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Blueberry is a low listopadny bush, bark at it brown or dark gray color, escapes green, branches direct. Leaves are smooth small, are located on short scapes. The flowers hanging are similar to a white small jug. Berries roundish, blue are covered with a gray raid.

Blueberry is very plastic. This plant is capable to grow also in crude boggy places, and on dry sites in mountains, being reconciled with very poor and very sour soils. The Prisoposoblyaemost of blueberry is explained by a big variety of its estvestvenny area of dwelling. In the nature blueberry grows both in the woods, and on marsh hummocks, and in the stony tundra, and in mountains. She can be met both in the European part of Russia, and in the Arctic districts, in the mountains of the Caucasus, in the Urals, in Siberia and in the Far East. There are several subspecies of blueberry, each of which grows in the ekologo-geographical area.

Blueberry ordinary is frost-resistant. Life expectancy of a bush about 100 years. Under natural conditions blueberry renews in the vegetative, but not seed way more often. The matter is that germination of seeds perhaps requires an undisturbed grass and moss cover, high humidity and good lighting with the direct sunshine which are absent at the same time. Therefore in the nature bushes of blueberry renew, as a rule, so: when aging elevated part of a bush new escapes from the sleeping kidneys in its basis are formed.

Blueberry — mikotrof. She lives in symbiosis with the mushroom-saprofitom helping a plant to absorb necessary nutrients from the soil. The root system at blueberry superficial, is located in the top 15-centimeter layer of earth. It should be considered if you decided to grow up blueberry in a garden.

In culture usually grow up the garden tall blueberry coming from North America and Kovill's blueberry received as a result of hybridization of three North American types. There are more than one hundred various grades removed including for cultivation on industrial plantations. For example, blueberry is more popular in America and Canada, than currant therefore interest of selectors in this look is not surprising. Modern grades of a mnoobrazna, and it is quite possible to choose from them suitable and for our conditions.

Blueberry prefers the open, well lit places. The soil is necessary air-permeable, sour, friable, peat and sand. The heavy clay soil suppresses development of plants. Blueberry will perfectly feel in a heather garden. It is possible to land it and under coniferous plants.

Chemical composition of blueberry
Berries contain carbohydrates, proteins, cellulose, pectin, organic acids, a large number macro and minerals, tannic and dyes, vitamins C, B, PP, P. Escapes of blueberry contain tannins, and leaves – arbutin, flavonoids, triterpenoida, steroids, tannins.

Collecting and preparation of raw materials.
Berries are picked completely ripened in July - August, prepared for the future by drying, freezing or cook jam, it is possible to prepare as juice preservation. Leaves and escapes prepare during blossoming of a plant. Dry without access of direct sunshine, to store in paper or linen packages, no more than 3 years.

Useful properties of blueberry
And so than blueberry is useful? As showed long-term researches, this berry is capable that to slow down cell aging of a brain, to protect it from influence of radioactive radiation, to improve memory and concentration of attention.

Blueberry possesses the all-strengthening action stimulating activity of an organism. The substances which are contained in blueberry leaves too possess useful and medicinal properties, thanks to high content of glycosides, apply them as a supportive application at treatment of diabetes. Blueberry perfectly copes with anemia at children, pregnant women and after strong blood loss. Kissel from this berry contributes to normalization of a chair at ponosa, and promotes improvement of intestines. Broth from escapes and leaves is the fine activator of secretions of a pancreas and promotes improvement of a metabolism, and also helps at heart troubles and gastritises.

Still broth of leaves of blueberry is used as the expectorant, diluting a phlegm means, and berries work as good glistogonny. Juice and berries of blueberry apply at treatment of diabetes. Blueberry perfectly copes with normalization of a metabolism in an organism. As the febrifuge blueberry is applied at fever, and broth from young escapes together with leaves facilitates a state at a revmokardita, diseases of kidneys.

Rules of preparation:

Broth from blueberry leaves
On a glass of boiled water it is necessary to take 2 tablespoons of leaves of blueberry, to cook on slow fire of 10 minutes, then to remove from fire and to insist 1 hour, before the use — to filter. Accept such broth on 1 tablespoon of 4-6 times a day at cardiac illnesses.

Blueberry berries infusion
On a glass of boiled water it is necessary to take 1 tablespoon of dry berries of blueberry, to insist not less than an hour, then to filter. Accept infusion on 1 tablespoon each 2 hours.

Broth from young escapes and leaves of blueberry
On a glass of boiled water it is necessary to take 1 tablespoon of young escapes and leaves, to cook 10 minutes on weak fire, to cool and filter. Accept on 1 tablespoon 3 times a day at diabetes. Antivermicular and antiscorbutic and also as cure for dysentery and fever. On a glass of boiled water it is necessary to take 2 tablespoons of dried berries of blueberry, to insist not less than 8 hours in a thermos, then to filter. Accept on 1 tablespoon each 2 hours.

Cure for gastritis and Qatar of a stomach and also as soft laxative
On 300 ml of boiled water it is necessary to take 2 tablespoons of escapes of blueberry together with leaves, to cook 10 minutes, to insist not less than an hour, then to filter. Accept 2 tablespoons of 4-5 times a day.

Contraindications of blueberry
Blueberry has no contraindications.