Public institution of education "Bukhovichsky day nursery gardens"
Till 1994 the preschool institution was in departmental subordination of collective farm "Victory" (the modern name of joint project company "Pokrovsky), the founder now - Kobrin regional executive committee.
Information reference
Public institution of education "Bukhovichsky day nursery gardens" functions since 1990
Five-day working week with an operating mode – 10,5 hours, from 7:30 till 18:00.
The building is built according to the standard project, calculated on 4 groups, 75 places. The actual number - 31 children: 3 groups – 2 uneven-age (from 1 to 4 years; from 4 to 6 years) and 1 class. In free rooms the museum and an office for occupations of the second class are located.
The preschool institution has sports and musical halls, a methodical office, group rooms, a medical office, the catering department equipped with modern processing equipment, a laundry and some other service premises.
Personnel structure
Educational process is carried out by the qualified, highly professional shots: 4 tutors, musical director, head of physical training
100% of teachers with the highest and first category
67% - with the higher education
Organization of pedagogical process
Establishment realizes programs of preschool education.
For the purpose of training of children for receipt in preschool institution during the summer period the adaptation platform, for children aged from 1 year till 3 years and not visiting a day nursery gardens functions. Service is free.
The collective is full of strength, optimism and energy for the solution of problems of education, training and development of children.
Educational services
theatrical activity - the circle "Teremok"
sports and improving orientation - the circle "Zdorovyachok"
folk art - the circle "Babul_n Kuferak"
on a paid basis:
vocal circle "Belorusochka"
circle on preparation for training at school, for the children who are not visiting preschool institution
Priority directions
- implementation of an integrated approach to ensuring health saving educational process
- development of the identity of the child in the course of spiritual and moral education
- creating favorable conditions for versatile development and self-development of the child, his personal growth
Our achievements
The publication of a grant on premathematical development of children of preschool age "Where lives mathematics?", author-originator Britun Svetlana Alekseevna, Sodeystviye publishing house
Martynyuk Alla Aleksandrovna, the musical director - the finalist of a regional competition of professional skill "The teacher of the childhood - 2011"
The publication of materials from experience of tutors Britun Svetlana Alekseevna and Molchan Alyona Valentinovna, the scientific and methodical magazine of "Pralesk"
Our partners
The collective actively sets up cooperation with a public, cultural and social environment: APO Pokrovsky, Bukhovichsky high school, Recreation center, rural library, post office.
Began tradition to organize actions, joint with rural Recreation center: concerts, holidays, evenings, exhibitions.
Address: 225890 st. Central, 2nd village Bukhovichi Kobrin district Brest Region.
Phone: 8(01642)76271
Our projects: Tourist Kobrin | Intellectual Kobrin
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