Public institution of education "Kobrin center of the correctional developing training and rehabilitation"
Kobrin TSKROIR is special establishment of education.
The center is realized:
- the obrazovayotelny program of vocational education at the level of preschool education for persons with intellectual insufficiency,
- the obrazoyovatelny program of vocational education at the level of the general secondary education for persons with intellectual insufficiency,
- the program of education and protection of the rights and legitimate interests of the children who are in socially dangerous situation
- educational program of additional education of children and youth,
- the program of education of the children needing improvement.
The Kobrin center of the correctional developing training and rehabilitation is legal entity. A founder of institution is the Kobrin district executive committee. State body, the authorized owner to operate property of establishment the department of education of Kobrin district executive committee is. Establishment has the press with the image of the State Emblem of Republic of Belarus and a stamp with the name, current (settlement) and other accounts in banks of Republic of Belarus.
Establishment in the activity is guided:
The code of Republic of Belarus about education, the Provision on the center of the correctional developing training and rehabilitation, other existing acts of Republic of Belarus, normative documents of the Ministry of Education of Republic of Belarus, the Charter, orders of the founder and director of Institution within their competences and powers. Direct management of establishment is performed by his director.
Kobrin TSKROIR provides creation of complex system of rendering psikhologo - the medico-pedagogical help to persons with features of psychophysical development, education by persons with heavy and (or) multiple physical and (or) mental violations. It carries out the diagnostic, pedagogical, correctional developing, methodical, advisory and information and analytical activity.
TSKROIR coordinates work of experts in the sphere of vocational education, "Alpha" of the Belarusian society of disabled people on the basis of Council of ministers of Republic of Belarus of 11.02.1998 No. 209 "About transfer of the children's Centers of medico-social rehabilitation of the Belarusian society of disabled people" is created on the basis of the existing Center of medico-social rehabilitation of disabled children, decisions of the Brest regional executive committee of 14.04.1998 No. 291, the order of department of education of regional executive committee of 30.10.1997 No. 216 and the decision of the Kobrin Executive Committee of the City Soviet of People's Deputies of 20.05.1998 No. 314 also is the non-profit organization financed from the local budget.
In Kobrinskom TSKROIR it is possible:
- to learn a level of development and to define the child's problems as a result of deepened psikhologo - medico-pedagogical inspection;
- to define the appropriate program of training of the child;
- to get advice and the qualified help of the logopedist, teacher-speech pathologist, psychologist;
- children of early age with violation of the musculoskeletal device can complete a course of medical massage of rehabilitation at the massage nurse.
Experts give help to the children from the birth till 18 years having:
- violations of the musculoskeletal device;
- lag in development;
- difficulties in assimilation of a training material;
- heavy violations of the speech.
Kobrin's visit TSKROIR will help children:
- to improve physical and intellectual development;
- to adapt socially;
- to improve development of the speech.
Kobrin TSKROIR gives complex help to children of early age.
Experts will help to answer questions:
- Whether your kid correctly develops?
- Why he did not learn that his peers are able?
- Whether well he hears and sees?
- Why it does not play with other children?
- How it is correct to pick up the developing toys?
- Why it is so difficult to understand it?
In Kobrinskom TSKROIR the team of experts works:
- teachers-speech pathologists;
- educational psychologists;
- the teacher is social;
- musical director;
- instructor of physiotherapy exercises;
- pediatrician;
- neurologist;
- psychiatrist.
Than experts can help?
- To conduct complex examination of the child, will define strong and weaknesses in his development.
- To pick up the games necessary for your kid, a toy and will teach to play with them.
- To define a help format (individual occupations with experts, advisory occupation).
- To choose an educational route for children with features of development.
- The instructor of physiotherapy exercises will conduct a course of massage and will teach a set of exercises which will promote normal physical development of the child.
- Together with you experts will be able to assess current situation, to attract the possible resources which are available at the place of residence and in Republic of Belarus.
Phones: (81642) 2-86-86, (81642) 2-86-87
Address: Brest region, 225301 Mr. Kobrin, Dzerzhinsky St., 53
Operating mode:
8.00 - 18:00
Days off: Saturday, Sunday
Our projects: Tourist Kobrin | Intellectual Kobrin
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