
Establishments of preschool education

Public institution of education "Zalessky day nursery gardens"
Public institution of education "Zalessky day nursery gardens" is opened in 1977, includes 2 uneven-age groups which are visited by 35 children aged from 2 till 7 years.
The institution in the picturesque place is located. In radius of seven kilometers there are such reservoirs as the Dneprobugsky channel, the river Mukhovets, the BAM lake. It is a lot of forests.

Personnel structure:
Educational process is carried out by qualified personnel: 3 tutors, 1 musical director. With the first and highest category of 100% of teachers. The collective is stable, solid, competent.

Educational services:
The circle "Magic Brush" for development of graphic abilities of children from 4 to 7 years;
The circle "Znayka" - on training of children of 5-year age for school (on a paid basis)

Address: 225880 st. New 8a, of Zalesye, Kobrin district, Brest region, Republic of Belarus.
Phone: 8-01642-92-2-17


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