Public institution of education "Novosyolkovsky day nursery gardens of Kobrin district"
Establishment of education functions since 1978. Since 1998 belongs to department of education of Kobrin district executive committee. Operating mode: Monday – Friday from 800 to 1830.
In preschool institution two uneven-age groups for children from 2 to 7 years function. There are musical and sports halls.
In our work preservation and promotion of health of children through realization of system of sports and improving actions, and also enrichment of the subject and game environment for ensuring all-round development of pupils is priority.
The preschool institution realizes programs of preschool education. Pedagogical technologies of N. S. Starzhinskaya, D.N.Dubininoy, L, S. Hodonovich, And, are used by V. Zhitko. L.D.Glazyrinoy, V. A. Shishkina.
In the short term there will begin work the dancing circle work on registration of an ethnographic corner, corner of the state symbolics will be continued.
Address: 225864, Brest region, Kobrin district, of Novoselki, st. of Kalinin, 1
Phone: 8(01642)71-2-71.
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