Public institution of education "Day nursery gardens No. 14 of Mr. Kobrin"
Day nursery gardens No. 14 of Mr. Kobrin it was open in 1981. Since 09.01.2001 it is transferred to fixed assets of department of education of Kobrin regional executive committee.
Since September, 2008 at the request of parents the group on duty with the schedule of work from 07:00 till 19:00, Monday-Friday functions.
Design capacity of 150 places. Establishment visits 170 children.
The number of age groups – 8, from them:
1 group of general purpose for children of early age from 2 to 3 years;
4 groups of general purpose for children of preschool age from 3 to 7 years;
1 group for children with speech features;
2 integrated groups.
Public institution of education "Day nursery gardens No. 14 of Mr. Kobrin" has 30-year history. During work of preschool institution the vast experience of work on cooperation with a family is saved up. As a result of introduction of modern forms and methods of interaction, the position of parents and teachers in questions of education, training and development of the child became more flexible. Now parents not the passive audience, but active participants of pedagogical process. A day nursery gardens is basic establishment in the area for carrying out a practical training with tutors on cooperation with a family. In 2009 it is organized konsultatsionno – the methodical point "Cooperation with a Family". Since 2011 the consulting and methodical point "Organization of the Correctional and Pedagogical Help in Establishments of Preschool Education" functions.
Priority directions:
- Assistance, aimed at providing conditions for development of the child in a family, protection of his rights, adaptation to conditions of a social environment.
- Development of uniform requirements in relation to the child through pedagogical education of parents.
- Development of readiness of a family for cooperation with teachers, adjustment of feedback for rendering the individual help with education problems.
Address: 225306 st. Dzerzhinsky, house 78, city of Kobrin, Brest region, Republic of Belarus
Phone: 8(01642) 4 – 89 – 34 manager
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