Public institution of education "Korchitsky day nursery gardens"
Day nursery gardens of the beginnings the activity since 1985 On the project it is calculated on 12 places. One uneven-age group for children from two to seven years functions.
The founder - department of education of Kobrin district executive committee.
Operating mode: from 8:00 to 18:30 (ponelnik-Friday).
Problem of establishment of education - protection, protection, strengthening of physical and mental health of children, formation of bases of a healthy lifestyle.
Purpose: creation of conditions for education, training, development, improvement of children taking into account age and specific features
Day nursery gardens realizes the program of preschool education. Health saving technologies, design and thematic approach in training of children are used.
Your child will join universal values. Content of pedagogical process is based on it. Tutors will take care of that your kid became independent, sociable, active, inquisitive, learned to think, developed the creative abilities, joined the world of fine, learned to create the art creations.
The head of physical training will help your child to become strong, courageous, dexterous, he will learn to run, catch and throw quickly a ball and much other. In a day nursery gardens the sports ground, sites for games in the fresh air, the pleskatelny pool is equipped.
In group corners are issued:
- on studying of fire safety regulations, traffic,
- for independent graphic activity,
- for development of game activity, etc.
The big part is assigned to expansion of knowledge of children of Belarus, the state symbolics, national and public holidays. There was to spend a tradition national holidays together with families of pupils.
Day nursery gardens the Brest regional institute of a development of education, with teachers of faculty of executives and specialists of the GUO "Academy of Postdegree Education" preschool institutions interacts with an educational and methodical office of department of education, with department of primary and preschool education of GUO ".
Day nursery - a garden is a live organism which breathes, feels, rejoices, upset. It is NEZABUDOChKA for the children who lived together several years. We try to get into each children's heart, to lodge in it pleasure, kindness and love.
Address: 225866 of Korchitsa, Pobedy St., 30 Kobrin district, Brest region
Phone: 8(01642)79285
Our projects: Tourist Kobrin | Intellectual Kobrin
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