvonaya is sharp-sighted" (starshynya M. Kryshtafov_ch). Pavodle to a perap_s of 1959 ў vyosets nal_chvalasya ў 118 zhykharo ў, at 1970 – 146 zhykharo ў. At 1999 29 gaspadarak, 73 zhykhara, at a skladza of a kalgas of "Pra¸d" (z 2004 CBK "Shamyato¸ka"; tsentr – century of Shamyato¸k).


KALUBEL_ – with authority ў Astrom_tsk_m with/with, for 11 km on I WILL KICK hell of the city і chyg. Art. Kobryn, 55 km hell of Brest. To Shashi Brest-M_nsk. 17 gaspadarak, 27 zhykharo ў (2005). At 1890 Kalubel_ – with authority Zaleskay an ox. Kobrynskaga of peahens. Grodzenskay lips., 118 dzes. zyaml_. Pobach znakhodz_lasya adnaymenny akol_tsa, 67 dzes. zyaml_ (roznyya ¸ladaln_k і). At 1897 ў vyosets 26 dvaro ў, 170 zhykharo ў, a pratsava ў hlebazapasna magaz_n. At 1905 162 zhykhara. Z 1921 with authority ў to a skladza of Polshchy, at Pruska¸skay to the gmena Kobrynskaga of peahens. Paleskaga vayav., 14 dvaro ў, 67 zhykharo ў. Z 1939 ў BSSR, z 15.1.1940 g ў Kobrynsk_m district Brestskay of voblas., z 12.10.1940 yes 16.7.1954 g ў Zakrosn_tsk_m with/with tago a rayona. At 1940 with authority nal_chvat 34 dvara, 140 zhykharo ў. At Vyalikuyu Aychynnuyu to a vayn of an akup_ravan nyam. - Fasch. zakhopn_kam_ z cherv. 1941 yes l_p. 1944 Mr. of Pavodle to a perap_s of 1959 Kalubel_ – farms ў Zalesk_m with/with, 135 zhykharo ў, at 1970 – with authority tago the Village Council, 100 zhykharo ў. At 1999 22 gaspadark і, 34 zhykhara, at a skladza of a kalgas _mya M_churyna (tsentr – century Astrom_chy). Dzeyn_chaye magaz_n.


KALYUKH_ – with authority ў K_syalyov_tsk_m with/with, for 14 km on PDU hell of the city і chyg. Art. Kobryn, 59 km hell of Brest. Heating a¸tadarog_ Kobryn-Balota. 17 gaspadarak, 37 zhykharo ў (2005). At 1787 Kalyukh_ – mayontak at Brestsk_m vayav. INCL. Pasl to a 3-hectare padzel of Rechy Paspal_tay (1795) at a skladza of Races. _mper і, at Kobrynsk_m of peahens., z 1801 ў Grodzenskay of lips. At 1897 with authority Blotskay (Balotskay) an ox., 19 dvaro ў 170 zhykharo ў, me¸sya hlebazapasna magaz_n, was 565 1/4 dzes. zyaml_ (to times z century of Arla, 1890). At 1905 250 zhykharo ў. Z 1921 ў to a skladza of Polshchy, at Blotskay (Balotskay) to the gmena Kobrynskaga of peahens.; with authority – the 8th lady ў, 50 zhykharo ў; falvarak – 2 dvara, 26 zhykharo ў. Z 1939 ў BSSR, z 15.1.1940 g ў Kobrynsk_m district Brestskay of voblas., z 12.10.1940 ў K_syalyov_tsk_m with / page. At 1940 farms, 28 dvaro ў 140 zhykharo ў; byla falvarak – 14 zhykharo ў. At Vyalikuyu Aychynnuyu to a vayn of Kalyukh_ of an akup_ravana nyam. - Fasch. zakhopn_kam_ z cherv. 1941 yes l_p. 1944. At 1950. ў vyosets of an argan_zavana kalgas "Stal_nsk_ way". Pavodle with authority nal_chvat a perap_sa of 1959 117 zhykharo ў, at 1970 – 93 zhykhara. At 1999 20 gaspadarak, 47 zhykharo ў at a skladza of a kalgas of "Sv_tanne" (z 2004 AAT "K_syalyo¸tsa"; tsentr – century of K_syalyo¸tsa).


KAMENKA – with authority ў Bukhav_tsk_m with/with, for 21 km on PNZ hell of the city і chyg. Art. Kobryn, 13 km hell chyg. the station Te¸l_ (on l_n іі Brest-Baranav_chy), 65 km hell of Brest. A¸tadarogay zvyazana z Kobrynam. 41 gaspadarka, 66 zhykharo ў (2005). At 1563 Mr. Kamennaye – syalo ў Troksk_m vayav. VKL, at Kobrynskay the house-keeper іі, 8 is shaky zyaml і, 6 gaspadarak. At 1597 syalo ў to a skladza of Lyagata¸skaga of a voyta¸stvo of that zha the house-keeper іі, 8 is shaky zyaml і, zastsenk_ a syala nal_chval_ 11 Margo ў zyaml і; to the uladayena pan_ the Specks і ў n_tskay on pazhyzzyovy the right of an adpavedn to the danena faded. prince of VKL і Caral Polyncy Stafana Batoryya (1533–86) і Hannah's karaleva. _nventar adznacha ў drenny yakasts zyaml_ syala. Pobach z Kamenkay of a _snav ў the wood, 57 is shaky zyaml_. Paslya to a 3-hectare padzel of Rechy Paspal_tay (1795) at a skladza of Races. _mper і, 2 dvara, 14 zhykharo ў. At 1890 with authority Kamenka ў to a skladza of Kaz_shchanskay an ox. Kobrynskaga of peahens. Grodzenskay lips., 1161 3/4 dzes. zyaml_ (to times z urochyshcham_ Paddub'E і Vydzerka). At 1897. ў vyosets 79 dvaro ў, 518 zhykharo ў, mel_sya hlebazapasna magaz_n, forg, 3 vetranyya mlyna, v_nny Crumb. At 1905 516 zhykharo ў. At 1911 494 zhykhara. Z 1921 ў to a skladza of Polshchy, at Padaleskay to the gmena Kobrynskaga of peahens. Paleskaga vayav., 56 dvaro ў, 329 zhykharo ў. At the 1930th dzeyn_chal_ school, chytalnya, teatralna a gurtok. Z 1939 ў BSSR, z 15.1.1940 g ў Kobrynsk_m district Brestskay of voblas., z 12.10.1940 ў Kaz_shchansk_m with/with tago a rayona, z 11.8.1959 g ў Yarom_tsk_m, z 19.7.1976 g ў Bukhav_tsk_m the Village Councils. At 1940 with authority nal_chvat 98 dvaro ў, 517 zhykharo ў, the pack was swept. school. At Vyalikuyu Aychynnuyu to a vayn Kamenka an akup_ravana nyam. - Fasch. zakhopn_kam_ z cherv. 1941 yes l_p. 1944. At beliefs. 1942 nyam. akupantam_ rasstralyana 152 vyasko¸ets і are burned 48 dvaro ў. At 1979 on the mag_l akhvyar to ¸stano¸lena fascism pomn_k. Pavodle to a perap_s of 1959 with authority nal_chvat 262 zhykhara, at 1970 – 233 zhykhara. At 1999. 48 gaspadarak, 76 zhykharo ў, at a skladza of a kalgas of "Peramoga" (z 2004 CBK "Pakro¸sk _"; tsentr – century Bukhav_chy). Pratsuye magaz_n.


STONE (yes 1940 the Stone Karale¸sk і) – with authority ў Garadzetsk_m with/with, for 15 km on At hell Mr. Kobryn, 8 km hell chyg. the Art. Garadzets (on l_n іі Brest-Gomel), 59 km hell of Brest; chyg. station on l_n іі Zhab_nka-Drag_chyn. To Shashi Kobryn-І a vanava. 133 gaspadark і, 278 zhykharo ў (2005). Pas p_smovy kryn_ets of a vyadoma z the XVI Art. a yak to the syaleena ў Troksk_m, zaty Berastseysk_m vayavodstvo INCL.
At 1563. The stone – syalo Ugolskaga (Vugolskaga) of a voyta¸stvo volasts_ Garadzetskaga of a dvar of Kobrynskay the house-keeper іі, 58 is shaky zyaml_ (z _kh 21 valok it is not populated), 33 gaspadark_. _nventar adznacha ў drenny yakasts zyaml_. Pad 1606. Paznachana stone yak with authority і yard, uladayena Umyasto¸sk_kh. At 1698 syalo Garadzetskaga of a key of that zha the house-keeper іі; to a pavodla pryv_leya faded. prince of VKL і Caral A¸gust II Motsnaga's Polshchy znakhodz_lasya va ¸ladann_ Yakava Lyankev_cha. At 1742 syalo, 58 it is shaky zyaml_. At 1757 Karol A¸gust the III vyda ў pryv_ly Samu_lu of Mayev_chu on the 12th roll of a syal ў to a pazhyzzyovaa to the ¸ladayena. Paslya to a 3-hectare padzel of Rechy Paspal_tay (1795) at Races. _mper і, at Kobrynsk_m of peahens., z 1801 ў Grodzenskay of lips. At 1890 with authority Kamen Karale¸sk_ ў Garadzetskay an ox., 540 zhykharo ў (1885), 598 dzes. zyaml_. Pobach znakhodz_l_sya adnaymennyya: pasyolak і 2 mayontk_ – an adpavedna 379 і 450 dzes. zyaml_ (uladayena nashchadka ў K. Sulko¸skaga). At 1897. with authority, 95 dvaro ў, 585 zhykharo ў, hlebazapasna magaz_n, p_tseyny ¸stanova; 2 mayontk_ nal_chval_ pas 9 zhykharo ў. At 1905 ў vyosets 685 zhykharo ў, at a mayontka – 8 zhykharo ў. At 1911 with authority, 735 zhykharo ў; adnaymenna mayontak (uladayena A. Sulko¸skaga) – 14 zhykharo ў. Z 1921 ў to a skladza of Polshchy, at Garadzetskay to the gmena Kobrynskaga of peahens. Paleskaga vayav.; at vyosets і a falvarka to times 43 dvara, 285 zhykharo ў. At the 1930th pratsaval_ school і vyachern_ya courses. Z 1939 ў BSSR, z 15.1.1940 g ў Antopalsk_m district Brestskay of voblas., z 12.10. 1940 – tsentr the Village Council tago a rayona, z 16.7.1954 g ў Garadzetsk_m with/with, z 8.8.1959 g ў Kobrynsk_m the district. At 1940 with authority, 152 dvara, 681 zhykhar, it is white. nyapo¸ny syaredny school, hut-chytalnya, felch. - akushersk_ point, the Village Council (telefan_zavan). On rubbed. Village Council znakhodz_l_sya 5 vyosak, 291 farms, 459 dvaro ў, 2051 zhykhar. At Vyalikuyu Aychynnuyu to a vayn of century. Stone of an akup_ravan nyam. - Fasch. zakhopn_kam_ z cherv. 1941 yes l_p. 1944. At 1949 stvorana kalgas "Stal_nsk_ way". At 1965 heating club on the ¸shanavayena pamyats_ the fellow countryman ў, yak_ya zag_nul_ ў Bai Z nyam. to akupant і, ustano¸lena pomn_k. Pavodle with authority nal_chvat a perap_sa of 1959 197 zhykharo ў, at 1970 – 435 zhykharo ў. At 1999 151 gaspadarka, 341 zhykhar, at a skladza of a kalgasa-kamb_nat _mya Dzyarzhynskaga (z 2004 AAT "Garadzets-Agra"; tsentr – century Garadzets). Yosts club, magaz_n, basic school, addz. suvyaz_.


KATAShY – with authority ў H_drynsk_m with/with, for 10 km to Pd hell of the city і chyg. Art. Kobryn, 48 km hell of Brest. Transpartnyya suvyaz_ pas to Kobryn-Makrana's a¸tadaroza. 83 gaspadark і, 214 zhykharo ў (2005). At 1691 Katashy – syalo ў Brestsk_m vayav. VKL; river of Kato¸k on myazha z syaly Korchyts. At 1890 with authority Verkhaleskay an ox. Kobrynskaga of peahens. Grodzenskay lips., 178 1/4 dzes. zyaml_. At 1897 was 17 dvaro ў 122 zhykhara, me¸sya hlebazapasna magaz_n. At 1905 133 zhykhara. Z 1921 with authority ў to a skladza of Polshchy, at Navasyolka¸skay to the gmena Kobrynskaga of peahens. Paleskaga vayav.; 7th lady ў, 49 zhykharo ў. Z 1939 ў BSSR, z 15.1.1940 g ў Kobrynsk_m district Brestskay of voblas., z 12.10.1940 ў H_drynsk_m, z 16.7.1954 g yes 18.12.1972 ў Petska¸sk_m Village Councils. At 1940 with authority, 19 dvaro ў 128 zhykharo ў. At Vyalikuyu Aychynnuyu to a vayn of Katashy of an akup_ravana nyam. - Fasch. zakhopn_kam_ z cherv. 1941 yes l_p. 1944. At 1950 30 gaspadarak ab'yadnal_sya ў kalgas _mya A. Vas_le¸skaga. Pavodle to a perap_s of 1959. Katasha – farms, 90 zhykharo ў at 1970 – 204 zhykhara. At 1999 86 gaspadarak, 210 zhykharo ў, at a skladza of a kalgas "Zara" (z 2004 CBK "Uzykhodzyachaya Zara"; tsentr – century of H_dra). Dzeyn_chayuts magaz_n, club. At century Katashy of znakhodzyatsets vaysk. mog_lk_ hour ў the 1st susvetnay vayna.


KLYaTYShChA – with authority ў Vosa¸sk_m with/with, for 38 km on PDU hell of the city і chyg. Art. Kobryn, 75 km hell of Brest. Transpartnyya suvyaz_ pas to an a¸tadaroza Makrany-Dz_v_n-Kobryn. 82 gaspadark і, 167 zhykharo ў (2005). At 1566 with authority Klets_shcha ў Dz_v_nsk_m a voyta¸stvo of Paleskay an ox., the 6th occupied a site ў. At 1668 Klyatyshcha – syalo Paleskaga of a key of Brestskay the house-keeper іі, 6 is shaky zyaml_. 30 gaspadarak. At 1682 syalo, 23 gaspadark і; at 1786 – 6 it is shaky 155 Margo ў zyaml_. At 1789 syalo Dz_v_nskaga of a key of that zha the house-keeper іі, 25 gaspadarak, 134 zhykhara. Paslya to a 3-hectare padzel of Rechy Paspal_tay (1795) at a skladza of Races. _mper і, at Kobrynsk_m of peahens., z 1801 ў Grodzenskay of lips. At Saky. 1797 Mr. Katsyaryna II padaravat century Klyatyshcha A. V. Suvorava, 269 zhykharo ў. At 1819 with authority – to the uladayena Kakhle¸skaga, yak_ pavedamlya ў at Grodzenskaye of lips. to the pra¸leena, that to the syalena are ready byl_ akazats to a padtrymk to Dz_v_n's zhykhara ў _kh vystuplenn_ suprats svaygo a ¸ladaln_ka. At 1890 – with authority, 659 1/2 dzes. zyaml і, і mayontak (Uladz_slav Kakhle¸skaga's uladayena), 1481 dzes. zyaml і; at Dz_v_nskay an ox. At 1897 with authority, 51 yards, 371 zhykhar, me¸sya hlebazapasna magaz_n; mayontak, 27 zhykharo ў. At 1905 ў vyosets of 1320 zhykharo ў, at a mayontka – 14 zhykharo ў. At 1911 with authority nal_chvat 430 zhykharo ў, mayontak (the uladayena of a _os_f of Charnotskaga) – 32 zhykhara. Z 1921 ў to a skladza of Polshchy, at Dz_v_nskay to the gmena Kobrynskaga of peahens. Paleskaga vayav.; with authority – 49 dvaro ў, 258 zhykharo ў; falvarak – 2 dvara, 32 zhykhara. At the 1930th pratsaval_ school, vyachern_ya courses. Z 1939 ў BSSR, z 15.1.1940 g ў Dz_v_nsk_m district Brestskay of voblas., z 12.10.1940 ў Vosa¸sk_m with/with, z 8.8.1959 g ў Malarytsk_m, z 25.12.1962 ў Kobrynsk_m rayona. At 1940 Klyatyshcha – the farm (4 dvara) і with authority (47 dvaro ў, 257 zhykharo ў), swept pack. school. At 1940 argan_zavana kalgas "on May 1". At Vyalikuyu Aychynnuyu to a vayn with authority an akup_ravana nyam. - Fasch. zakhopn_kam_ z cherv. 1941 yes l_p. 1944. Pavodle to a perap_s of 1959 387 zhykharo ў at 1970 – 429 zhykharo ў. At 1999 99 gaspadarak, 229 zhykharo ў, at a skladza of a kalgas "Friendship of the people ў" (tsentr – century of Vos). Yosts b_bl_yateka.


KLYaShChY – with authority ў Tevelsk_m with/with, for 11 km on PNZ hell Mr. Kobryn, 6 km hell chyg. the station Sta¸py (on l_n іі Brest-Baranav_chy), 50 km hell of Brest. 7 gaspadarak, 9 zhykharo ў (2005). At 1563 Klyashchy – syalo Palyats_tskaga of a voyta¸stvo of Kobrynskay the house-keeper іі, 11 is shaky zyaml і, 11 gaspadarak. At 1597 syalo on rubbed. The Bats_tskaga (Batchynskaga) of a voyta¸stvo of Kobrynskaga of a starostvo, 11 it is shaky zyaml і, z yak_kh 1 free valoka of a nadadzen to the shepherd. At 1742 syalo ў Charavachytsk_m of a klyucha of Brestskay the house-keeper іі, 11 is shaky zyaml_. Paslya to a 3-hectare padzel of Rechy Paspal_tay (1795) at a skladza of Races. _mper і, at Kobrynsk_m of peahens., z 1801 ў Grodzenskay of lips. At 1890 with authority ў Pruska¸skay an ox., 197 dzes. zyaml_. Pobach znakhodz і ў sya mayontak Klyashchy-L_tv_nk і, uladayena І. Shadurskaga, 677 1/2 dzes. zyaml_. At 1897 with authority – 15 dvaro ў, 124 zhykhara, a pratsava ў hlebazapasna magaz_n, і mayontak – 29 zhykharo ў. At 1905 with authority nal_chvat 141 zhykhar; mayontak – 25 zhykharo ў. At 1911. with authority, 149 zhykharo ў і adnaymenna mayontak, Stan_slav Shadurskaga's uladayena (25 zhykharo ў) – at Pruska¸ska-Ramana¸skay an ox. tago paveta. Z 1921 ў to a skladza of Polshchy, at Pruska¸skay to the gmena Kobrynskaga of peahens. Paleskaga vayav.; with authority – 18 dvaro ў, 82 zhykhara, і falvarak – 3 dvara, 27 zhykharo ў. At the 1930th the school pratsavat. Z 1939 ў BSSR, z 15.1.1940 g ў Kobrynsk_m district Brestskay of voblas., z 12.10 1940 ў Stryga¸sk_m, z 11.8.1959 g ў Tevelsk_m Village Councils. At 1940 with authority – 17 dvaro ў, 110 zhykharo ў, pack. school, і byla mayontak – 3 dvara, 10 zhykharo ў. At Vyalikuyu Aychynnuyu to a vayn z cherv. 1941 yes l_p. 1944 Klyashchy of an akup_ravana nyam. - Fasch. zakhopn_kam_. At 1949 20 gaspadarak ab'yadnal_sya ў kalgas "Chyrvona volat" (starshynya K. Sa¸chuk). Pavodle to a perap_s of 1959 ў vyosets nal_chvalasya 85 zhykharo ў, at 1970 – 613 zhykharo ў. At 1999 8 gaspadarak, 10 zhykharo ў at a skladza of a kalgas "Gl_nyansk і" (tsentr – century Gl_nyank і).


KORChYTsY – with authority ў H_drynsk_m with/with, for 12 km to Pd hell of the city і chyg. Art. Kobryn, 57 km hell of Brest. Transpartnyya suvyaz_ pas to an a¸tadaroza Kobryn-Dz_v_n. 182 gaspadark і, 490 zhykharo ў (2005). Pas p_smovy kryn_ets of a vyadoma z 14 Art. yak to the syaleena і mayontak Korchychy. Z XV Art. of zgadvayutsets yak syalo Kobrynskaga of a knyastvo. At 1497 (to the pavodla _nshy dadzeny at 1491) knyag_nya Fyador (Teador) the _vana¸na (z to a sort Ragats_nsk_kh, a zhonka of book of a _van of Syamyonav_cha Kobrynskaga) zap_sat the village Korchychy z us_m_ dakhodam_ manastyrskay to a tsarkva St. Saviour ў Kobryne. Getaye to the nadayena was a patsverdzhana ў 1512 faded. the prince of VKL і karalyom Polshchy Zhyg_montam I Starym, at 1633 – Iago zhonkay karalevay Bonnye, at 1647 – karalyom Uladz_slavam IV і. At 1549 ў the village of Korchytsa "two zhereb_ and Rimonovsky smokes" і "another zhereb_y Zdavnovsky". At 1668. Korchytsa – a fundushavaa syalo Kobrynskay of an arkh_mandra і, yaky the zgodna z to M_kha_l Kaz_m_r Pats's un_versala was got out hell of military of an exaction ў і by paste. Paslya to a 3-hectare padzel of Rechy Paspal_tay (1795) at a skladza of Races. _mper і, at Kobrynsk_m of peahens., z 1801 ў Grodzenskay of lips. At 1846 – 2 vyosk_: Korchytsy-Zabuzhk_ – 23 dvara, 199 zhykharo ў, і Korchytsy-K_gana – 12 dvaro ў 93 zhykhara, at a skladza a falvarka Antan_n, yak_ ў pabudavana ў 1839 va Palonn's ¸rochyshcha to arkh_ep_skapa m_nsk_m і babruysk_m Anton_em. At 1842 falvarak (sklada¸sya z 4 vyosak, mel_sya Zvyagod's karchma of a pra to a daroza for century _myan_n і the forg) at a l_ka _nshy former a mayontka ў Kobrynskaga of a manastyr of a peradadzena ў state departments (upra¸lyayucha Ya. V_datsk і). At 1890 vyosk_ – Korchytsy-K_gana, 421 1/2 dzes. zyaml і, і Korchytsy-Zabuzhk і, 601 1/2 dzes. zyaml і, – on rubbed. Verkhaleskay ox. At 1897 ў century of K_gana (Korchytsa) 30 dvaro ў, 215 zhykharo ў, mel_sya a tsarkva on mog_lka, hlebazapasna magaz_n; at century. Zabuzhk_ (Korchytsa) – 42 dvara, 304 zhykhara, hlebazapasna magaz_n. At 1911 with authority (Korchytsa) ў Navasyolka¸skay an ox. Kobrynskaga of peahens., 569 zhykharo ў. Z 1921 ў to a skladza of Polshchy, at Navasyolka¸skay to the gmena Kobrynskaga of peahens. Paleskaga vayav. Vyosk_ – Korchytsa Vyal_k_ya, 26 dvaro ў, 166 zhykharo ў, і Korchytsa Malyya, 21 yards, 77 zhykharo ў. At the 1930th pratsaval_ school і vyachern_ya courses. Z 1939 ў BSSR, z 15.1.1940 g ў Dz_v_nsk_m district Brestskay of voblas., z 12.10.1940 yes 30.10.1959 ў Verkhalesk_m with/with, z 8.8.1959 g ў Kobrynsk_m the district. At 1940 with authority Korchytsa Vyal_k_ya of a nal_chval 64 dvara, 315 zhykharo ў, century of Korchytsa Malyya – 42 dvara, 179 zhykharo ў; pratsavat pack. school. At Vyalikuyu Aychynnuyu to an akup_ravana vayn nyam. - Fasch. zakhopn_kam_ z cherv. 1941 yes l_p. 1944. At 1949 kalgasa argan_zavana: _mya Varashylava ў century of Korchytsa Vyal_k_ya (starshynya M. A. K_rylyuk), _mya Chapayeva ў century of Korchytsa Malyya (25 gaspadarak, starshynya F.K_rylyuk). Pavodle to a perap_s of 1959. vyosk_ nal_chval_: Korchytsa Vyal_k_ya – 260 zhykharo ў, Korchytsa Malyya – 160 zhykharo ў; 1970 of an adpavedn 262 і 144 zhykhara. Pazney vyosk_ ab'yadnal_sya ў to an adn stalemate nazvay (Korchytsa). At 1999 with authority, 187 gaspadarak, 523 zhykhara, tsentr a kalgasa "Stsyag Peramog і" (z 2004 CBK "Radanezhsk _"). Yosts club, dz_tsyacha garden, basic school, felch. - akushersk_ point, magaz_n, addz. suvyaz і, vetuchastak.


KUSTOV_CHY – with authority ў Garadzetsk_m with/with, for 23 km on I WILL KICK hell Mr. Kobryn, 10 km hell chyg. the Art. Garadzets (on l_n іі Brest-Gomel), 67 km hell of Brest. 152 gaspadark і, 304 zhykhara (2005). Upershynya of zgadvayutsets ў 1549. At 1738 Kustov_chy – mayontak at Brestsk_m vayav. Paslya to a 3-hectare padzel of Rechy Paspal_tay (1795) at a skladza of Races. _mper і, at Kobrynsk_m of peahens., z 1801 ў Grodzenskay of lips. At 1890 with authority ў _laskay an ox., 509 zhykharo ў (1885), 788 dzes. zyaml_ (to times z to the farms of Leshchana). Pobach znakhodz_l_sya 2 adnaymennyya mayontk_ – uladann_: nashchadka ў S. Parne¸skaga, 493 dzes. zyaml_ (to times z to the farms of Pyasochna); Anel_ Astrametskay і Em_l іі Varatynetskay, 144 dzes. zyaml_ (to times z to urochyshcha of Turos). Pasyolak Kustov_chy of a nal_chv ў 286 dzes. zyaml і, nalezha ў to different ulasn_ka. At 1897 with authority (4 vyarsta channel hell Dnyapro¸ska-Bugskaga), 114 dvaro ў, 815 zhykharo ў, me¸sya hlebazapasna magaz_n. At mayontka: a nashchadka ў Parne¸sk_kh – 4 dvara, 9 zhykharo ў; pameshchyka ў Varatynetsk_kh – 2 dvara, 9 zhykharo ў. At 1905 with authority (667 zhykharo ў) і mayontak (13 zhykharo ў). At 1911 with authority nal_chvat 886 zhykharo ў, adnaymenna falvarak (uladayena Georg_ya Parne¸skaga) – 4 zhykhara. Z 1921 with authority ў to a skladza of Polshchy, at _laskay to the gmena Kobrynskaga of peahens. Paleskaga vayav., 93 dvara, 392 zhykhara. At 1931 pratsaval_, school, vyachern_ya courses, chytalnya, teatralna a gurtok. Z 1939 ў BSSR, z 15.1.1940 g ў Antopalsk_m district Brestskay of voblas., z 12.10.1940 ў Aktsyabrsk_m, z 31.3.1959 g ў Garadzetsk_m Village Councils, z 8.8.1959 g ў Kobrynsk_m district. At 1940 ў Kustov_chakh 726 zhykharo ў, fish base, pack. school. At Vyalikuyu Aychynnuyu heating a vayna vyosk_ ў Bai Z nyam. - Fasch. zakhopn_kam_ ў 1942 і 1943 zag_nul_ 5 partyzan і 4 sav. vo_na; 13 zhykharo ў vyosk_ byl_ rasstralyana nyam. karn_kam_ ў studz. 1943. At 1986 on the ¸shanavayena pamyats_ akhvyar to fascism on mog_lka і on ¸skh. to the uskrayena vyosk_ ¸stano¸lena 3 abel_sk_. At 1949. 36 gaspadarak ab'yadnal_sya ў kalgas _mya Andreyeva. Pavodle with authority Kustov_chy nal_chvat a perap_sa of 1959 268 zhykharo ў, at 1970 – 615 zhykharo ў. At 1999 155 gaspadarak, 389 zhykharo ў. Pratsuyuts magaz_n, club, torfapradpryemstvo of "Kobrynskaye".


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