
Establishments of preschool education

Public institution of education "Day nursery gardens No. 6 of Mr. Kobrin"
The kindergarten began the work in September, 1959.
It was the first departmental kindergarten in the city, and till 2002 his founder was the Kobrin sewing firm "Lona".

In the real look establishment functions since 1970.
In 2002 the kindergarten turned into maintaining department of education of Kobrin district executive committee. In establishment 10 groups, including 2 – groups for children of early age, from 2 to 3 years function, there is a musical gymnasium, the medical block, an information and methodical office, an office of the teacher-speech pathologist and an office of the educational psychologist.
The kindergarten expects the baby from 7 hours 30 minutes, 5 days a week. 10,5 hours of the interesting, filled with joyful opening life proceed quickly. At 18:00 o'clock all groups finish the work, except the person on duty created at the request of parents. Here children can is till 19 o'clock.

Educational process is carried out by 25 teachers.
From them:
- with the highest and first category – 84%

Priorities today:
Development in children of cognitive interest to the world through ideas of economy and culture of energy saving.

Development of communicative function of the speech of the child in the course of design activity.

Educational services are rendered:
- on development of small motility and creative imagination - the circle "Art Creativity";
- on development of graphic abilities – the circle "Magic Brush";
- on education of love to world around – the circle "Rastishka", "Fans of Animals";

On a paid basis:
- development of skills of educational activity, formation of interest in school – the circle "Znayka";
- on development of dancing and rhythmic movements – the circle "We Dance Together";
- on development of the zvukoproiznositelny party of the speech, communication – the circle "School of the Speech";
- on development of motive abilities – "Fitness for kids";
- on early adaptation and development of children from 1 year to 3 years "Parent school".

Our progress
The diploma of the I degree in a regional competition of pedagogical initiatives in the field of organization of educational process "Highlight of educational work" in the nomination "Health of All Is Success for Everyone" in 2010;
The diploma of the I degree of the winner of a regional stage of the republican competition "The Best Preschool Institution of Year" in 2011;
Pugacheva Svetlana Valentinovna - the finalist of a regional competition of professional skill "The teacher of the childhood - 2011".

Address:. Cabins, Suvorov St., 26
Phone: (01642) 2 10 65



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