Public institution of education "Day nursery gardens No. 20 of Mr. Kobrin"
The kindergarten "Glowworm" is a modern establishment of preschool education in which favorable conditions for all-round development of children and for rendering the correctional help to preschool children with the general underdevelopment of the speech are created.
Our kindergarten is "kindergarten for all", and find the place in it and all pupils irrespective of their individual abilities and national peculiarities "feel at home". It is the house where children meet care, caress, find a set of entertainments for themselves and can play the most various games, communicating with the peers.
The kindergarten is a live organism which breathes, feels, rejoices, upset. We try to get into each children's heart, to lodge in it pleasure, love, kindness.
Our kindergarten opened 1988, and in November, 1997 passed to balance of regional department of education and accepted the pupils. Today in our establishment 232 children are brought up.
Favorable conditions for stay of children in child care facility are created.
For them 12 groups are equipped, including:
- 2 nurseries for children of 1 year 6 months till 3 years;
- 3 second younger groups for children from 3 to 4 years;
- 2 average groups for children from 4 to 5 years;
- 2 senior groups for children from 5 to 6 years;
- 2 special groups for children with heavy violations of the speech for children from 3 to 7 years;
- 1 first class of a gymnasium.
Pedagogical collective
Our collective is tutors and the educational psychologist, musical directors and teachers – speech pathologists, heads of a physical education and the nurse. Together we create a cosiness, joyful mood and a house situation in kindergarten.
With children qualified specialists are engaged:
- 3 musical directors;
- 2 teachers-defektologya;
- 1 educational psychologist;
- 4 heads of a physical education; - educational and educational process is provided by 20 tutors.
Staff of kindergarten – amicable team of professionals with high creative potential. Collective our initiative, creative, talented. The key principle of work is the individual differentiated approach.
Teachers participate in various competitions of professional skill and festivals: "Teacher Detstva", "Constellation of young talents", "A methodical moneybox", "Theater opens doors" become winners, students.
In preschool institution experts with a different pedagogical experience are harmoniously presented. In establishment almost equal number of teachers with an experience more than 20 years, with an experience from 10 to 20 years and teachers young, full of creative potential. Such ratio provides a certain stability and continuity of pedagogical activity.
The staff of kindergarten is always glad to a meeting with children and is ready to cooperation with parents.
Educational activity
Let start of the child in the future will begin already today and let it will be successful!
For this purpose we help the kid to learn more about world around, interesting events and other important things.
Purpose: Creation of optimum conditions for full and versatile intellectual, physical, socially – personal and is art – esthetic development of each pupil taking into account age and individual opportunities.
Additional educational services such as enjoy popularity among parents also: training in reading in N. Zaytsev and Glen Doman's techniques, occupations in a circle "Know", musical and rhythmic occupations in the Rhythmics circle.
Priority activities of preschool institution for 2011-2012 academic year are:
- Development of esthetic representations, concepts, the child's views in interrelation with his general personal development
- Optimization of process of speech development of preschool children at acquaintance with children's fiction
The educational activity demanding the increased informative activity and intellectual tension is carried out to the first half of day and in days of the highest performance of children (Tuesday, Wednesday). For prevention of exhaustion of children the specified educational activity is combined with fizkulturno – improving and musical activity. For prevention of overfatigue on occupations of static character fizkultminutka are carried out.
Graduates of a day nursery gardens rather successfully pass into conditions of a new life situation, quickly adapt at school, comfortably feel in collective of a class. By results of individual conversations with parents and according to teachers of schools our graduates well master the program, the level of their preparation conforms to requirements imposed to graduates.
The subject developing environment
One of the defining factors of education of kids is in detail – the developing environment. Correctly organized, it helps to provide harmonious development of the child, to create emotionally – positive comfort, to arrange and hold games – occupations and thus to accustom children to independent games with gradually becoming complicated contents.
In our garden necessary conditions for work of teachers and stay of children are created. There is a methodical office, the medical block, a music hall, a small gym, the pool. The office of the educational psychologist, 2 offices of teachers-speech pathologists, an office of heads of a physical education, the museum "Belarusky Hut", a corner of patriotic education are in addition equipped. All offices are equipped with the corresponding equipment and are used for designated purpose.
Catering services in preschool institution
Food in a day nursery gardens is organized according to sanitary and hygienic requirements and norms.
Children receive 3-times food. The schedule of meal taking into account age of children is defined by the basic national program of "Pralesk" and health regulations and norms. For receiving various food by children, it is developed 10 day menus.
The following principles catering services are observed:
1. Strict observance of the diet answering to physiological features of children of various age groups; its correct combination to a day regimen and working hours of child care facility;
2. Use of the various range of the products guaranteeing the sufficient content of vitamins, mineral substances;
3. The correct combination of food in child care facility with food in house conditions, carrying out sanitary and educational work with parents;
4. An individual approach to each child, the accounting of a state of his health, feature of development;
5. The correct catering services in groups;
6. Accounting of efficiency of food.
It is controlled:
- behind quality of the arriving raw materials;
- behind quality of finished goods;
- behind a state of health of staff of catering department;
- behind maintaining the corresponding documentation.
Protection of life of children – one of the main tasks which is set for itself by preschool institution. For safety of activity of our pupils in kindergarten the following measures are undertaken:
- The territory of kindergarten is protected with a fence.
- There are instructions the defining actions of personnel, and plans of fire evacuation of people. The preschool institution is completed with necessary means of fire safety.
- The commission on labor protection draws up inspection certificates of playgrounds, other rooms for work with children, daily responsible persons control for the purpose of timely elimination of the reasons bearing threat of life and to health of children and workers is exercised.
- In winter and spring time systematic cleaning of a roof of frost, icicles is carried out, are cleared away and fall down path sand.
- In groups it is organized safe in detail – the developing environment: all cases are fixed, there are no poisonous plants, dangerous objects, medicines are stored in the place, inaccessible for children, in all groups there are emergency exits.
- With children of preschool institution in system classes are given in Fundamentals of Health and Safety and traffic regulations (carrying out forms taking into account age features of children are used), games on health protection and the safety directed to education at children of a conscientious attitude to the health and life.
- In each group there is information for parents on children's diseases, measures of their prevention, preventive actions. And also information on safe behavior of children on roads, with fire, near reservoirs, with strangers.
By health workers it is carried out:
- vaccination of children against flu;
- annual medical examinations of children by narrow experts;
- annual inspection on helminths;
- current supervision over a state of health of children;
- traumatism prevention;
- sanitary and educational work.
In kindergarten the long-term plan of work with children within classes in bases of safety of life and health is developed, abstracts of classes in Fundamentals of Health and Safety are acquired. There are materials of consultations for teachers and parents on formation of a healthy lifestyle.
Address: Matrosov St., 50th Mr. Kobrin
Phone: 8-016-42-2-24-98
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