Public institution of education "Imeninsky day nursery gardens"
Establishment of education is located in the territory of Bukhovichsky village council. It is opened by the decision of Kobrin regional executive committee of the Brest region in 1982.
Day nursery gardens functions in the mode of five-day working week. Time of stay of pupils of 10,5 hours. Now in a day nursery gardens two uneven-age groups function: "Sun" - for children from 2nd to 4 years and "Camomile" - for children from 4th to 6 years.
The residential district of a garden includes two villages: Name-day, Legates.
Personnel structure
The pedagogical collective consists of 5 people: 3 tutors, head of physical training and musical director.
Priority tasks:
- to provide high quality and coordination of actions of all experts at the organization of sports and improving work with children and formation of skills of a healthy lifestyle at them;
- to develop patriotic feelings of children to the Homeland, to form national consciousness.
Address: Pervomayskaya St., 4, 225870. Name-day, Kobrin district
Phone: 8(01642) 93-3-83
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