Articles about Kobrin: 1941 - 1945

Z uspam_na ў L. M. Sandalava

Sandal-wood trees Lean_d M_khaylav_ch, naradz і ў sya 10 krasav_k of 1900 at V_chuga _vana¸skay voblas., Ras_ya. Udzeln_k bayo ў to Belarus_ ў Vyal_kaya Aychynnuyu to a vayn. General-palko¸n_k (1944). Zakoncha ў vayennyya akadem іі _mya Frunze (1934), General Staff (1937). At Chyrvonay of an automated workplace іі z 1919 z verasnya 1937 at BVA, 3rd 1940 nachaln_k a staff, at l_pen_ — zhn і ў n_ 1941 of a kamanduyucha of the 4th arm_yay, nachaln_k a staff to the front Tsentralnaga. At an ear of Vyal_kay Aychynnay of a vayna
¸dzeln_cha ў at abaronchy Bai at the rayena of Brest, Zhab_nk і, Kobryna і _nsh.

At 1941 — 1945 nachaln_k staff of Branskaga, 2 hectares of Prybaltyyskaga, 4 hectares of Ukra_nskaga of the dandy ў. Yes 1953 on command posads at Savetskay of an automated workplace іі. A¸tar kn_g "Pagarela-Garadz_shchanskaya aperatsyya" (1960), "Tsyazhk_ya of a rubyazha" (1965), "Perazhytaye" (1966), "On masko¸sk_m to a napramk" (1970), "Paslya peraly" (1983). Pamyor 23 kastrychn_k of 1987.

... Rumors that Germans will come soon with might and main circulated among local population. At shops turns crowded. Flour, sugar, kerosene, soap were bought up in great demand. Owners of private sartorial, shoe and watch repair shops willingly took new orders, but to give to customers their coat, suits, boots and hours did not hurry. Especially orders of the military personnel were late.

In troops it caused alarm, and from the district there were most inconsistent instructions. I remember as now, weeks for two prior to war the commander and the member of the Council of War of our army upon return from Minsk invited to themselves the head of department of a political propaganda of army, the commander of the mechanized case, the commander of an aviation division and me. To us it was declared that Pavlov is anxious with a condition of combat training of troops and it discussed a question of the forthcoming summer doctrines.

— Our fourth army — Korobkov told — it is offered to stage skilled tactical drill on the twenty second of June in the presence of all highest and senior command structure of army. Let's see off it on the Brest artillery ground. In it parts forty second shooting and the twenty second tank divisions are recruited.

— And how the continuing concentration of the German troops on our border regards command of the district? — the head of department of a political propaganda of army brigade commissioner S. S. Rozhkov asked.

— As well as the senior chiefs in Moscow — Korobkov parried. — Germany will not dare to break the nonaggression pact. It pulls together the troops to our border mainly because is afraid of us. You know in what light the rail transportations of some military units taking at us place from country depth to boundary districts, and also transportation to border of working and construction parts, at last, usual transportations of variable structure on training sessions moved the bourgeois press... On the other hand — the commander after a minute pause continued — it is quite possible to assume that concentration of the German troops on our border has to strengthen "arguments" of Germany at the decision with us some political affairs.

— And what requirements are imposed on us in sense of combat readiness of troops? — I took an interest.

— It is necessary to build quicker ukreprayon and field defensive positions — the commander answered. — For this purpose to regiments
it is allowed to allocate not on one, and on two battalions at the same time. For a staff of army, staffs of cases and management of the commandant of an ukreprayon it is ordered to equip immediately out of the cities command posts.

— For ourselves the command post in the wood, in several kilometers from Kobrin, we already planned — the commander of the mechanized case major general S. I. Oborin declared. — But in divisions there are more than a half of Red Army men of the first year of service of us. Artillery parts received guns and howitzers, and are not provided with shells, there are no tractors for the present. An equipment in tank divisions outdated. There are not enough cars. Our park is capable to lift no more than a quarter of staff of the case. And how to be with the others? Staffs were completed with people, but a skolochennost at them still insufficient. In a word, ahead huge work...

In the same approximately spirit also the commander of an aviadivision colonel Belov spoke:

— Only since June fifteenth we will begin to receive new military equipment. Kobrin and pruzhansky destructive regiments will receive the YAK-one planes armed with guns, an assault regiment — planes Ils-two, bombing — Pedva. New airfields will be ready approximately in a month.

At the end of this memorable meeting Rozhkov acted. I remembered his uneasy speech very well and I can reproduce almost with a shorthand accuracy.

— Too complacent mood at our command — he declared straight. — Concentration of fascist troops on border cannot be considered differently as preparation for attack on the Soviet Union. We more than once had an opportunity to be convinced to what conducts concentration of the German army at borders of the neighboring state...

And life took its course. Frontier guards and our advanced parts continued to report on promotion to border of the German troops and various military equipment. The German planes began to interfere in air space daily

Around Bukhovichy, in the territory of subsidiary farm, operators started the equipment of army command
point. The commander of the 28th shooting case began to build the command post around Zhabinki, the commander of the 14th mechanized case — in the wood at Tevley.

The disturbing mood which reached special sharpness to the middle of month was somehow muffled by the famous Statement of TASS published in the Pravda newspaper on June 15. In this document messages of a foreign press on the disagreements which allegedly arose between the Soviet Union and Germany were disproved. The statement of TASS regarded rumors about concentration on border of the German and our troops as the clumsy promotion which is cooked up by the hostile USSR and Germany by forces interested in further expansion and an initiation of war...

And on that side of Bug for a minute preparation for predatory attack on the USSR did not stop. In day of publication of the Statement of TASS Hitler called all commanders to Berlin and made them the last orders. On the same day, on June 15, the field marshal Klyuge and the general Guderian came back to the troops and began to bring them to initial positions.

Remembering those days, I especially distinctly and brightly imagine everything that did on Saturday, June 21, 1941: whom met what told about where went and went. In the morning as soon as I arrived to a staff, the commander stretched me the telegram:
— The chief of a staff of the district reports that for participation in the army skilled doctrine today to Brest there will arrive representatives from the district and from Narkomat defenses. It is necessary to meet them and to arrange. And we with the chief of combat training go to the ground now and once again we will rehearse everything there. Warn commanders of connections and parts that tomorrow by eight o'clock on the ground there were all as one...

After departure of the commander to me the colonel I. V. Tutarinov — the chief of a staff of the mechanized case came.

— The general Oborin within several days checked a tank division in Brest, and I — another, in Pruzhanakh — he reported. — Has to tell that gradually these divisions begin to become divisions not only according to the name.

During our conversation with Tutarinov in my office Shlykov glanced in some occasion...

... Having left Tutarinov, I offered the deputy for political part battallion commissioner A. V. Dyuldin
and to the chief of communication colonel A. N. Litvinenko to go together with me to Bukhovichi to check our command post. Morning was given warm.

The way lay on the picturesque river bank Mukhavets. The bright sun did water meadows and green groves unusually elegant, festive. The disturbing mood gradually evaporated.

The command post was located in several wooden barracks dug to the earth. Having caused from a communication center on cable wires a district staff, and then forces staffs and having exchanged with the district signals on radio, we with satisfaction noted that the command post is ready for management of army. There was no communication only with Pruzhanami. Operators came to the line to eliminate damage, and we got into the car and left in Pruzhansky garrison. The highways which are well repaired by then allowed to go by the highest speed.

In Pruzhanakh we first of all visited old airfield. The commander of a destructive regiment major N. V. Akulin reported:

— Two days ago the regiment received two new planes MiG. All others — obsolete fighters with machine-gun arms. The concreted strip is not ready yet...

From airfield glanced in the 30th tank division. The chief of a staff of a division colonel N. N. Bolotov who met us reported that wire communication with Bukhovichami is reestablished. Soon there arrived also the commander of a division colonel S. I. Bogdanov...

My deputy and the chief of communication of army came back from Pruzhan to Kobrin, and I with Bogdanov went to the region of doctrines — to the settlement of Poddubno. Even at a superficial acquaintance with a regiment weakness of its preparation was evident at once. Divisions worked discordantly, tanks went off-course and often stopped to specify the location.

When the regiment left to Tevli's region, I turned on the South, to Kobrin. The colonel Bogdanov continuing to accompany me complained that the division is equipped only with outdated and strongly worn-out tanks. A half of them can be used only as educational. The majority is armed with 45-millimetric guns, but some had 38-millimetric guns of "Gochkis" or only machine guns.

... Near Kobrin I glanced on our second old airfield. There the major Surin ordered a regiment.

— Yesterday at Tevli's station we unloaded twenty YAK-one new planes from an echelon — he reported pleasant news. — Now we bring them to a fighting state. And the pilots able to fly by these cars will arrive by the passenger train tomorrow. Except new planes, to a regiment there are 60 fighters "tea".

From old I went to new Kobrin airfield and found the commander of an aviation division, and also the commander of the region of air defense there.

— As you can see, the runway is almost ready — the colonel Belov boasted. — In the next few days it will be possible to transfer Surin's regiment here.

— This regiment is lucky: receives both new airfield, and new equipment, and reliable cover — I noticed, looking towards the commander of the region of air defense.

Reaction of the last was absolutely unexpected.

— You know well — he started talking to undisguised irritation in a voice — that at me, as well as in troops of the fourth army, antiaircraft parts are in district camp beyond Minsk. Neither a staff of army, nor a staff of the mechanized case, nor aircraft, nor even to cover itself from air around Kobrin I have nothing.

— But the district promised to return your antiaircraft divisions! — I objected, and about myself thought: "It is necessary to report once again on it on the commander".

Having resolved a number of private questions with the colonel Belov, went to himself to a staff. Arrived there to 4 o'clock in the afternoon. From a district staff, as well as from troops, during my absence no important messages arrived.

Soon the commander of army came back from Brest also. I reported on it on results of visit of the command post, and also tank and aviation divisions...

... Evening was on June 21 for fighters and commanders of the 4th army in the usual Saturday evening: people had a rest, saw performances, movies, performances of collectives of amateur performances. And meanwhile in other 4th army — on that side of Bug — prepared for them death.

At 3 hours 30 minutes Korobkov was called to the telegraph by the commander of the district and reported that this night the provocative raid of fascist gangs on our territory is expected. But categorically warned that on provocation we should not give in. Our task — only to captivate gangs. The frontier is forbidden to be crossed.

On a question of the commander of army, what concrete events it is allowed to hold, Pavlov answered: To alert all parts of army. Immediately begin to put forward from fortress the 42nd division for occupation of the prepared positions. Parts of the Brest ukreprayon it is reserved occupy pillboxes. Transfer regiments of an aviadivision on field airfields.

Till 4 o'clock the commander managed to tell personally by phone the order to the chief of a staff of the 42nd division and the commandant of an ukreprayon. And at 4 o'clock in the morning Germans already opened a gun-fire at Brest and fortress.

Almost immediately reports and from other our garrisons which were attacked by the enemy began to arrive. Commanders of divisions declared fighting alarm...

The Brest fortress was literally filled up with shells and mines. It is confirmed also by the taken documents of the 45th infantry division of Germans to which the task to seize fortress was assigned and which was broken there. From documents it is visible that fire at fortress was opened by all divisional and case artillery. Besides, for participation in an artillery attack also three heavy batteries, the battery of big power and three divisions of mortars were attracted from Guderian's group nine lungs.

Along with it the German aircraft made a number of massive attacks to our airfields...

... The operations duty officer reported by phone that the Kobrin airfield underwent enemy bombing from air...

With the permission of the commander I right there ordered to the person on duty to transfer to all to chiefs of departments: to immediately leave the room of a staff, to take with itself staff documents, to concentrate as it was agreed in advance, in a garden behind a staff and to expect cars for moving to Bukhovichi. Within several minutes the building of a staff became empty.

I began to look through contents of the safe too. At this time phone call was distributed. From the mechanized case reported that several bombs are dropped on their staff, the building is destroyed, there are victims. And from the street the person on duty on a staff of army shouted to me in an open window that the group of the German planes heads for our military camp.

Having headlong jumped out of a staff and having run off meters hundred, I lay down in a ditch near others. And immediately over us the enemy squadron appeared. From small height it began to drop 500-kilogram bombs. Terrible explosions shook air, and before our eyes the building of a staff began to collapse. The first wave of bombers was followed by the second. And we lay in a ditch, something to undertake the deprived opportunities: antiaircraft means at a staff were not, and the most part of fighters burned down in airfield.

All our military camp including houses underwent bombing. Fortunately, families of a nachsostav, having taken the most necessary, left the apartments at once as soon as the raid on Kobrin airfield began.

When planes departed, established that among employees of army management there are no four people. Without having managed to run out from the building of a staff, they died under its ruins. Surnames of three were remembered. It were: assistant on Komsomol work of the head of department of a political propaganda senior political leader Nikita Ivanovich Gorbenkov, instructor of office of a partuchet, too senior political leader Valentin Semenovich Kursky and junior political leader Fayzulla Turumov. They were crushed by the failed wall at that very moment when they took out iron boxes with party
and Komsomol documents. In houses of a nachsostav five families died. Besides, to twenty people of the military personnel and members of their families got wounds.

It were the first victims of war which appeared in the field of my sight.

And on an evil twist of fate just at this moment my deputy colonel A.I.Dolgov reported just accepted telegram from the district. In it the directive of Moscow was reproduced:

"During 22 — 23.6.41 g perhaps sudden attack of Germans. A task of our troops — not to give in on any provocative actions able to cause large complications. At the same time to troops to be up in arm and to meet sudden blow of Germans".

— Again the same — the general Korobkov sadly frowned. — Still neither Moscow, nor district believe that real war began!.

... In Bukhovichakh, in seven kilometers to the northeast of Kobrin where the staff of army moved about 6 hours, wire communication was available only with Kobrin, Pruzhanami and Pinsk.

— Touch with a staff of the district was lost all some minutes ago — the operations duty officer reported. — At the last minute the telegram is received from the commander of the district.

This dispatch was short, but already more certain: "In view of the mass military designated from Germans
actions I order to lift troops and to work in a fighting way".

I paid attention to a telegram departure time. On a tape it was beaten off: 5 hours 25 minutes. — There now now at last all were convinced that war began — the commander gloomily joked. — And if so, and from us demand to work in a fighting way. I leave to Brest, and you remain here and establish relation with troops...

... And about 16 hours me were caused on the spare command post of army, to the region of the Dam (20 kilometers North to the east of Kobrin). The chief of a staff of the district general Klimovskikh managed to contact this point on Narkomat's wires of communication at last. Together with me to negotiations there went both the commander of army, and the member of the Council of War. At their presence I briefly reported on telegraph a situation and received the following instructions from the general Klimovskikh:

"The staff of the district was developed in a staff of the Western front. The general colors are called. To transfer army to wartime states. Troops of the army, next to you, at ten o'clock fought on border. There is no communication with them since then. The Front commander orders to the 4th army: counterstroke, mainly by forces of the case of Oborin to crush the opponent near Brest and to leave to border. For the aid to you from a strip of the next army, since a boundary Belsk — Gaynovka, will affect in the direction Brest the mechanized case of the general Akhlyustin".

We only made a helpless gesture.
— Yes unless our exhausted troops which almost lost support from air will be able to put counterstroke near Brest?! — Shlykov exclaimed. — Whether will be able to hold still Popov and Oborin's cases defense on approaches to Zhabinka?

I supported Fedor Ivanovich:

— Akhlyustin's case in Belsk is only formed. It has less military equipment and cars, than at Oborin. It is necessary to count on the help of this case hardly.

— It is necessary to ask the district to approve our decision on transition to defense — Shlykov addressed the commander.

— You want that we were called cowards and discharged of army command? — Korobkov became angry. — If you want,
you can make such offer personally from yourself...

On behalf of army command I told Klimovsk that we start counterstroke preparation.

From the telegraph the tape stretched again. The chief of a staff of the front reported: "For participation in counterstroke in the morning from Pinsk to Brest the Pinsky flotilla under command of the counteradmiral D. A. Rogachyov went. The right-flank troops of the Southwest front adjoining us to the south of Vlodava constrain the enemy in 10 — 12 kilometers from border. Do not give the chance to the opponent to put in a joint between fronts to Polesia. Your neighbor, the 10th army, on the belostokoky direction defends on border, and left-flank divisions conducts battles on approaches to Bialowieza Forest".

Finishing negotiations, Klimovsk transferred the order of the general Pavlov to contact the 10th army and to transfer to it
submission our right-flank 49th division.

"Instead of this division — concluded Klimovsk — to Baranovichi from the back the shooting case starts, which will join structure of your army".

Immediately after these negotiations the order on drawing at dawn of counterstroke in the Brest direction was written on June 23: the 14th mechanized case since a boundary Vidoml — Zhabinka and the 28th shooting case from Zhabinki's region.

The order was sent to the commander of an aviation division to Pinsk — to support by the remained planes actions of the mechanized case.

The main command post of army moved to Dams. From there it was succeeded to establish wire connection with both cases, and also with Pruekanami and Pinsk. For shelter from raids of enemy aircraft we for the first time dug out narrow cracks.

The decision to put counterstroke at dawn did not remove a question of rear defensive boundaries. About 19 hours I left
in Kobrin to check what there does a summary regiment. This regiment, collected as speak, with pine forest yes from a sosenka, the head of department of combat training of army lieutenant colonel A. V. Manevich ordered. At its order was to two
infantry battalions, artillery division and two companies of tanks.

Together with Manevich we walked along all boundary, then planned objects for explosion in case the opponent will seize the city. To evacuate something from Kobrin by rail was already late: the station and considerable part of ways were destroyed. The Kobrin district military commissar on foot sent teams of mobilized to Pinsk. It was necessary to be evacuated by just the same order also to the majority of families of command structure of management of army. They in vain stayed several hours near station waiting for special trains.

When I came back to Dams, unexpectedly met the companion on Academy of the General Staff colonel L. A. Pern there. I knew that he serves as the chief of a staff in the 2nd shooting case deployed in the district of Minsk.

— Really the second case came to us on help? — involuntarily escaped at me.

Pern negatively shook the head:

— I am only a delegate of communication of the tenth army. War found command of our case on a field trip near Bialystok, and the commander of army Konstantin Dmitriyevich Golubev ordered to go to you as his representative.

From Pern I learned that in the middle of the day of army of the general Golubev strongly occupied defense border and only on flanks, especially on left, departed on several kilometers to the East. The staff of the 10th army was in the wood to the west of Bialystok. Had no communication with a staff of the front. An aviation division there as well as at us, in the first hours of war lost the most part of the planes.

After the delegate of communication of the next army to Dams there arrived also the representative of a staff of the front. The general I. N. Habarov, on the eve of war the assistant to the commander of the district on military schools, and now and itself not knowing the position was him. Its outdated data on a situation and written orders on "destruction of the broken fascist gangs" delivered to them caused only feeling of disappointment. But Habarov arrived to us not only with it. He reported about promotion to the region Slonim, Baranovichi of the 47th shooting case. Habarov assured that he saw the first echelons of management of the case and one its shooting division following from Babruysk. Other shooting division, from Gomel, was already unloaded in Baranovichi. A third, located in Slutsk, will begin to transport front motor transport on Varshavskoye Highway to the Birch in the evening.

It added to us cheerfulness. With nightfall Korobkov and Shlykov with group of commanders of a staff left in Zhabinki's region to check preparation of troops for counterstroke. They, of course, had no hopes for success. Also commanders of cases did not trust in it. But what was to do: the order is the order.

At night at me telephone conversation with Korobkov took place. He reported that in the 22nd tank division there were about 100 tanks with very small stock of shells and fuel that for replenishment of these stocks, and also providing tankmen and parts of the 6th shooting division with the food it is necessary to use vehicles of the 205th motor-division.

Together we complained that in a peace time the army had no backs. Counted that we will manage to create them during mobilization, and now we pay for this cruel miscalculation.

During the whole night in the 28th shooting case and the 22nd tank division the divisions which lagged behind or disseminated at derogation from border gathered and put in order. On roads from Brest through Zhabinka families of command structure, local party and Soviet workers continued the mournful way. Radio operators of a staff of army made attempts to establish connection with the Brest fortress. We knew that there were people from the 6th and 42nd shooting divisions. The destiny them could not but concern us, but it and remained not found out until the end of war.

... Warm summer night approached the end. There came so-called "artillery dawn".

At 6 o'clock on June 23 troops of the 4th army put to the opponent counterstroke from Zhabinki's region. Germans did not expect it in any way and on a number of sectors of the front were rejected on several kilometers. But in half an hour over our troops the set of enemy planes appeared. The diving Yu-88 bombers literally hung over fighting orders of the 14th mechanized case. With opposite squeal they are almost steeply

fell down and, having dropped bombs, with a roar soared up up. I involuntarily paid attention that if you are near the purpose on which the bomber, apparently, as if it dives and all its bombs rush directly on you...

Under cover of aircraft Guderian's group took the offensive. And here at a boundary Kamenets — Zhabinka — Radvanichi developed fierce counter battle. In it almost all tanks and planes intended for actions on the Brest direction were involved both with ours, and from the German side.

From observation post of the colonel Bogdanov fight of two of our tank regiments with a huge number of enemy tanks and the artillery accompanying them was well visible. Against the first echelon of the 30th tank division two fascist tank divisions — the 17th and 18th were developed. The battlefield from the end in the end was covered with the flaring fighting vehicles.

Long I could not be late here. It was necessary to come back to Dams to the command post of army. On the way vetretit the commander of the 22nd tank division of the general Puganov.

— For the present we keep — he reported. — Literally some minutes ago destroyed the battalion of the enemy motorized infantry strengthened by tanks. Captured several prisoners.

— Immediately send them to a staff of army — I disposed.

It were the first prisoners taken in a strip of our army. Their capture happened under a little unusual circumstances. Unexpectedly the opponent's motorized column with 7 — 8 tanks put in a joint between tank regiments, to the south of a railroad cloth, from the West. The passenger car of the Soviet M-1 brand was ahead of a column. Forward trucks in a column also were Soviet. Calculation was on deceiving our vigilance and straight off to occupy the bridge through Mukhavets around Zhabinki. But from this nothing turned out. Our tank regiments took an enemy battalion in pincers and shot it at point blank range. Safe were only a commander of a head company and two unterofitser following in the passenger car: they raised hands up in time...

At the command post I found Korobkov. For half an hour to me it came back from the 28th case. The commander looked gloomy, suppressed. The last data from troops were sad.

— Just now told that tanks of the opponent bypass the right flank of the thirtieth tank division around Kaments and extend on Pruzhana — he started talking. — Parts of the twenty second tank division against which also there come about two German tank divisions suffered heavy losses and with fights depart on Kobrin. Began retreat along the highway on Kobrin and the twenty eighth shooting case; its command post moved to Kobrin. And the commander of the mechanized case — to the southeast Pruzhan. All unanimously claim that retreat of our troops is caused first of all by unpunished actions of enemy aircraft. It is reliable to cover from air fighting orders of divisions and cases at us, unfortunately, there is nothing... Ordered to Popov to occupy defense on approaches to Kobrin and together with the twenty second tank division by all means to stop the opponent. Oborin by forces of a tank division of Bogdanov will organize defense Pruzhan.

— In vain we undertook counterattacks in the morning and met superior forces of the enemy in a clean floor — with hardly constrained irritation Shlykov noticed. — The defensive boundary near Zhabinkaya though was hastily equipped, and nevertheless gave to our troops some advantage before the coming opponent.

— We put counterstroke by order of the front — Korobkov objected. — And in general, to this question to come back now

Then the commander addressed me:

— Send to the region of the Birch of the deputy with operators to prepare the spare command post. Go to Bogdanov's division again, help it to organize defense under Pruzhanami.

When I went already to an exit, Shlykov started talking again:

— The huge evil is the lead of large staffs over troops. It leads to loss of a control of operations. What occurs at the front, it is unknown, and decisions are made without a real situation... You feel — it was addressed to Korobkov —, how poorly the fact that the staff of the front is somewhere in the district of Minsk, more than for three hundred kilometers from the advanced troops. Staffs of armies not to lose touch with it, settle down in depth too — places more than on fifty kilometers from a front line. Command posts of cases in the same purposes are placed in twenty — thirty kilometers from parts of the first echelon. And where it to hell is good!. In a word, we should not hurry with moving to the Birch — he concluded.

I managed to find for the command post of the 30th tank division under Pruzhanami only by 8 o'clock. Shortly before me there
the colonel Tutarinov visited already and gave big help to Bogdanov in the organization of fight. This fight poured out in a peculiar tank duel with undoubted advantage on the party of the opponent. Germans and tanks was have more, and the aircraft supported them better. We had only easy low-speed T-26 with front armor in 15 millimeters and 45-millimetric guns here. The German tank divisions incorporated considerable number of new T-4 cars with front armor in 30 millimeters and armed with 75-millimetric guns. Our tanks could conduct the valid fire at tanks of the enemy only with the distance which is not exceeding kilometer, and the enemy preferred
to shoot from long ranges. At us fighting vehicles were serviced by gasoline and at hit of shells instantly ignited, and the enemy used heavy, so, and less flammable fuel. Besides the German tankmen possessed fighting experience, and crews of our tanks which are strongly diluted with recruits did not have enough even elementary training.

And nevertheless the 30th tank division fought persistently, her people behaved heroically, and the enemy sustained big losses. Only by 10 o'clock the 17th and 18th divisions of Guderian managed to take the western part Pruzhan.

According to my offer the general Oborin strengthened the 30th division one regiment of the motorized division. With approach of this reinforcement counterattack was undertaken, and the enemy appeared outside Pruzhan again. In hands of Hitlerites there were only separate structures on the western suburb.

The city square all was covered with enemy corpses among which stiffened in different provisions of 20 padded German tanks. Here especially tank battalions of the captain F.I.Lysenko and the major M. A. Bandurko caused a stir.

In the second half of day the opponent resumed attacks, but also they did not bring it success, and only increased number of losses. I came back to the command post of army in Dams again. My first questions were:

— How are you in the twenty eighth shooting case? What is heard about the twenty second tank division?

The operations duty officer answered briefly:

— Both the shooting case, and the twenty second tank division conduct defensive actions under Kobrin now.

The rest was told by the working card.

While the 30th tank division reflected the opponent's impact around Pruzhan, parts of the 28th shooting case and the 22nd tank division under blows two tank, one motorized and several infantry divisions of the 12th army case of Germans slowly receded from Zhabinka to Kobrin. About 10 o'clock in the afternoon they managed to detain Hitlerites at Tevli's boundary — Andronovo — Patriki. Till 16 o'clock the opponent could not forward matter by a single step here.

The 22nd tank division defending to the northwest of Kobrin was soul of defense at this boundary. To the north of it, up to the settlement of Tevli, defense was occupied by the 42nd shooting division which main force, as well as near Zhabinkaya, was the 459th shooting regiment under command of the major Nikitin.

Together with a tank division the summary group made of divisions of the 6th shooting division fought. The deputy commander of a division colonel Ostashenko and the chief of a political department regimental commissioner Pimenov were at the head of it.

Here it appeared (as the chief of a staff of group) and the former commander of the 125th shooting regiment colonel F.F.Berkov who some days before war handed over a regiment, but did not manage to leave to the new duty station.

Directly near Kobrin other parts of the 6th shooting division and group of the lieutenant colonel Manevich defended. In general defensive actions at Tevli's boundary — Kobrin directed the commander of the 28th shooting case general - the major V. S. Popov.

At 16 o'clock fights on the Kobrin direction broke out with a new force. The enemy led approach the method which is applied
usually only at break of beforehand prepared defense. Under Kobrin the mass of aircraft was pulled together. Approach was preceded by powerful artillery preparation.

In heavy fighting on the approaches to Kobrin reaching often hand-to-hand fights, our fighters and commanders showed exclusive heroism. Their dedication and firmness surprised not only got used to lungs, victories
Hitlerites, but also ourselves. Especially selflessly one of battalions of the 84th shooting regiment under command of the captain V.P. Olszewski battled here. Kind memory was left about himself also by the commander of the 22nd tank division major general V.P. Puganov: he heroically died in the tank near the settlement of the Name-day. From this point command of a division was entered by his deputy colonel I. V. Kononov...

At the price of big losses the opponent broke to the north of Kobrin. Its tanks began to come to Varshavskoye Highway. However
about 17 hours they again were detained at the river Mukhavets by the divisions of the 205th motorized division which are put forward here the day before.

On the same boundary the 22nd tank division with group of the colonel Ostashenko, the 42nd shooting division and part of the 6th shooting departed subsequently. The main forces of the colonel Popsuy-Shapko, last under command, together with group of the lieutenant colonel Manevich continued still fights in Kobrin.

The command post of the 28th case moved for the river Mukhavets too. And command and a staff of army moved to the region of the Birch.

About 19 hours the opponent tightened to the river Mukhavets tank divisions of the 24th motorized case and with strong support of aircraft once again attacked our parts. Exhausted by long fights, at an acute shortage of shells, antiaircraft means, anti-tank artillery and even anti-tank mines for the device of obstacles, army of the 4th army did not bear this blow. The German tanks broke in the direction of the Birch and partially from Dams turned on

About 20 hours to the flank the 30th tank division was attacked. This time she was not able to hold Pruzhana and began to recede on Selets. In front of the 47th motorized case of Germans which was unsuccessfully trampled down under Pruzhanami since the morning the way in the direction of Slonim opened at last.

From this point at us situation with material security became complicated even more. Having left Kobrin and Pruzhana, we lost the closest bases of supply with fuel, and our backs already brought us. In essence, by the beginning of war the army had no backs in their present understanding. We had no army warehouses, there were no army vehicles also.

From the beginning of military operations each part was forced to send the cars or supplies behind ammunition to a district artillery warehouse in Pinsk. It was accompanied by big expenses of time. Besides the sent transports upon return not always found the parts.

The same happened also to transportation of the food. Moreover in the majority of parts of the 28th shooting case and 22 - y the tank division did not appear mobile kitchens. As a result fighters and commanders within the first two days of war ate, as a rule, one bread.

Only, for what troops did not feel need, it in fuel — district warehouses fuels and lubricants were near by. But as
only the opponent left to Kobrin and Pruzhanam, we were forced to blow up them, and cares at us increased.

By the end of day on June 23 the 14th mechanized case Selets — the Birch held the opponent at the river Yaseld, at a boundary. The 205th motorized division which was ordered by the colonel F.F.Kudyurov was the main force here at that time.

For Yaselda also parts of the 28th shooting case departed. Using mainly dirt roads and tracks, many of them moved on the supplies mobilized at local population.

From the 6th shooting division for Yaselda divisions two shooting and artillery regiments under the general command of the colonel Matveev departed. Its other parts led by the commander of a division colonel Popsuy-Shapko after fights in Kobrin departed on three — four kilometers to the East and covered the direction to Pinsk.

On the left flank of army the 75th shooting division under command of the major general Nedvigin continued to defend successfully around Malorita, constraining an impact cavalry and two infantry divisions of the opponent...

Drukuyezza to a pavodla of book: L.M sandal-wood trees. Endured. M, 1966. Page 74-75, 82-85, 89, 92-96, 114-125.
