Public institution "Children's and youth sports school in winter sports of Mr. Kobrin"
Abbreviated name - DYuSSh on winter sports of Mr. Kobrin
Creation history
In November, 2009 on the basis of the Ice arena GU "DYuSSh on Winter Sports of Mr. Kobrin" was created. The main activities are the organization of educational and training process and rendering paid services to the population. At school 2 offices function: "ice hockey", "figure skating". On office of ice hockey 94 pupils, on office of figure skating – 90 pupils with whom 3 hockey coaches and 2 figure skating coaches, the choreographer and the instructor-methodologist work are engaged. 8 groups on ice hockey, 8 groups on figure skating are created.
For promoting and development of ice hockey on the arena friendly games and hockey tournaments of teams for children and young people with teams of Russia and Belarus, Ukraine are held. The DYuSSh teams acting in the hockey RB championship are organized. The office "figure skating" also has experience of performance of various level. Young figure skaters take part in regional and republican competitions.
As for rendering paid services of the population, we render to the population of 10 types of paid services: sports and improving driving, hire of skates, excursions, visit of hockey matches, a gym, amateur hockey, advertizing onboard the hockey field, service in granting the ice arena for the enterprises and the organization, sharpening of skates.
Services of the Ice arena of Mr. Kobrin
1. Sharpening of skates
2. Hire of skates
3. Sports and improving driving
4. Holding educational training camps
5. Gym
6. Holding concerts, theatrical and spectacular actions
7. "Excursion to the ice arena"
8. Choreographer (fitness)
9. Photo video filming in the building of the ice arena
Phone: +375(1642)2-26-57
Schedule of work 08.00-17.00, lunch from 13:00 till 14:00
Personal reception of citizens and legal entities:
The first Wednesday of month with 09.00-13.00
The third Thursday of month with 16.00-20.00
Deputy director for primary activity
Phone: +375(1642)2-26-57
Schedule of work 08.00-17.00, lunch from 13:00 till 14:00
Address: Republic of Belarus, Brest region Mr. Kobrin, Zamkovaya square, 11A
E-mail address:
Information on phones:
+375(1642)2-25-48 - the administrator,
+375(1642)2-26-57 - the fax
+375(1642)2-26-97 - accounts department
Arrangement on the card:
Our projects: Tourist Kobrin | Intellectual Kobrin
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