Type, look, full name of establishment (the reduced name) |
Address, E-mail, Phone |
Address of the official site |
Elementary school | ||
Public institution of education "Borisovsky elementary school" (Borisovsky elementary school) |
Tsentralnaya St., 28, 225306 villages of Magdalene, Kobrin district Ph. (801642) 75138 |
Basic school | ||
Public institution of education "Belsky basic school of Kobrin district" (Belsky basic school of Kobrin district) |
Sovetskaya St., 27, 225865 villages of Belsk, Kobrin area E-mail: uok_belsk@mail.by Ph. (801642) 94218 |
belsk.kobrin.edu.by |
Public institution of education "Bolotsky basic school" (Bolotsky basic school) |
Lenin St., 57, 225868 der. Bogs, Kobrin district E-mail: uok_bolota@mail.by Ph. (801642) 63438 |
bolota.kobrin.edu.by |
Public institution of education "Zaprudsky basic school" (Zaprudsky basic school) |
Shkolnaya St., 7a, 225899 der. Dams, Kobrin district E-mail: uok_zaprud@mail.by Ph. (801642) 70538 |
zaprud.kobrin.edu.by |
Public institution of education "Korchitsky basic school" (Korchitsky basic school) |
Pobedy St., 28, 225866 villages
Korchitsa, Kobrin district E-mail: uok_korch@mail.by Ph. (801642) 79238 |
korch.kobrin.edu.by |
Public institution of education "Shemetovsky basic school" (Shemetovsky basic school) |
Kommunisticheskaya St., 13, 225887 villages
Shemetovka, Kobrin district E-mail: uok_shemet@mail.by Ph. (801642) 79638 |
shemet.kobrin.edu.by |
High school | ||
Public institution of education "High school No. 1 of Mr. Kobrin" (High school No. 1 of Mr. Kobrin) |
Sovetskaya St., 94, 225304 g
Kobrin E-mail: uok_sh1@mail.by Ph. (801642) 2-20-21 |
sch1.kobrin.edu |
Public institution of education "High school No. 2 of Mr. Kobrin" (High school No. 2 of Mr. Kobrin) |
Pervomayskaya St., 91, 225306 Mr. Kobrin E-mail: uok_sh2@mail.by Ph. (801642) 2-18-16 |
sch2.kobrin.edu.by |
Public institution of education "High school No. 3 of Mr. Kobrin" (High school No. 3 of Mr. Kobrin) |
Proletarskaya St., 91, 225305 Mr. Kobrin E-mail: uok_sh3@mail.by Ph. (801642) 2-59-36 |
sch3.kobrin.edu |
Public institution of education "High school No. 6 of Mr. Kobrin" (High school No. 6 of Mr. Kobrin) |
Lenin St., 71, 225306 Mr. Kobrin E-mail: uok_sh6@mail.by Ph. (801642) 2-29-09 |
sch6.kobrin.edu.by |
Public institution of education "High school No. 7 of Mr. Kobrin" (High school No. 7 of Mr. Kobrin) |
Dzerzhinsky St., 55, 225301 Mr. Kobrin E-mail: uok_sh7@mail.by Ph. (801642) 2-27-03 |
sch7.kobrin.edu.by |
Public institution of education "High school No. 8 of Mr. Kobrin" (High school No. 8 of Mr. Kobrin) |
Parkovaya St., 2, 225301 Mr. Kobrin E-mail: uok_sh8@mail.by Ph. (801642) 2-10-83 |
sch8.kobrin.edu.by |
Public institution of education "High school No. 9 of Mr. Kobrin" (High school No. 9 of Mr. Kobrin) |
Druzhby St., 33/1, 225301 Mr. Kobrin E-mail: uok_sh9@mail.by Ph. (801642) 3-73-57 |
sch9.kobrin.edu.by |
Public institution of education "Batchinsky high school" (Batchinsky high school) |
Sadovaya St., 22, 225874 villages Batchi, Kobrin district E-mail: uok_batchi@mail.by Ph. (801642) 94-3 – 46 |
batchi.kobrin.edu.by |
Public institution of education "Bukhovichsky high school" (Bukhovichsky high school) |
Tsentralnaya St., 2/1, 225890 villages Bukhovichi, Kobrin district E-mail: uok_buxov@mail.by Ph. (801642) 55-6-38 |
buxov.kobrin.edu.by |
Public institution of education "Verkholessky high school" (Verkholessky high school) |
Chkalov St., 49, 225863 villages of Verkholesye, Kobrin area E-mail: uok_verholesse@mail.by Ph. (801642) 95-2-38 |
verholesse.kobrin.edu.by |
Public institution of education "Divinsky high school" (Divinsky high school) |
Sportivnaya St., 6, 225876 villages of Divin, Kobrin area E-mail: uok_divin@mail.by Ph. (801642) 68138 |
divin.kobrin.edu.by |
Public institution of education "Zalessky high school of Kobrin district" (Zalessky high school of Kobrin district) |
Shkolnaya St., 1, 225880 villages of Zalesye, Kobrin area E-mail: uok_zales@mail.by Ph. (801642) 92238 |
zales.kobrin.edu.by |
Public institution of education "Imeninsky high school" (Imeninsky high school) |
Shkolnaya St., 49, 225870 der. Name-day, Kobrin district E-mail: uok_imen@mail.by Ph. (801642) 5-73-38 |
imen.kobrin.edu.by |
Public institution of education "Lelikovsky high school of Vladimir Shepetyuk" (Lelikovsky average shkolay. V. Shepetyuka) |
Sovetskaya St., 44, 225878 villages of Lelikovo, Kobrin area E-mail: uok_lelikov@mail.by Ph. (801642) 69-2-38 |
lelikov.kobrin.edu.by |
Public institution of education "Luksky high school of Kobrin district" (Luksky high school of Kobrin district) |
Mira St., 2, 225892 der. Onions, Kobrin district E-mail: uok_luka@mail.by Ph. (801642) 73-2-85 |
luka.kobrin.edu.by |
Public institution of education "Minyansky high school" (Minyansky high school) |
Shkolnaya St., 9, 225873 villages of Minyanka, Kobrin area E-mail: uok_min@mail.by Ph. (801642) 97-3-16 |
min.kobrin.edu.by |
Public institution of education "Novoselkovsky high school of Kobrin district" (Novoselkovsky high school of Kobrin district) |
Sovetskaya St., 115, 225864 villages of Novosyolka, Kobrin area E-mail: uok_novos@mail.by Ph. (801642) 71-2-48 |
novos.kobrin.edu.by |
Public institution of education "Oniskovichsky high school" (Oniskovichsky high school) |
Zarechnaya St., 11, 225884 villages Oniskovichi, Kobrin district E-mail: uok_oniskov@mail.by Ph. (801642) 61-2-38 |
oniskov.kobrin.edu.by |
Public institution of education "Orekhovsky high school" (Orekhovsky high school) |
Lenin St., 13, 225897 settlements of Orekhovsky, Kobrin area E-mail: uok_oreh@mail.by Ph. (801642) 64-4-38 |
oreh.kobrin.edu.by |
Public institution of education "Ostromichsky high school" (Ostromichsky high school) |
Shkolnaya St., 2, 225889 villages Ostromichi, Kobrin district E-mail: uok_ostrom@mail.by Ph. (801642) 98-2-47 |
ostrom.kobrin.edu.by |
Public institution of education "Peskovsky high school of Kobrin district" (Peskovsky high school of Kobrin district) |
Shkolnaya St., 9, 225861 der. Sand, Kobrin district E-mail: uok_peski@mail.by Ph. (801642) 90-2-82 |
peski.kobrin.edu.by |
Public institution of education "Rynkovsky high school" (Rynkovsky high school) |
Rynkovskaya St., 4, 225895 der. Markets, Kobrin district E-mail: uok_rynki@mail.by Ph. (801642) 64-2-38 |
rynki.kobrin.edu.by |
Public institution of education "Habovichsky high school" (Habovichsky high school) |
Kutuzov St., 31, 225875 villages Habovichi, Kobrin district E-mail: uok_hab@mail.by Ph. (801642) 96-2-60 |
hab.kobrin.edu.by |
Evening school | ||
Public institution of education "Evening school of Mr. Kobrin" (Evening school of Mr. Kobrin) |
Sovetskaya St., 127, 225304 Mr. Kobrin E-mail: uok_vsh@mail.by Ph. (801642) 2-18-76 |
Gymnasium | ||
Public institution of education "Mr. Kobrin's gymnasium" (Mr. Kobrin's gymnasium) |
Pushkin St., 4, 225306 Mr. Kobrin E-mail: uok_gimnaz@mail.by Ph. (801642) 2-25-51 |
gimnkbr.ihb.by |
Educational and pedagogical complex |
Children's garden - elementary school | ||
Public institution of education "the Patrikovsky children's garden - elementary school" (Patrikovsky kindergarten - elementary school) |
Matrosov St., 22, 225896 villages of Patrika., Kobrin district Ph. (801642) 91-2-35 |
Public institution of education "the Tevelsky children's garden - elementary school" (Tevelsky kindergarten - elementary school) |
Severnaya St., 12v, 225898 villages of Tevli, Kobrin area Ph. (801642) 70-2-53 |
Children's garden - basic school | ||
Public institution of education "Grushevsky a children's garden - basic school" (Grushevsky kindergarten – basic school) |
Tsentralnaya St., 1a, 225885 villages of Grushevo, Kobrin area E-mail: uok_grush@mail.by Ph. (801642) 65-2-94 |
grush.kobrin.edu.by |
Children's garden - high school | ||
Public institution of education "A children's garden - high school No. 4 of Mr. Kobrin" (A children's garden - high school No. 4 of Mr. Kobrin) |
Lenin St., 167, 225302 Mr. Kobrin E-mail: uok_sh4@mail.by Ph. (801642) 2-25-73 |
sch4.kobrin.edu.by |
Public institution of education "Gorodetsky a children's garden - high school" (Gorodetsky a children's garden – high school) |
Sovetskaya St., 12, 225883 villages of Gorodets, Kobrin area E-mail: uok_gorodec@mail.by Ph. (801642) 67-3-38 |
gorodec.kobrin.edu.by |
Public institution of education "the Kiselevetsky children's garden - high school" (Kiselevetsky kindergarten – high school) |
Tsentralnaya St., 19, 225867 villages of Rybna, Kobrin area E-mail: uok_kisel@mail.by Ph. (801642) 91-4-38 |
kisel.kobrin.edu.by |
Public institution of education "An October children's garden - high school" (An October children's garden - high school) |
Krasnogvardeyskaya St., 5a, 225882 der. October, Kobrin district E-mail: uok_oktjabr@mail.by Ph. (801642) 97-4-38 |
oktjabr.kobrin.edu.by |
Public institution of education "the Osovsky children's garden - high school" (The Osovsky children's garden - high school) |
Sitkov St., 17, 225877. Wasp, Kobrin district E-mail: uok_osa@mail.by Ph. (801642) 66-3-48 |
osa.kobrin.edu.by |
Public institution of education "the Povityevsky children's garden - high school" (Povityevsky kindergarten - high school) |
Shkolnaya St., 10, 225879 villages of Povitye, Kobrin area E-mail: uok_povit@mail.by Ph. (801642) 60-2-38 |
povit.kobrin.edu.by |
Public institution of education "the Strigovsky children's garden - high school" (The Strigovsky children's garden - high school) |
Sovetskaya St., 1, 225871 village of Strigovo, Kobrin area E-mail: uok_strigovo@mail.by Ph. (801642) 72-3-41 |
strigovo.kobrin.edu.by |
Interschool industrial practice combine of labor training and vocational guidance | ||
Public institution of education "Interschool industrial practice combine of labor training and vocational guidance of pupils of Kobrin district" (Interschool industrial practice combine of labor training and vocational guidance of pupils of Kobrin district) |
Sovetskaya St., 108, 225304 Mr. Kobrin, Brest region, E-mail: uok_upk2008@mail.by Ph. (801642) 2-36-97 |
upk.kobrin.edu.by |
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