Kobrin state art professional college
The Brest region long since is famous for the national handymen therefore not casually the Order of the State Committee of BSSR in 1982 in the city of Kobrin opened technical school No. 156 of national art crafts.
The purpose of opening of school - training of young workers of high qualification for the art enterprises of associations and workshops of the Brest region and all Republic in general. In 1984 according to reform of vocational school the school was reorganized into SPTU No. 105 NHP (average technical training college No. 105 of national art crafts), and in 1989 in technical training college No. 105 NHP. On April 20, 1985 the resolution of board of the State Committee of BSSR on vocational training to school gave the rank - "School of high culture".
In 1992 new standard educational workshops entered a system that promoted creating favorable conditions for training of skilled workers. The school turns into a peculiar museum of folk art and the center of esthetic education of pupils of schools of the city, its inhabitants and numerous guests.
On September 1, 1996 the technical training college No. 105 NHP is transformed to VPU AI and NHP (the highest professional school of the fine arts and national art crafts), the best pupils continued study at the level of so-so vocational education in "The fine arts and drawing, a vocational education". Most of graduates works at schools, Houses of creativity, at the enterprises of the city, area, area.
In September, 2001 the school was given the status of professional college of the fine arts and national art crafts. And since November, 2003 the college is renamed into Establishment of education "Kobrin state art professional college".
The college has standard industrial practice workshops of 3437 sq.m. Rooms of workshops are equipped with the processing equipment corresponding to character and the maintenance of the professions prepared in college. Mechanical, drying and other auxiliary and service premises are equipped. Workshops give the chance not only to conduct lessons of inservice training, but also to organize a production activity for release of useful production, implementation of orders of the enterprises, schools, the organizations of the city, enterprise structures that promotes training of the competitive experts demanded in labor market.
Necessary documents and conditions of receipt
- The statement addressed to the director;
- Document on education (original);
- Medical certificate form 1 med/u-10;
- 6 photos of 3х4 cm in size;
- Documents which confirm the rights arriving on privileges at reception for training.
Schedule of work of a selection committee:
Monday - Friday from 9:00 till 18:00
Lunch from 13:00 till 14:00
Saturday from 9:00 till 14:00
References by phone: 2-72-03
Near the educational case the hostel in which, besides living rooms, are is located: library, offices of kruzhkovy work and self-preparation, diskoklub. 128 people live in the hostel of college. The hostel is a microsociety which in character and to features of accommodation in it is capable to influence formation at youth of certain vital values and priorities.
The following areas of work in the college hostel are allocated:
- education of civic consciousness and patriotism, development of national consciousness;
- formation of culture of behavior, life;
- formation of a positive and responsible attitude of pupils to own health and way of life;
- education of moral and esthetic culture of the personality and family relations;
- prevention of offenses, other antisocial actions, identification and elimination of their reasons and conditions promoting commission;
- formation of responsible behavior of pupils, social and pedagogical and psychological maintenance of educational process.
Educational work in the hostel is based on the basis of the programs "Hostel", "Health" and the State program of prevention of crimes and offenses among minors. Substantially also stands in the foyer and on floors are colourfully issued. All halls and a corner of the state symbolics have an esthetic appearance. At the hostel the library and a reading room functions, four circles on interests work. Among them – "School of health", "On a family threshold", "Vocal singing" and "Ceramics".
On each floor there are kitchens with the modern equipment and the household rooms equipped with all necessary. All living rooms, halls and corridors of the hostel are esthetically issued. Interiors of rooms create the atmosphere of a cosiness.
Address: Kobrin, Lenin Square, 4.
Phone: 2-55-66, reception 2-25-03
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