Public institution of education "Day nursery gardens No. 15 of Mr. Kobrin"
In a day nursery gardens are available:
- musical gymnasium;
- methodical office;
- office of the educational psychologist;
- two offices of teachers-speech pathologists;
- medical block.
In the territory two sports grounds, the pleskatelny pool are equipped, for each group the walking verandah is provided.
The preschool institution functions:
2 groups for children from 2 to 3 years (yaselny)
10 preschool groups
- 2 groups for children from 3 to 4 years
- 2 groups for children from 4 to 5 years
- 4 groups for children from 5 to 6 years
- 1 special group for children with violation of the speech from 4 to 5 years
- 1 special group for children with violation of the speech from 5 to 6 years
Teaching staff:
In preschool institution 28 pedagogical workers from them work:
- 20 tutors,
- 2 teachers-speech pathologists,
- 1 educational psychologist,
- 2 heads of physical training,
- 2 musical directors,
68% of teachers have the higher pedagogical education, 32% of teachers – secondary vocational pedagogical education.
24% of teachers have the highest qualification category, 35% of teachers – the first qualification category.
Mission of preschool institution is ensuring leaving, education, training, development, improvement and correction of violations in development of children of early and preschool age taking into account their age and specific features, preparation for receiving the main education at the subsequent levels.
Purpose: versatile development and socialization of children of early and preschool age according to their age and individual opportunities, abilities and requirements.
Proceeding from it, tasks are defined:
· to improve interaction of teachers and parents in the organization of all improving work;
· To develop powers of thinking of children and desire to get them.
The preschool institution carries out educational services on a paid basis:
· preparation for Clever Men and Clear Heads school
· early training in reading "Bukvarik"
Educational process
From the moment of opening the preschool institution gives correctional help to children with speech features.
The attention is paid to familiarizing of children with national traditions, folklore, national art, formation of ecological knowledge and instilling of skills of safe behavior in life.
Experience on use of TRIZ and RTV of technology (the theory of development of inventive tasks and development of creative imagination) is saved up.
The service of psychology and pedagogical maintenance, for assistance to children and parents is created.
There was the system of the organization of summer improvement of children with thematic weeks, dosuga, entertainments, campaigns, excursions.
- folklore holidays "Kalyada"; "Maslenitsa", etc.
- "Days of health", joint with parents;
- meetings with children of Kobrin orphanage.
Operating mode:
The preschool institution works 10 hours 30 minutes, Monday through Friday.
The group on duty is open: from 7:00 to 7:30 o'clock, from 18:00 to 19:00 o'clock, daily.
Address: Sovetskaya St. 121/1 Mr. Kobrin
Phone: 8(01642) 2-34-02
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