Public institution of education "Divinsky day nursery gardens"
Divinsky day nursery gardens it is put into operation in 1973 and calculated on 190 places.
Now 6 groups function:
- The first younger group for children from 2 to 3 years – 1
- The second younger group for children from 3 to 4 years – 1
- Average group for children from 4 to 5 years - 1
- The senior group for children from 5 to 7 years – 1
- Group for children with violations of the speech – 1
For the purpose of satisfaction of inquiries of parents the group of short-term stay - the PLAYGROUND is open.
Operating mode from 8:00 till 15:00 daily, Saturday, Sunday - day off
Teaching staff:
tutors – 8
teacher-speech pathologist
musical director
head of a physical education
Priority directions
sports and improving
Quality providing and coordination of actions of all experts at the organization of sports and improving work with children.
correctional and pedagogical
Ensuring the correctional and pedagogical help to pupils taking into account their features and requirements.
Familiarizing of children with national cultural values through acquaintance with national holidays, ceremonies, games, national trade.
Prospects of development
Education improvement of quality.
The organization of effective cooperation of teachers and parents in questions of training and development of preschool children.
Improvement of material and technical resources.
Each child – is unique.
For development of individual abilities of pupils educational services are rendered in preschool institution:
- a sports and improving orientation – "Robust fellow"
- an esthetic orientation – "Gold straws"
Address: 225876, Divin, Sportivnaya St., 6 Kobrin district, Brest region
Phone: (01642) 68-2-64
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