Public institution of education "Day nursery gardens No. 9 of Mr. Kobrin"
Day nursery gardens it is open in 1975. It is reconstructed in 1990.
In 2005 the group is open for children with violations of the speech.
In 2006 the integrated group is open for children with features of psychophysical development.
Since 2007 the social and pedagogical and psychological service functions.
Educational process is carried out by 26 teachers from them:
63% of teachers with the higher education
62% of teachers have the highest and first category
In preschool institution children are given correctional help. Groups are open for children with violations of the speech, two integrated groups. On the basis of a day nursery gardens the integrated class of high school No. 3 of Mr. Kobrin is placed. The service of correctional escort of children works with features of psychophysical development:
- Makes individual programs of escort of children.
- Carries out monitoring of success of course of process of the integrated training and education.
- Will organize active forms of work with teachers.
- Advises pedagogical workers.
- Will organize active forms of work with parents.
- Advises parents.
- Advises assistant teachers.
Day nursery gardens carries out educational services:
- Sports and improving circles "Rhythmic Mosaic" and "Fitness circle" (Tuesday-Thursday, 2nd half of day);
- Circle of song and game creativity of "Highlight" (Wednesday-Friday, 2nd half of day).
- A day nursery gardens is regional counseling center for musical esthetically education.
Tasks on the near-term outlook:
- Creation of conditions for strengthening of health and formation of culture of a healthy lifestyle of preschool children.
- Creation of conditions for education of the harmonious, spiritually rich, esthetically developed personality having esthetic consciousness, inclinations of art culture, creative abilities.
- Rendering to a family full pedagogical and social psychological assistance.
- Increase of professional level of pedagogical shots.
The areas of work for 2011-2012 academic year:
To promote formation and development of skills of safe behavior in environment at children of preschool age.
To provide improvement of quality of work on individualization of educational process by gender socialization of preschool children.
There was traditional an annual carrying out:
- Weeks of a family (In 2012 - on the subject "Child and Safety").
- "A safety month", together with regional department of emergency situations, GAI.
Address: Brest region Mr. Kobrin, Proletarskaya St., 123
Phone: 8(1642) 3-65-05
We work: from 7:30 till 18:00, group on duty – from 7:00 till 19:00
(days off: Saturday, Sunday)
Our projects: Tourist Kobrin | Intellectual Kobrin
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