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Lilac ordinary

Lilac (Syringa), Maslinnye's family. 28 types and kinds of a lilac and over 300 grades are known. A lilac - the listopadny bush or small trees reaching height of 5-7 m.

Leaves simple a shirokoyaytsevidny form, opposite, light-and dark green. Flowers tubular, with four petals, are collected in clustery or panicled inflorescences. A fruit - the double-wing box of the extended form, contains two-four a seed ashkey.

The lilac is appreciated for beautiful in a form and coloring of an inflorescence with amazing aroma. Plants unpretentious, are reconciled with any conditions of growth, except sour and boggy soils. On solar sites with a friable fertile soil with neutral or alkalescent reaction the lilac quickly grows and magnificently blossoms. Does not transfer crude places with a close bedding of ground waters and the buried landing at all.

Lilac bushes, as a rule, form a lot of root young growth, weakening development of a plant. The root young growth can be used as landing material at reproduction. Make multiple copies a lilac seeds, root young growth, layers, an inoculation (a shank and an okulirovka), shanks (odrevesnevshy and green). Cultivate in the form of bushes and shtamb, in the imparted and kornesobstvenny form. Floral kidneys are stuffed up on the one-year escapes blossoming the next year. Use in gardening for groups and single landings, for a vygonka and on a cut. In recent years began to arrange gardens - siringariya in which land a high-quality lilac. Widely apply a lilac to gardening simple (or ordinary), Hungarian and Amur.

The lilac ordinary (Syringa vulgaris) - a bush up to 3-4 m high, sometimes develops into trees up to 5-7 m high. Floral kidneys are located in the top part of escapes. Flowers small, single, coloring light violet or white with very strong smell. Flower brushes are collected in pair panicled inflorescences. Frost-resistant and drought-resistant. Against diseases and wreckers it is also steady. It is very unpretentious in culture. Easily transfers change at all seasons of the year. Use as a stock for an inoculation of grades.

As a result of crossings of a lilac ordinary with other types (a lilac broad-leaved, Persian, etc.) and grades numerous garden grades of a lilac are received.

The form and size of inflorescences at different grades is various: from small to large; from pyramidal, cone-shaped, roundish to cylindrical; from hanging to upright, from friable to compact and dense. Coloring of flowers of high-quality lilacs the most various: white, blue, violet, lilac-pink, cream, purple, violet, dark-violet, etc. Flowers simple, semi-terry and terry.

The lilac Hungarian (Syringa josikaea) - is widespread among us everywhere. Height of plants is up to 5 m. Inflorescences are upright, small, with very small light - lilac-violet: flowers (to 1 cm in the diameter), single. The smell is sharp, specific. Blossoms after a lilac ordinary for 7-12 days within 2-3 weeks.

To conditions of growth it is extremely unpretentious. It can be used as a stock as gives few offsprings, but at the same time escapes of garden grades are easily broken off in places of an inoculation, especially at adverse weather conditions. Garden forms of a lilac Hungarian are known.

Lilac Amur (Syringa amurensis) - plants sometimes reach 10 m of height. Leaves in a form and the size are similar to leaves of a lilac ordinary. Inflorescences large lengths, shirokometelchaty to 20 cm. Flowers very small light-cream tones. The smell is honey, very strong. Blossoms at the end of June - July (after a lilac Hungarian). Blossoming lasts 2 weeks. It is very frost-resistant, zasukho-and a zharoustoychiva. On poor soils becomes shallow and ceases to blossom.

Lilac broad-leaved (Syringa oblata) - a bush up to 3,5 m high. The krone is spherical, sprawling. On appearance reminds a lilac ordinary. Leaves are shirokookrugly, large, redden in the fall, early fall down. Inflorescences - small friable whisks, flowers small, light violet, with a specific smell. Blossoms before a lilac ordinary for 1-2 weeks within 7-10 days. There are versions. In the conditions of a midland of our country the ends of escapes sometimes freeze slightly.

The lilac Persian (Syringa persica) - bushes is not higher than 3 m with densely branched, flexible, direct escapes. Inflorescences - difficult whisks of various size (from small to 0,5 m). Flowers more small, than at a lilac ordinary, pink-lilac and white. It is quite winter-hardy, but sometimes freezes slightly in the average zone USSR. Widely use in selection work (is initial material for many garden grades).

Lilac drooping (Siringa reflexa) - a bush 3-4 m high. Krone sprawling with the hanging branches. Leaves are wrinkled, dim green. Inflorescences are dense, long, narrow, hanging. Flowers of pink-violet light tones, small (with a diameter up to 1 cm) are collected in bunches. Blossoms in July.

The lilac is shaggy, or hairy (Syringa villosa) - on appearance it is similar to a lilac Hungarian. Differs large (to 18 cm of length) in shirokoelliptichesky, gustoopushenny leaves. Inflorescences are single, many-tier with pinkish-violet flowers. Blossoms in July. It is used in gardening.

Source: Educational book of the flower grower. A. A. Chuvikova, S. P. Potapov, A. A. Koval, T.G. Chernykh. M.: Ear, 1980