Public institution of education "Day nursery gardens No. 2 of Mr. Kobrin"
Day nursery gardens - the institution of preschool education, is counted on the project on 190 places. 10,5 hours work in the mode of five-day working week. In preschool institution also the group on duty which operating mode 12 hours, Saturday-Sunday day off functions two sanatorium.
In establishment 10 groups, from them function:
5 groups of general purpose,
group on duty,
2 special groups for children with violations of the speech,
2 sanatorium groups.
Sanatorium groups for the weakened and often ill children. In these groups medical and improving events are held: physiotherapy exercises, massage, physioprocedures, inhalations, vitamin therapy.
Is available:
swimming pool
music hall
medical office
physiotherapeutic office
2 offices of the teacher-speech pathologist
psychologist's office
Educational services are rendered:
· for development of creative and constructive abilities of children in work with natural and waste material – the circle "Nature and Imagination"
· for development of graphic abilities – the circle "Magic wand"
circles on a paid basis:
· "Training of children for school" development of skills of educational activity, formation of interest in school
· "Umeyka" development of interests, tendencies and abilities of children
· "Quick fingers" development of creative and constructive abilities of children in the course of work with natural and waste material
· "Musical and theatrical" development of musical and creative abilities of the child.
Address: Mr. Kobrin, Zheleznodorozhnaya St. of the 40th ph. 3-62-20
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