
Establishments of secondary vocational education

Kobrin state professional lyceum of services industry

Kobrin state professional lyceum of services industry begins on April 7, 1981 with the order of the State committee of BSSR on vocational training and Light Industry Ministry of BSSR No. 79/121 "About opening in to Kobrina of technical school". On September 1, 1981 the first academic year began. The school is obliged by the existence to Kobrin spinning weaving mill "Ruchayka".

Omelyanyuk Georgy Viktorovich was the first director of school. Educational institution Klochkovich Maria Nikolaevna headed more than 20 years. Since August 10, 2007 Nichiporuk Victor Stepanovich is appointed the director of lyceum.

Each page of the chronicle reflects activity of collective and studying on possession of working skill. Occupations in circles, sports competitions, competitions, excursions in memorable places of Belarus and the abroad - only the few forms of work helping to organize leisure of pupils.

For years of existence more than four thousand skilled workers who work at the enterprises and firms of the Brest region and the republic were trained. The exhibits made by pupils in sewing workshops repeatedly were noted by diplomas of republican exhibitions of technical and art creativity. Staff of lyceum Belaruski a vyanok" are the constant participant of a regional festival of arts and crafts and art creativity ".

In 2010 - the collection of evening clothes - gained the diploma of III, and a collection of national clothes - the I degree of a regional stage of this festival.

In 2008 - the "Musical Camp or Lessons of Spring" collection - gained the diploma of the I degree of a regional stage of this festival. At the regional Olympic Games in 2008-2009 academic year pupils of lyceum took the first and second place on the serving work, the first place - on informatics. 50% of the pupils who participated in the Olympic Games were included into a 10-ka of the best. The thanksgiving comment is received following the results of the III stage of the republican Olympic Games on informatics.

In step with life
Transition to the market relations in economy demands continuous improvement of system of training. Going in step with life, the administration and pedagogical staff of lyceum are engaged in experimental work, enter preparation of new professions.

Requirements of time put forward training of social workers, agents commercial, agents insurance, sellers food, sellers of nonfoods, operators COMPUTERS, since 2008 in lyceum preparation by a new profession - "Koplektovshchik of details of toys" is carried out.

Intense work of pedagogical collective on training and education of pupils, on creation of material resources of training allowed to rename since 01.04.2004 technical training college No. 153 of textile workers into UO "Kobrin State Professional Lyceum of Services Industry".

To study and live with interest
The pedagogical staff of lyceum is aimed at cooperation with pupils on formation of the social and active identity of the young worker with a responsible civic stand. Each pupil has an opportunity to develop the abilities, tendencies and interests. In lyceum more than 20 circles of decorative and art and technical creativity, 7 circles of amateur performances, 4 sports sections which adequately represent themselves work.

Became traditional: the first lesson of new academic year devoted to the subject "My Belarus", a review competition of amateur performances among groups of lyceum "By darling of Belarus - energy and creativity of young people", a sports festival "Healthy I am the healthy country"; weeks of a profession of sewing production, profession of public catering, profession of a trade profile, promotion of a healthy lifestyle, legal knowledge; competitions "The Best Group of Lyceum", "The Most Sports Group", etc. Most of pupils with satisfaction receive a profession and are engaged in time, free from lessons, in interesting business.

Information for arriving
On the basis of 9 term of training of classes 2 years 10 months with receiving secondary education the seamstress; tailor; picker of details of toys; cook; seller; picker of details of toys; operator of the computer (pevm); weaver; spinner.

On the basis of 11 term of training of classes of 10 months seamstress; tailor.

On the basis of 11 term of training of classes 1 year 10 months operator of the computer (pevm); seller.

Documents for receipt

Transfer is made by competitive selection by results of interview and the highest point of marks in the document on education. The orphans and children deprived of guardianship of parents, disabled people 1, 2 groups (in the absence of medical contraindications), etc. have the privilege to transfer. Nonresident pupils are provided with the hostel.

Contact information:
Address: Dzerzhinsky St., 81, Kobrin
Phones: 8 (01642) 2-34-15, 2-33-35, 2-37-48, 2-56-14


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