Pytanne ab to an ear _snavannya Kobryna yes gety hour ў to a vykl_kaa ў a g_storyka ў supratsleglyya merkavann і, hots a mustache of Yana of sykhodzyatsets on ty that our city velm_ starazhytna. Bolshasts g_storyka ў to a vykazvaa thought that to Kobryn's ¸zn_kneena of adnos_tsets yes of the XI Abo to an ear of XII stagoddzya. At adny zha polsk_m dakumenets yosts date — 1111. Pavodle of a starazhytnag of a narodnag padannya, yaky occurring ў our myasts_na, pachatak Kobryna a yak of the city zvyazan z nastupnay padzeyay.
To Spradvek on a vostrava, utvorany deltay upadachayuchay at Mukhavets balots_stay rachushk_ Kobrynk і, a _snavala fishing to the pasyaleena. Zeml_ getyya on Zara nashay g_story_ ¸vakhodz_l_ ў a sasta ў starazhytnaruskay dzyarzhava, and zaty an udzelnaga P_nska-Tura¸skaga knyastvo. Adz_n z Iago of a ¸ladaln_k ў, Potomac a vyal_kaga of the prince of a k_e¸skag of a _zyaslav, a pra palyavann_ ў a tuteyshy natter spyn і ў sya here on adpachynak.
Pra bolsh uvazhl_vy a znayomstvo myastsovasts a hole spadabalasya, і ў the prince of a ¸zn_kl a thought vykarystats on the alert ў at yakasts_ an abaronnaga of point. Poty here uzn_kl_ pershyya zyamlyank_ і dra¸lyanyya ¸matsavann і, yak_ya z to tsyaga to hour peratvaryl_sya ў verkhn_ і n_zhn_ zamk і, stalemate nadzeynay breath-taking yak_kh pastupova of a pach ў zastrayvatsets і zasyalyatsets posad.
The padayena velm_ a pra¸dapadobna і the ¸payena it is possible for Pryvedzenaye zgadz_tsets z ty that tak_m ў pachatak the cities. Date zha ¸zn_knennya l_chyts tickle the cities of a prynyat ¸paman ab _m at a letap_sa. At da Cobryn's adnos_na such umo¸nay date of l_chytsets 1287.
At a thuja an addaleny time of Kobrynshchyn of a ¸vakhodz_l ў a sasta ў an udzelnaga of Uladz_m_r-Valynskaga of a knyastvo, yak_m the prince Uladz_m_r Vas_lyev_ch is right і ў. At skladzeny _m zavyashchann і, brought at _patsye¸sk_ letap_s, at a zap_sa of 1287, chytay: "Xie Az, the prince Volodimir, the son Vasilkov, the grandson Romanov, I write the diploma: gave esm to the princess (Olga Romanovna) after the stomach (in sense of "life") the city of Kobryn both with people and with a tribute as at me thawed, tago and on me allow to at to my princess" …
Jac Batschym, Kobryn at that hour nazyva¸sya to the cities. Butt, yashche bolsh sprechny, chy date ¸zn_knennya Kobryn, z'ya¸lyaetsets to the pytayena ab pakhodzhann_ city nazva. For Wa ¸syak_m a vypadka, it is possible z upe¸nenastsyu skazats that Iago Nazva of a n_chog of an agulnag not May z ekzatychnay zmyayoy a cobra, a yak mnog_ya skh_lna dumats. Nyapra¸dapadobnym_ a treba pryznats a taksama of a sproba vyvests_ the words "Kobryn" hell _men_ a starazhytnaga plemen_ obra of Abo of a cobra, ab yak_m upam_nalasya at pagavorka і byl_na. Naybolsh of a veragodn that the nazva a gety payshla hell is old a zhytnaga _mya, uladaln_k a yakoga of hundred ў at yak_khsts_ adnos_na vyadomy. Iago's Pa _men_ і ў is called pasyolak.
I think that for kabrynchan to a budza of a ts_kav of davedatsets ab _snavann_ _nshy geagraf_chny a nazva ў, utvorany hell of a root of "Cobras". So, la vyosk_ Navasyolk_; nashaga of a rayon _snaval_ ¸rochyshcha of "Kobrynk" і "Padkobrynka". The Urochyshcha of "Kobrynk" was la vyosk_ Lanska Malarytskaga of a rayon. Geagraf_chnyya nazva, utvoranyya hell of a getag of a root, sustrakayutsets ў Loye¸sk_m to the rayena Gomelskay voblasts_ і _nshy mesets.
Darecha, Kobryn, Kobrynsk_ і _nshyya zvyazanyya z _m_ slova of adnosyatsets not tolk_ yes geagraf_chny term_na ў. Not mensh it is frequent sustrakayetsets to a word getaa ў to a vyglyadza of a prozv_shch ў. The Prozv_shcha the Kobrynsky nas_la a vyadomy ¸kra_nsky p_smenn_tsa, yashche zus_m a nyada¸na of a prazhyv ў at V_tsebsku ¸rach Kobryn, drug_ — at Danbase, and on dalyok_m the Urals to a _snua whole with authority, a kind palav_na zhykharo ў yaky a pas to a prozv_shch of z'ya¸lyayutsets tsyozkam_ a nashaga of a starazhytnag of the city.
A.M. Martynov
Martyna ў, A. Adkul paysho ў city...: yes 685-godzya Mr. Kobryna / A. Martyna ў//Kamun_stychnaya of prayets. – 1972. – 11 studzenya.
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