Public institution of education "Day nursery gardens No. 4 of Mr. Kobrin"
Day nursery gardens No. 4 of Mr. Kobrin of department of education of Kobrin district executive committee it was open in 1963 (the new building in 1990). A day nursery gardens is in the building built according to the standard project and it is located in the downtown. In establishment there are sports and musical halls, the medical block, a methodical office. The building is calculated on the project on 10 groups and 195 children.
Actual payroll of 245 children
The number of age groups 10, from them:
- 2 first classes;
- 6 preschool groups for children from 3 to 7 years;
- 2 groups for children from 2 to 3 years.
Operating mode – 5-day, 10,5-hour. At the request of parents in a day nursery gardens the group on duty which works 12 hours is created.
Educational process is carried out by 25 teachers. From them:
- the highest category – 20%
- the first category – 60%
We carry out work on the following directions:
improvement of quality of educational process:
- introduction of modern programs and technologies
- increase of level scientific, program and methodical, material support
sports and improving direction:
- ukrepleniyezdorovya children and prevention of diseases;
- development of physical activity of children;
- formation of bases of a healthy lifestyle of children.
spiritual and moral education:
- acquaintance of a pravoslavnymiponyatiyamiya by the main values
- acquaintance to spiritual, cultural and historical heritage of the people, education of love for the country
Educational services:
On a paid basis:
- the circle of the sports dance "Rainbow" promotes strengthening of health of children, their physical and intellectual development; to development of feeling of a rhythm, ear for music, ability to coordinate the movements with music; forms skills of expressiveness, plasticity of dancing movements and dances
- a circle "Training in reading in N. A. Zaytsev's technique" This technique is interesting that storing of material happens involuntarily, as a result of full liberation of a pose, behavior and a set of movements.
Our achievements:
- participation in annual Sacred and Evfrosiniyevsky pedagogical readings on distribution of experience of spiritual and moral education of children;
- participation in a regional methodical festival of innovative projects;
- the diploma of the I degree in a regional competition of pedagogical initiatives in the field of organization of educational process "Highlight of educational work" in the nomination "The Planet of the Childhood — the Planet of Kind Hearts";
- the diploma of the I degree in regional and regional stages of a competition, methodical materials and pedagogical experience "Civil and patriotic education. Experience and prospects". The diploma of the III degree at a republican stage.
Address: Mr. Kobrin, st. of the marshal Zhukov, 3
Phone: (01642) 2 53 16
Our projects: Tourist Kobrin | Intellectual Kobrin
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