Public institution of education "the Orekhovsky day nursery – a garden of Kobrin district"
Year of opening of preschool institution – 1983
In a day nursery gardens 3 uneven-age groups are open for children from 2 to 7 years and 1 class
The preschool institution visits 55 children
Priority directions
formation of esthetic culture, spirituality and development of creative abilities of children
rendering pedagogical and social psychological assistance to families of pupils
increase of professional level of pedagogical shots.
Together with families the pupil we realize one of important tasks - protection, strengthening of health of children and their familiarizing with a healthy lifestyle.
Paid educational services are rendered in preschool institution:
- on training of children for school (once a week, Thursday)
- on development of musical abilities (once a week, Friday)
Operating mode: five-day working week from 8:00 till 18:30
Days off: Saturday, Sunday
Address: Lenin St., 13 A, item Orekhovsky, Kobrin district, Brest Region of bodies.
Phone: 8(01642) 64–4-47
Our projects: Tourist Kobrin | Intellectual Kobrin
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