On August 20 105 years since the birth of the uncommon person who became history of our city as his chronicler - Alexey Mikhaylovich Martynov were executed. His name of familiarly most part of residents of our city. For one Alexey Mikhaylovich was a colleague, for others - the friend or the good acquaintance, the third constantly monitored his numerous publications in the press on various subjects, the fourth had an opportunity to meet it as with the hospitable owner of the Kobrin museum. And in memory of these people Martynov remained as the person, unique on the sincere qualities.
The Kobrin military and historical museum of A. V. Suvorov was the most considerable child created directly by A. M. Martynov. He devoted to this business 32 years, being on a post of the director of the museum, and 20 more years after retirement. But its interests were not limited to one museum sphere. Alexey Mikhaylovich was also a talented writer. Thanks to natural observation and versatile erudition it in youth could cause a stir in literary talents. However, in the 1930th years on which its young time fell it was necessary to be engaged in literary creativity in breaks between searches of a daily bread. But subsequently, in post-war years, being already the director of the museum, Alexey Mikhaylovich developed the literary gift, numerous articles on historical subjects for various editions became result of what. The most part of these creative researches is stored in library of the Kobrin museum today and is in a stable demand of readers. Ease of a statement, virtuosity of knowledge of the literary language, absolutely unique humour and irony over the described events, and sometimes and over by itself became characteristic features of its unique style. Versatility of his talent always surprised the people familiar with it. And it is not surprising, to all this he was also the most interesting interlocutor.
The city appreciated A. M. Martynov's merits, his contribution to Kobrin's history. In 1997 to it the rank of the honourable citizen Kobrin, and in 2004, to the 100 anniversary since birth was given, on his house the memorial plate was established. But kind memory of it of those people who knew it personally or were judges of his versatile talents will always be the best award for Alexey Mikhaylovich: publicist, local historian, historian, administrator, organizer, chronicler and, eventually, just good person.
director of the Kobrin museum of A. V. Suvorov.
Woman, E. Istorik, local historian, Administrator / Elena Babenko//Kobrynsk_ vesn_k. – 2009. – 22 zhn і ў nya. – Page 2.
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